11–15 Jul 2016
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Standard Model thermodynamics across the electroweak crossover

14 Jul 2016, 14:00
Ø-110 (University of Stavanger)


University of Stavanger

Arne Rettedal building


Manuel Meyer (Universität Bern)


Within the Standard Model there is no electroweak phase transition which could
account for the non-equilibrium physics needed for Baryogenesis. Nevertheless, at temperatures around 160 GeV some interesting features in the equation of state and other thermodynamical functions, e.g. the heat capacity, can be observed. These features of the Standard Model background could have an impact on non-equilibrium BSM physics, e.g. leptogenesis scenarios or dark matter particle production, taking place at this crossover temperature. In a perturbative three-loop computation and by using already existing lattice simulation data in a dimensionally reduced effective field theory we estimate the relevant thermodynamical functions across the crossover.

Primary authors

Manuel Meyer (Universität Bern) Mikko Sakari Laine (Universitaet Bern (CH))

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