17–29 Aug 2017
Europe/Athens timezone
CONFERENCE PHOTO: https://indico.cern.ch/event/559774/overview#preview:2369137

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Surrounding matter theory

21 Aug 2017, 20:00
Poster Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity Poster session


Frederic Lassiaille


In this paper, S.M.T. (Surrounding Matter Theory), an alternative theory to dark matter, is presented. It is based on a modification of Newton’s law. This modification is done by multiplying a Newtonian potential by a given factor, which is varying with local distribution of matter, at the location where the gravitational force is exerted. With this new equation the model emphasizes that a gravitational force is roughly inversely proportional to mass density at the location where this force is applied. After presentation of the model, its dynamic is quickly illustrated by cosmology. Some possible caveats of the model are identified. But the simple mechanism described above suggests the idea of a solution to the following issues: virial theorem mystery, the value of cosmological critical density, the fine tuning issue, and expansion acceleration. A de Sitter Universe is predicted. The predicted time since last scattering is . This study gives motivation for scientific comparisons with experimental data.


An alternative theory to dark matter, is presented, it is based on a modification of Newton’s law.

This modification of Newton’s law is done by multiplying a Newtonian potential by a given factor, which is varying with mass density, at the location where the gravitational force is exerted.

Topic: Topic: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics


Frederic Lassiaille

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