Double Chooz is a reactor antineutrino disappearance experiment located in Chooz, France, to measure the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$. By detecting the unique inverse beta decay (IBD) prompt-delayed signal antineutrinos can be precisely identified. The experiment consists of two liquid scintillator detectors of identical design; a far detector at a distance of about 1 km is operating since 2011; a near detector at a distance of about 400 m is operating since begin 2015. This double-detector setup with iso-flux configuration allows to fit the far detector data to the near detector data without relying on the reactor neutrino flux prediction where systematic uncertainties are suppressed to per mill level. Statistical uncertainties are reduced by not only using the delayed signal of neutron capture on Gadolinium but adding neutron captures on Hydrogen yielding a statistics increase of more than a factor of two.
To validate the measurement and suppression mechanism in the fit, multiple statistical methods as well as multiple fit configurations using the two detectors have been developed in Double Chooz. They are supplementary to each other to deliver a precise and accurate $\theta_{13}$ value. This contribution will present the latest results of the Double Chooz collaboration.
Latest results for the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ from the Double Chooz experiment
Topic: | Topic: High Energy Particle Physics |