24–26 May 2017
Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Non-Contact Radius Measurement Method of Spherical Standards

25 May 2017, 09:05
Ballroom 3

Ballroom 3

Oral Instrumentation, Metrology and Standards A8: Instrument I


jariya buajarern (National Institute of Metrology (Thailand))


The diameter measurement of sphere is very important in dimensional metrology. The measurement of diameter is generally carried out by a comparison method or direct method using 1D linear measuring system. The probes touch both sides of the workpiece and the diameter is determined from displacement of the probes. The contact force is generally operated at 1N which yield deformation due to force of approximately 1 $\mu$m with uncertainty of ±0.1 $\mu$m. This system provides good performance but has a limitation when workpiece is made from soft matter or sensitive to scratch.
National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) developed a laser interferometer system which is equipped with reference spherical lens in order to non-contact radius measurement of spherical objects possible. Radius of completed sphere and partial sphere with radius range from 1 mm up to 50 mm can be measured with accuracy of ±2 $\mu$m.

Primary author

jariya buajarern (National Institute of Metrology (Thailand))


Mr Anusorn Tonmueanwai (National Institute of Metrology (Thailand)) Dr Narin Chantawong (National Institute of Metrology (Thailand)) Mr Yodying Muakngam (Natonal Institute of Metrology (Thailand))

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
