17–29 Aug 2017
Europe/Athens timezone
CONFERENCE PHOTO: https://indico.cern.ch/event/559774/overview#preview:2369137

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Experimental Relativistic Quantum Information with a Geostationary Satellite

21 Aug 2017, 20:00
Poster Workshop on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Poster session


Ömer Bayraktar (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)


With quantum science in space we reach a regime of physics, where the interplay between general relativity and quantum theory is unclear. A contemporary experimental scenario is satellite-based quantum communication, where an investigation of the impact of gravitational effects is of both, fundamental and technological interest. Specifically, quantum field theory in curved space-time (or relativistic quantum information) is used to describe the aforementioned scenario, while experimental evidence for the predictions are not existing yet [1]. However, the rapid development of quantum technologies in space necessitates a thorough experimental investigation of the relevant physics [2, 3]. Therefore, we investigate potential realization of relativistic quantum information experiments, based on a space-to-ground quantum communication link with a satellite in the geostationary Earth orbit [4]. Thereby, we aim to complement quantum field theory in curved space-time with experimental evidence and to explore possible limitations of satellite-based quantum communication.

[1] R. Howl et al., arXiv:1607.06666 (2016).

[2] D. Rideout et al., Class. Quantum Gravity 29, 224011 (2012).

[3] G. Vallone et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 253601 (2016).

[4] K. Günthner et al., arXiv:1608.03511 (2016).

Topic: Mini-workshop: Continuous Variables and Relativistic Quantum Information


Ömer Bayraktar (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Mr Kevin Günthner (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Dr Imran Khan (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Dr Dominique Elser (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Dr Christoph Marquardt (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Prof. Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)

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