International Advisory Committee
Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns (CERN, Switzerland)
Philip Burrows (University of Oxford, UK)
Marco Durante (TIFPA, INFN, Italy)
Paolo Giubellino (GSI & FAIR, Germany)
Apostolos Karantanas (Medical School, University of Crete, Greece)
Vladimir Kekelidze (JINR, Russia)
Panos Razis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Boris Sharkov (ITEP & JINR, Russia)
George Stavrakakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece)
Thomas Stoehlker (GSI & FAIR, Germany)
Organizing Committee
Y. Foka (GSI, Germany) - chair |
C. Balas (Technical University of Crete, Greece) |
E. Dimovasili (CERN, Switzerland and Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus) |
C. Graeff (GSI, Germany) |
N. Kallithrakas (Technical University of Crete, Greece) |
R. Pleskac (GSI, Germany) |
E. Tsesmelis (CERN, Switzerland and Univ. of Oxford, UK) |
M. Vretenar (CERN, Switzerland) |
M. Zervakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece) |
M. Janik (Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland) |
Web Assistants |
E. Andronov (St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia) |
K. Foka Sandoval (EPFL, Switzerland) |
Ł. Graczykowski (Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland) |
M. Janik (Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland) |
A. Katanaeva (Univ. of Barcelona, Spain and St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia) |
D. Shukhobodskaia (St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia) |
Sponsors and Organizing Institutes