17–29 Aug 2017
Europe/Athens timezone
CONFERENCE PHOTO: https://indico.cern.ch/event/559774/overview#preview:2369137

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The Belle II Experiment

19 Aug 2017, 17:50
Room 6

Room 6

Talk A High Energy Particle Physics: Parallel session


Andrzej Bozek (Krakow)


The Belle II experiment at the asymmetric $e^+e^−$ SuperKEKB collider is a major upgrade of the Belle experiment, which ran at the KEKB collider at the KEK laboratory in Japan. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is $8×10^{35}$ cm$^{−2}$ s$^{−1}$, which is about 40 times higher than that of KEKB. The expected integrated luminosity of Belle II is 50 ab$^{−1}$ in five years of running. The experiment will focus on searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model via high precision measurements of heavy flavor decays, and searches for rare signals. To reach these goals, the accelerator, detector, electronics, software, and computing systems are all being substantially upgraded. In this talk we present the status of the accelerator and Belle II detector upgrades, as well as the expected sensitivity to new physics of the Belle II data set.

Topic: Topic: High Energy Particle Physics


Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University (CZ))


Andrzej Bozek (Krakow)

Presentation materials