Workshop on
"Noncommutative Geometry at the Forefront of Physics"
24-25 August 2017
Michal Eckstein, Jagellionian University, Krakow, Poland, email:
Tomasz Miller, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, email:
The idea that spacetime might be quantised was already pondered by Heisenberg in 1930s, as a potential remedy to the divergencies lurking in quantum electrodynamics. The lack of suitable mathematics and the development of the renormalisation theory have effectively stopped the programme for almost a half of a century.
However, in the early 1990s a new continent was discovered on the uncharted waters of mathematical structures. It has been named noncommutative geometry and it lies in between functional analysis and differential geometry. Its exploration impelled the revival of the old Heisenberg's idea of spacetime quantisation. Moreover, the ground of noncommutative geometry turned out to be fertile enough to grow a plethora of applications to physics ranging from condensed matter and particle physics to gravity and cosmology.
The purpose of this workshop is to gather scientists working in the domain of noncommutative geometry with an inclination towards fundamental physics. Together, we will reveal the current standpoint of noncommutative geometry at the forefront of particle physics, spacetime geometry and quantum information. All interested, from within and outside the NCG community, are cordially invited.
A limited financial support (towards the travel/living expenses) for the participants of the workshop is available from the Copernicus Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow, Poland via a John Templeton Foundation grant.
If you are interested to participate in the workshop, please submit your abstract and choose this topic in the abstract submission and/or contact by email the convenors.