26–30 Sept 2016
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Europe/Zurich timezone

uTRiG: A Mixed Signal Silicon Photomultiplier Readout ASIC for Ultra-Fast Timing and Ultra-High Rate Applications

28 Sept 2016, 16:39
Building 11.40 Room 014

Building 11.40 Room 014

Board: F1


Huangshan Chen (Ruprecht-Karls- Universität Heidelberg)


We present the development of uTRiG, a mixed signal Silicon
Photomultiplier readout ASIC in UMC 180nm CMOS technology, dedicated to
the Mu3e experiment. It extends the ultra-fast timing performance of
the STiCv3 chip with a fast digital readout for ultra-high rate
applications. The high timing performance of the silicon proven, fully
differential SiPM readout channels and 50 ps time binning TDCs are
complemented by a redesigned digital readout logic and a gigabit
data link, allowing event rates up to 1.3 MHz/channel. The design
of uTRiG and the characterization results of the data link will be


uTRiG is a mixed signal Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) readout ASIC in
UMC 180nm CMOS technology, being developed for ultra-fast timing and
ultra-high rate applications. The ASIC is dedicated to the readout of
the tile detector and the fibre detector of the Mu3e experiment, which is
searching for the lepton-flavour violating decay of $\mu^+~\rightarrow~e^+e^+e^-$.
To reduce the combinatorial
background at high rates and to facilitate event reconstruction, a good
timing resolution of 100 ps sigma and 500 ps sigma is required for the
Mu3e tile detector and the Mu3e fibre detector, respectively. An event
rate as high as 1.3 MHz/channel poses another challenge for the
development of uTRiG.

uTRiG will feature 32 fully differential analog front-end channels,
50 ps time binning TDCs and a digital part to process and
transfer the event data via a gigabit LVDS serial link with 8b/10b
encoding to the Data Acquisition (DAQ) system. It benefits from the development of the STiCv3 ASIC by
inheriting the analog front-end and the TDC, which both have been
silicon-proven to provide excellent timing performance.

To cope with the high event rate, a customized LVDS transmitter cell
has been developed to boost the data transmission rate of the chip to
1.28 Gbps. A single-ended to differential pre-driver and a
Bridge-Switched Current Source LVDS driver with
common-mode feedback have been implemented, both optimized for a
gigabit data transmission rate using 1.8 V transistors. A prototype
ASIC was fabricated in 2015 to validate the LVDS transmitter cell,
also including a demonstrator digital part with a dual-edge serializer cell
to transfer data at both the rising and the falling edge of the
driving clock. Preliminary tests has showed that the performance of the LVDS
data link exceeds the requirements of the Mu3e experiment.

An external validation functionality is also implemented
to reduce the load of the LVDS data link. The event data
recorded by the analog front-end and the TDC will stay in the FIFO
memory and will not be read out without an external validation signal.
The arrival of the external validation signal opens a matching window,
selecting the valid event data to be read out. The offset and the
width of the matching window is 1.6 us and 3.2 us at maximum
respectively. Both can be configured with a resolution of 200 ns. The
external validation functionality can be turned off such that all the
recorded data will be read out.

The design of uTRiG and the characterization results of the LVDS data link
will be presented.


Huangshan Chen (Ruprecht-Karls- Universität Heidelberg)


Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)) Konrad BRIGGL (Heidelberg University) Tobias Harion (Kirchhoff-Institut Heidelberg) Dr Wei Shen (Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics)

Presentation materials