Parallel Track 2
- Anton Rebhan (Technische Universität Wien)
Parallel Track 2
- Aleksi Vuorinen
Parallel Track 2
- Edmond Iancu (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Parallel Track 2
- Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
I will present the recent developments [JHEP05(2016)141] of the semi-holographic model first proposed in [JHEP06(2015)003]. The semi-holographic approach makes it possible to combine Color Glass Condensate initial conditions and weak-coupling glasma field equations with a simultaneous evolution of a strongly coupled infrared sector describing the soft gluons radiated by hard partons. The new...
Understanding the complicated field dynamics taking place in a heavy ion collision is a difficult task. Holography provides us with a framework that enables us to study the strongly coupled sector of certain gauge theories.
We mimic the heavy ion collision by two gravitational shock waves and monitor the time evolution of the dual strongly coupled super Yang-Mills plasma via non-local...
Ever since fast hydrodynamization has been observed in heavy ion collisions the understanding of the very early non-equilbrium stage of such collisions has been a topic of intense research. We use the gauge/string duality to model the creation of a strongly coupled Quark-Gluon plasma in a non-conformal gauge theory. We focus on new physics (as compared to the conformal case) such as the...
Holography provides a powerful tool for studying out-of-equilibrium strongly interacting quantum fields. Most works on this subject have focused on the dynamics of local operators, as for instance on how quickly they approach hydrodynamic behavior. We have developed the first general method for studying time-dependence of the causal response function in holography for arbitrary non-equilibrium...
High-energy particles passing through matter lose energy by showering via hard bremsstrahlung and pair production. At very high energy, the quantum duration of each splitting process, known as the formation time, exceeds the mean free time for collisions with the medium, leading to a significant reduction in the splitting rate, known as the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. In the QCD...
We investigate the phase diagram of QCD with heavy quarks at finite temperature and chemical potential in the context of background field methods. In particular, we use a massive extension of the Landau-DeWitt gauge which is motivated by previous studies of the deconfinement phase transition in pure Yang-Mills theories. We show that a simple one-loop calculation is able to capture the richness...
We will illustrate how a nonperturbative variational technique combined with renormalization group (RG) properties efficiently resums perturbative expansions in thermal field theories. The resulting convergence and scale dependence of optimized thermodynamical quantities are drastically improved as compared to standard perturbative expansions, as well as to other related methods such as the...
Lattice QCD has has the potential to provide urgently needed first principles insight into the binding properties of heavy quarkonium in-medium, which form a central pillar of the experimental investigations of the quark-gluon plasma at the RHIC and LHC collider facilities.
Here we report on progress in our ongoing work to deploy the effective field theory NRQCD on current generation...
I will discuss the effect of including a non-minimal coupling between the Higgs field and gravity on vacuum decay in the Standard Model. High precision numerical results indicate that this suppresses vacuum decay relative to flat space calculations, with the minimal suppression near the conformal value of the coupling, $\xi = 1/6$, due to the near-conformal symmetry of the large field 3-loop...
We address the issue of light scalar fields in de Sitter space using the non perturbative renormalization group. The derivative expansion used in flat space is adapted to this context. At lowest order, the Local Potential Approximation reproduces results of the stochastic approach. We discuss mass and coupling generation as well as radiative symmetry restoration. A simplified first order...
In many models of electroweak symmetry breaking, the vacuum
structure depends crucially on radiative effects. In order to compute
the decay rate of metastable states, the loop corrections must therefore
be accounted for in the tunneling solitons. In turn, the loops depend on
the solitonic background, such that self-consistent solutions must be
found. We will discuss the relevance of this...
The question of whether anomalous, i.e. CP-odd effects, in QCD have been observed in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is a topic of current theoretical and experimental interest. Its solution requires a deeper understanding of how CP-odd domains with chiral imbalance n5, if formed in the collision center, evolve in real-time.
Here we present recent results [1] on a new class of plasma...
We present a first-principles study of the dynamics of the
Chiral Magnetic Effect based on real-time lattice gauge theory
simulations with dynamical fermions. We demonstrate how topological
densities and transitions during the early stages of high-energy
collision lead to the production of axial charge imbalances via the
the axial anomaly and investigate in detail the interplay...
Quantum many-body systems far from equilibrium can approach a nonthermal fixed point during their real-time evolution. One example is scalar field theory, which occurs in models of cosmological inflation, and similar examples are found for ultracold Bose gases and for non-Abelian plasmas relevant for heavy-ion collisions. We present two novel far-from-equilibrium universality classes that...
A common simplification for describing the early stages of heavy ion collisions is the assumption that incoming nuclei are Lorentz-contracted to infinitely thin "pancakes". This leads to boost-invariance of the produced glasma-state and reduces the system to effectively 2+1 dimensions. This assumption is less justified at lower collision energies. In a recent work [1] we showed how to allow...
We present results from real-time lattice simulations of out-of-equilibrium quark production in non-Abelian gauge theory in 3+1-dimensions. Our simulations include the backreaction of quarks onto the dynamical gluon sector, which is particularly relevant for strongly correlated quarks. We observe fast isotropization and universal behavior of quarks and gluons at weak coupling and establish a...