Aug 17 – 29, 2017
Europe/Athens timezone

Support / Helpdesk

Payments and Support Information

Financial support

The conference offers limited financial support for young students as well as post doctoral researchers with up to 5 years scientific experience after their Thesis. Interested persons can apply sending an email to with

- subject of email: "Request for financial support ICNFP 2017"

- a short application letter

- scan of your passport (with the birth date visible)

- a curriculum vitae, including the date of Thesis defence if any, and the age your PhD Thesis diploma (if any) (with the date visible)

- arrange for a letter of reference to be send to with subject  "Reference Letter for (candidates name) ICNFP 2017".

Details of payments

Conference fee

The conference fee is: 

  • 350 EURO regular
  • 250 EURO student


The conference fee includes: 

  1. Proceedings in EPJ Web of Conferences
  2. Conference dinner
  3. Conference excursion
  4. Social events
  5. Bus transport from and to the Chania airport at the arrival and departure days (16 and 29 August 2017) of the conference. There will be no transport from Heraklion Airport, which is in 160 km from Kolymbari. 


The conference fee amount is independent of the duration of stay of the delegate and therefore it is also independent of the participation in the conference dinner or the excursion.



For participants staying in OAC:

An all-inclusive package has been arranged. For details see Accomodation:


For participants not staying in OAC:

An extra payment of 55 EUR per day is to be done for lunch (15 EUR) and dinner (15 EUR) in OAC, coffee breaks and conference facilities (25 EUR). For those who will arrange meals by themselves and will not eat in OAC, the extra payment is 25 EUR per day.

Excursion fee for accompanying persons:

Please look under item "Conference excursions "for more detailed explanation of the excursions.

Excursion fee for excursion 1 (Knossos and Museum of Herakleion) for accompanying persons:

More or equal to 17 years old and up to 65 years old: 45 Euros
More than 5 and less than 17 years old or more than 65 years old: 35 Euros
2-5 years old: 20 Euros

Excursion fee for excursions 2 and 3 (Monasteries and beach excursions) for accompanying persons:

Adults and children more than 5 years old: 35 Euros
2-5 years old: 20 Euros


Conference dinner fee for accompanying persons (not staying in OAC) : 30 Euro.

Conference dinner fee for accompanying persons (staying in OAC) : 15 Euro.



Airport transport:  Per trajectory from/to the airport for all accompanying persons  : 15 EU,  for children  2-12 years old: 5 EU

Transport for excursions other than the official conference excursion at sunday: Bus ticket (both ways) for participants and accompanying persons : 20 EU per person

Every day transport: Per trajectory bus hotel-OAC for all participants and accompanying persons: 7 EU  


How to make your payments:

Payments for expenses (for OAC rooms if you stay in OAC, conference fee and any other expenses) are expected to be done to the following accounts

- by bank transfer or

- online payment or

- by invoice

However please note that OAC room reservation is not possible without payment of the room till the deadline given by email to the participants.

The deadline for a payment per invoice is the 20 July 2017. If you have some special need please contact the conference email

Before sending any payment for your room in OAC make sure that you  have received email with confirmation of your pre-reservation in OAC room.


1) Payment via credit card online or by requesting an invoice to pay later by bank transfer  :

(Not for supported people)


Please click HERE


2) Via bank transfer 

 to "Academia Europaea - Bergen " (Den norske Bank)

(Also for supported people)

DNB bank

Torgallmenningen 2, 5020 BERGEN

(Norsk Kontonummer: 15034464135)

Account number - IBAN: NO42 1503 4464 135

BIC/SWIFT code: DNBANOKKXXXwith the following message:

with a message :

              ICNFP2017, Name of the participant

Further informations that are required by some banks:

The address of the account owner is:

Academia Europaea - Bergen
Allegaten 55,  5007 Bergen,  Norway

The official name and address of the holding bank is:

Retail Oslo
0021 Oslo,  Norway

The main postal address of the bank is:
DNB Bank ASA, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo, Norway


Please note that all transaction costs (for bank transfer and credit card payments) are expected to be paid by the participants.

Please note: failure to pay the conference fee upon arrival (within two days after the arrival day) will result in a "late registration fee" penalty of 50 EUR.