Parallel Track 1
- Dietrich Bödeker (Bielefeld University)
Parallel Track 1
- Jens Oluf Andersen
Parallel Track 1
- Peter Arnold (University of Virginia)
Parallel Track 1
- jose Miguel No
In order to investigate structure of Pb nuclei at high energies we study forward dijet production in p-Pb hadronic collisions.
We propose a framework for evaluating cross section for production of forward dijets that encompasses Color Glass Condensate and high energy factorization effects and is therefore applicable regardless of the magnitude of transversal momenta of produced jets.
We discuss the evolution of an energetic jet which propagates through a dense quark-gluon plasma
and radiates gluons due to its interactions with the medium. Within perturbative QCD,
this evolution can be described as a stochastic branching process, that we have managed to solve exactly.
We present exact, analytic, results for the gluon spectrum (the average gluon distribution)
and for...
The momentum distribution of quark-gluon plasma at the early stage of a relativistic heavy-ion collision is anisotropic and consequently the system, which is assumed to be weakly coupled, is unstable due to chromomagnetic plasma modes. We consider a high-energy parton which flies across such an unstable plasma, and the energy transfer between the parton and the medium is studied as an initial...
We present the first analysis of event shape distributions in e+e- annihilation into a dijet pair in a high-temperature quark-gluon plasma in thermal equilibrium. We focus on temperatures much smaller than the jet mass, such that the jet function remains unresolved by medium fluctuations. In this limit, the medium influences the cross-section of the process only through the dijet soft function...
Surprisingly, unlike mesonic correlators, baryonic correlators at nonzero temperature have only been studied in a handful of studies. Here we present a lattice study of baryonic correlators and spectral functions across the deconfinement transition, using FASTSUM's 2+1 Wilson ensembles. We present results for in-medium effects below Tc and parity doubling above Tc.
We report on simulations of 2-colour QCD with Nf=2 Wilson fermions at nonzero chemical potential and temperature. We present results for the diquark condensate, Polyakov loop and quark number density on finer lattices than those previously reported, as well as ongoing simulations with smaller quark masses. Our results confirm the existence of a "quarkyonic" phase at high density, while the...
The beam energy scan programs at BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider open up a new opportunity to explore the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) at finite densities. The quantitative success of hydrodynamic modeling motivates one to extend the model to lower energies to verify its applicability, to study the transport properties at finite densities, and ultimately to understand the phase structure of...
We determine the 2+1 flavour equation of state of QCD at finite chemical potential to order $(\mu_B/T)^6$ from lattice simulations. The simulations are performed at
the physical mass for the light and strange quarks on several lattice spacings;
the results are continuum extrapolated. The coefficients of the expansion in
$(\mu_B/T)$ are determined through the analytic continuation from...
The coannihilation rate of kinetically equilibrated non-relativistic
particles plays an essential role in the classic WIMP dark matter
scenario. If the dark matter particles interact attractively, for
instance through Z0 exchange, the coannihilation rate could be
substantially increased with respect to a tree-level estimate, a
phenomenon known as the Sommerfeld effect. We study this...
Within the Standard Model there is no electroweak phase transition which could
account for the non-equilibrium physics needed for Baryogenesis. Nevertheless, at temperatures around 160 GeV some interesting features in the equation of state and other thermodynamical functions, e.g. the heat capacity, can be observed. These features of the Standard Model background could have an impact on...
In a theory in which (local) supersymmetry is spontaneously broken for temperatures T \ll M_{pl}, where M_{pl} is the Planck mass, gravitinos couple to MSSM particles via the supercurrent. Thermal gravitino production rate per unit volume due to the strongly interacting sector of the theory can be calculated perturbatively, and to leading order in the QCD coupling \alpha_s(T), is of order...
We show how the increase in the Instanton-dyon density can explain both Confinement and Chiral symmetry breaking. We simulate an ensemble of 64 interacting Instanton-dyons for 2 colors and 0 or 2 quark flavors. We find that at low temperatures, the high density of dyons prefer a symmetric density, which leads to the confining value of the Polyakov Loop. At the same time the Chiral condensate...
A first-order phase transition produces gravitational waves and such a transition only occurs if there is physics beyond the standard model. In this sense gravitational wave experiments can be considered as detectors of new physics. In this talk we review the status of the eLISA experiment and we analyze its capabilities for probing a first-order phase transition. We demonstrate that in some...
The 125 GeV Higgs may be a singlet under a nonlinearly realised electroweak symmetry. Differing from the SM, anomalous Higgs cubic couplings are then permitted in the potential, which may lead to a first order electroweak phase transition. We find a range of cubic coupling that may lead to observable gravitational waves signatures at interferometer such as eLISA.
We consider gravitational wave production by bubble collisions during a cosmological first-order phase transition. Based on so-called thin-wall and envelope approximations, we estimate gravitational wave spectrum by an analytic way. Our estimation is based on the observation that the two-point correlator of the energy-momentum tensor can be expressed analytically under these assumptions.
In various extensions of the Standard Model it is possible that the electroweak phase transition was first order. This would have been a violent process, involving the formation of bubbles and associated shock waves. The collision of these bubbles and shock waves could be a detectable source of gravitational waves. I will summarise the current status of efforts to model the such a phase...