30 May 2016
2016 International Conference on Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays UHECR 2016
First circular
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that “UHECR 2016”, the international conference on Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays will be held in Kyoto from 11 to 14 October, 2016.
Observational studies of UHECRs achieved remarkable progress in the last decade. The upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory (AugerPrime) and the extension of the Telescope Array (TAx4) are ongoing to elucidate the origin and nature of cosmic rays at the highest energies. UHECR 2016 is the fourth conference in a series that started in Nagoya (2010), and continued at CERN (2012) and Springdale in Utah (2014). The symposium will focus on the highest energy cosmic rays as well as cosmic rays at lower energies above 1 PeV, and multi-messenger approaches, including
Recent results from UHECR observations and upgrade/extension plans
Reports of the Working Groups on energy spectrum, composition, anisotropy, hadron interaction models and multi-messenger
Review talks and contributions including posters will be presented by experimentalists and theorists.
UHECR 2016 will be held at the Kyoto Research Park (http://www.krp.co.jp/english/) in Kyoto, the former capital of Japan for more than one thousand years.
Early registration fee is 30,000 yen (JPY). This covers admission to the conference, documentation, goods, and coffee. The registration at the reception of the venue will start on the afternoon of October 10, and the conference session will start on the morning of October 11.
Kyoto has many hotels and restaurants, but we recommend you to make your own hotel reservation as soon as possible because many people are expected to visit Kyoto in this season. More information about the event will be available on the conference website https://indico.cern.ch/event/504078/. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us via the LOC email uhecr2016-loc@cosmicray-ocu.jp.
Best regards,
Hiroyuki Sagawa
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of UHECR 2016