Low energy phenomena have been studied in detail at the LHC, providing important input for improving models of non-perturbative QCD effects. The ATLAS collaboration has performed several new measurements in this sector, which will be discussed. In particular, we present studies on the correlated hadron production, as they are an important source for information on the early stages of hadron formation and allow to study coherent particle production. The results are compared to the predictions of a helical QCD string fragmenting model.
In the absence of forward proton tagging, exclusive processes can be distinguished in the central part of the ATLAS detector exploiting the absence of charged particles reconstructed in the inner tracking detector. We present a first measurement of the exclusive two-photon production of muon pairs in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results show significant deviations from the pure QED prediction, which can be explained by proton-proton rescattering effects. We also show a first measurement of the exclusive production of pions, using the ALFA detector to tag forward protons and, if available, a first study of diffractive jet production using the new AFP detector.
Topic: | Topic: High Energy Particle Physics |