Nowadays, the studies of exoplanets are extensive and various. The different techniques are used to analyze the masses, radii and other specific data about exoplanets. HAT-P-47b transiting exoplanet candidate is a recent discovered low density sub-Saturn mass exoplanet. The planet is one of the lowest mass planets with the radius larger than Jupiter radius, which is a suitable candidate for exoplanet atmosphere. We observed HAT-P-47 host star 2 nights with 2.4 m Thai National telescope and 0.7 m robotic telescope at Lijiang observatory, China, between 2016 and 2017. We can confirm the transits of the planet. The HAT-P-47b planetary parameters are revised using the Transit Analysis Package.
Keywords : exoplanets, transit timing variation, the heaviest mass scope of the other planet, star HAT-47, planet HAT-P47b, star HAT-47’s light decreasing