Elise de Doncker
(Western Michigan University)
Using lattice generators, we implement lattice rules in
CUDA for a many-core computation on GPUs. We discuss a
high-speed evaluation of loop integrals, based on
lattice rules combined with a suitable transformation.
The theoretical background of the method and its
capabilities will be outlined. Extensive results have been
obtained for various rules and integral dimensions, and
for classes of diagrams including 2-loop box and 3-loop
self-energy diagrams with massive internal lines. Its
application for extrapolation with respect to the dimensional
regularization parameter is also tested. The current status
of the project will be presented.
Elise de Doncker
(Western Michigan University)
Ahmed Almulihi
(Western Michigan University)
Fukuko Yuasa
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))