Quantum key distribution (QKD) [1] is a technique that allows distribution of a secret random bit string between two separated parties (Alice and Bob). In theory, QKD provides information-theoretic security based on the laws of quantum physics. In practice, however, it does not, as standard QKD realizations cannot typically fulfill the demands imposed by the theory. As a result, any unaccounted device imperfection might constitute a side-channel which could be used by an eavesdropper (Eve) to extract the secret key without being detected. To bridge this gap, various approaches have been proposed, with measurement-device-independent QKD (mdiQKD) [2] probably being the most promising one in terms of feasibility and performance. Compared to standard prepare-and-measure QKD schemes [1], its security is based on post-selected entanglement. This allows to remove all detector side-channels from QKD implementations. Also, its practicality has been already confirmed both in laboratories and via field trials [3, 4]. However, one drawback of mdiQKD is that it requires high-visibility two-photon interference between independent sources, which makes its implementation more demanding than that of standard prepare-and-measure QKD schemes. Another limitation is its security proofs require larger post-processing data block sizes than those of standard QKD.
To overcome these limitations, a novel approach, so-called detector-device-independent QKD (ddiQKD), has been introduced recently [5–8]. It avoids the problem of interfering photons from independent light sources by using the concept of a single-photon Bell state measurement (BSM) [9]. As a result, it achieves the robust security of MDI-QKD, and at the same time provides the ease of implementation like standard prepare-and-measure QKD schemes. Also, its post-processing data block sizes are expected to be similar to those of standard prepare-and-measure QKD schemes [10]. To summarize, DDI-QKD was assumed to become the 'holy grail' of quantum key distribution protocols.
In this talk, I will show that, although it is widely assumed that DDI-QKD is robust to detector side-channels, it is in practice not true. Our main contributions are twofold. First, we show that, in contrast to mdiQKD, the security of ddiQKD cannot be based on post-selected entanglement alone, as initially thought in [5–8]. Hence, its security is not as robust as MDI-QKD. Second, we show that DDI-QKD is actually insecure against detector side-channel attacks by presenting various eavesdropping strategies that can fully compromise the security of the system.
The manuscript can be found at:
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Topic: | Topic: Quantum Physics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information |