ACAT 2017

from Monday, August 21, 2017 (7:45 AM) to Friday, August 25, 2017 (6:00 PM)
University of Washington, Seattle (Alder Hall)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Aug 21, 2017
Aug 22, 2017
Aug 23, 2017
Aug 24, 2017
Aug 25, 2017
7:45 AM
Plenary - Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US)) (until 8:45 AM) (The Commons)
8:45 AM
Plenary - Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US)) (until 9:15 AM) (Auditorium)
8:45 AM Welcome To ACAT 20171 - Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US))   (Auditorium)
9:15 AM
Plenary - Denis Perret-Gallix (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 9:45 AM) (Auditorium)
9:15 AM New developments in FORM - Takahiro Ueda (KEK)   (Auditorium)
9:45 AM --- Eclipse Break ---
11:00 AM
Plenary - Toby Burnett (University of Washington) (until 1:00 PM) (Auditorium)
11:00 AM Deep Learning usage by large experiments - Dr Ben Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Auditorium)
11:30 AM ML in theoretical physics: from PDFs to MC tools - Stefano Carrazza (CERN)   (Auditorium)
12:00 PM Meta: Toward generative C++ - Herb Sutter (Microsoft Corporation)   (Auditorium)
12:30 PM Track reconstruction algorithms in high pile up environments - Heather Gray (LBNL)   (Auditorium)
9:00 AM
Plenary - Niko Neufeld (CERN) (until 10:30 AM) (Auditorium)
9:00 AM New results on the g-2 calculation - Dr Stefano Laporta (Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Bologna)   (Auditorium)
9:30 AM Generative models for fast simulation - Sofia Vallecorsa (Gangneung-Wonju National University (KR))   (Auditorium)
10:00 AM Physics and Computing Challenges in Lattice QCD - Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)   (Auditorium)
10:30 AM --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Plenary - Daniel Maitre (until 12:30 PM) (Auditorium)
11:00 AM Development and optimization of the MCFM generator - Walter Giele   (Auditorium)
11:30 AM Games and loop integrals - Ben Ruijl (Nikhef)   (Auditorium)
12:00 PM Deep Learning on the Intel Nervana platform - Dr Ravi Panchumarthy (Intel Corporation)   (Auditorium)
8:45 AM
Plenary - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 10:30 AM) (Auditorium)
8:45 AM Welcome from the Department of Physics Chair - Prof. Blayne Heckel (University of Washington)   (Auditorium)
9:00 AM Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy - Prof. Jacob Vanderplas (University of Washington eScience Institute)   (Auditorium)
9:30 AM Deep Learning and Particle Physics - Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US))   (Auditorium)
10:00 AM Deep Learning in Particle physics - Daniel Whiteson (University of California Irvine (US))   (Auditorium)
10:30 AM --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Plenary - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 12:30 PM) (Auditorium)
11:00 AM D-wave Quantum Computing - Dr Colin Williams (DWave Systems)   (Auditorium)
11:30 AM Machine Learning at NVIDIA - Mr Tom Gibbs (NVIDIA) Dr Tom Gibbs (NVIDIA Corporation)   (Auditorium)
12:00 PM FPGA Datacenters -- The New Supercomputer - Dr Andrew Putnam (Microsoft Corporation)   (Auditorium)
9:00 AM
Plenary - Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 10:30 AM) (Auditorium)
9:00 AM Machine Learning in HEP - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US))   (Auditorium)
9:30 AM Round Table on Machine Learning - Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Auditorium)
10:30 AM --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Plenary - David Britton (University of Glasgow (GB)) (until 12:30 PM) (Auditorium)
11:00 AM HEP Software Development in the next decade; the views of the HSF community - Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Auditorium)
11:30 AM Data, Software, and Knowledge Preservation of Scientific Results - Mike Hildreth (University of Notre Dame (US))   (Auditorium)
12:00 PM HPC for HEP - Deborah BARD (LBL)   (Auditorium)
9:00 AM
Plenary - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 10:30 AM) (Auditorium)
9:00 AM Why Cultural Diversity Matters: Becoming Culturally competent - Dr George Langford (Syracuse University)   (Auditorium)
9:30 AM Round Table on Diversity - Maria Girone (CERN) Jerome LAURET (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Auditorium)
10:30 AM --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Poster Session - Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US)) (until 11:40 AM) (Auditorium)
11:00 AM Parllized JUNO simulation software based on SNIPER - Tao Lin (IHEP)   (Auditorium)
11:05 AM High Statistics and GPU Accerated Data Analysis in ICECUBE - Dr Philipp Eller (Penn State University)   (Auditorium)
11:10 AM Speeding up Software with VECCORE, a portable SIMD library - Guilherme Amadio (CERN)   (Auditorium)
11:15 AM Paralleization and vectorization of ROOT fitting classes - Xavier Valls Pla (University Jaume I (ES))   (Auditorium)
11:20 AM Awards! - Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US))   (Auditorium)
11:40 AM
Plenary - Federico Carminati (CERN) (until 1:40 PM) (Auditorium)
11:40 AM Software Citations - Daniel S. Katz (University of Illinois)   (Auditorium)
11:55 AM Summary of Track 3 - Ayres Freitas (University of Zurich)   (Auditorium)
12:20 PM Summary of Track 2 - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US))   (Auditorium)
12:45 PM Summary of Track 1 - Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington Seattle (US))   (Auditorium)
1:10 PM Summary of the Conference - Pushpalatha Bhat (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Auditorium)
1:30 PM Final remarks - Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US))   (Auditorium)
1:00 PM --- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research - Niko Neufeld (CERN) (until 4:00 PM) (Auditorium)
2:00 PM Leveraging the checkpoint-restart technique for optimizing CPU efficiency of ATLAS production applications on opportunistic platforms - Vakho Tsulaia (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Auditorium)
2:20 PM Real-time heterogeneous stream processing with NaNet in the NA62 experiment. - Luca Pontisso (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Auditorium)
2:40 PM Multithreading in the ATLAS High-Level Trigger - Adam Edward Barton (Lancaster University (GB))   (Auditorium)
3:00 PM An Online system based (almost exclusively) on off-the-shelf hardware for a trigger-free read-out of the LHCb experiment - Tommaso Colombo (CERN)   (Auditorium)
3:20 PM DAQExpert - An expert system to increase CMS data-taking efficiency - Maciej Szymon Gladki (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)   (Auditorium)
3:40 PM The upgrade of the LHCb trigger for Run III - Rosen Matev (CERN)   (Auditorium)
2:00 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 4:00 PM) (107)
2:00 PM Background Suppression with the Belle II Neural Network Trigger - Sebastian Skambraks (Technische Universität München)   (107)
2:20 PM The ATLAS Electron and Photon Trigger - Samuel David Jones (University of Sussex (GB))   (107)
2:40 PM BDTs in the Level 1 Muon Endcap Trigger at CMS - Andrew Mathew Carnes (University of Florida (US))   (107)
3:00 PM Tomographic Reconstruction of LArTPC Events using Wire-cell - Dr Chao Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (107)
3:20 PM A modern approach to HEP visualization - ATLASrift - Ilija Vukotic (University of Chicago (US))   (107)
3:40 PM Muon reconstruction of JUNO experiment with convolutional neural networks - Dr Lu Wang (Computing Center,Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   (107)
2:00 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods - Stephen Jones (MPI, Munich) (until 4:00 PM) (106)
2:00 PM The R* operation and combinatorial challenges at five loops - Ben Ruijl (Nikhef)   (106)
2:25 PM High-precision calculation of the 4-loop contribution to the electron g-2 in QED - Dr Stefano Laporta (Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Bologna)   (106)
2:50 PM NNLO ntuples - Dr Daniel Maitre (IPPP)   (106)
3:15 PM N-jettiness subtraction - Xiaohui Liu (Beijing Normal University )   (106)
4:00 PM --- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research - Stefan Roiser (CERN) (until 6:30 PM) (Auditorium)
4:30 PM A container model for resource provision at a WLCG Tier-2 - Gareth Douglas Roy (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Auditorium)
4:50 PM Testing the limits of an LVS - GridFTP Cluster as a replacement for Bestman - Edgar Fajardo Hernandez (Univ. of California San Diego (US))   (Auditorium)
5:10 PM Design and implementation of data cache and access system across remote sites - Yaodong Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Yaodong CHENG (IHEP, Beijing)   (Auditorium)
5:30 PM Data Transfer Node Resource Manager - Justas Balcas (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Auditorium)
5:50 PM Enabling High Availability Service with oVirt Virtualization and CephFS - Michael Poat (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Auditorium)
6:10 PM Design and Execution of make-like Distributed Analyses - Robert Fischer (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Auditorium)
4:30 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools - Toby Burnett (University of Washington) (until 6:30 PM) (107)
4:30 PM Generative Adversarial Networks for Simulation - Luke Percival De Oliveira   (107)
4:55 PM Modeling detector digitization and read-out with adversarial networks - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (107)
5:20 PM Track seeding in the Outer Tracker of CMS for HL-LHC - Erica Brondolin (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (107)
5:45 PM Deep Neural Networks for Physics Analysis on low-level whole-detector data at the LHC - Wahid Bhimji (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (107)
6:10 PM Parallelized Kalman-Filter-Based Reconstruction of Particle Tracks on Many-Core Architectures - Daniel Sherman Riley (Cornell University (US))   (107)
4:30 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods - Thomas Hahn (MPI f. Physik) (until 6:30 PM) (106)
4:30 PM GQLink: an implementation of Quantized State System (QSS) methods in Geant4 - Dr Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (106)
4:55 PM Modeling of modifications induced by jets in the relativistic bulk nuclear matter - Marcin Slodkowski (Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (106)
5:20 PM NNPDF: Neural Networks for precision PDF determinations - Stefano Carrazza (CERN)   (106)
5:45 PM Transfer Learning in Astronomy: A New Machine Learning Paradigm - Ricardo Vilalta (University of Houston)   (106)
7:30 PM --- Welcome Reception ---
12:30 PM --- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research - Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington Seattle (US)) (until 4:00 PM) (Auditorium)
2:00 PM Toward real-time data query systems in HEP - Jim Pivarski (Princeton University)   (Auditorium)
2:20 PM Belle II Conditions Database Overview - Martin Ritter   (Auditorium)
2:40 PM Modernising ATLAS Software Build Infrastructure - Elmar Ritsch (CERN)   (Auditorium)
3:00 PM The LHCb Software and Computing Upgrade towards LHC Run 3 - Stefan Roiser (CERN)   (Auditorium)
3:20 PM Continuous software quality analysis for the ATLAS experiment - Andrew John Washbrook (University of Edinburgh (GB))   (Auditorium)
3:40 PM Exploiting Apache Spark platform for CMS computing analytics - Marco Meoni (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)   (Auditorium)
2:00 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 4:00 PM) (107)
2:00 PM Learning to Remove Pileup at the LHC with Jet Images - Eric Metodiev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (107)
2:20 PM Deep-learning in jet reconstruction at CMS - Markus Stoye (CERN)   (107)
2:45 PM Machine Learning Algorithms for b-jet tagging at the ATLAS experiment - Michela Paganini (Yale University (US))   (107)
3:10 PM The HEP.TrkX Project: deep neural networks for HL-LHC online and offline tracking - Aristeidis Tsaris (Fermilab)   (107)
3:35 PM Exploring end-to-end deep learning solutions for event classification at CMS - Michael Andrews (Carnegie-Mellon University (US))   (107)
2:00 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods - Daniel Maitre (until 4:00 PM) (106)
2:00 PM Four-point function in general kinematics through geometrical splitting and reduction - Andrei Davydychev (Moscow State University and Schlumberger)   (106)
2:25 PM Loopedia, a Database for Loop Integrals - Thomas Hahn (MPI f. Physik)   (106)
2:50 PM Calculation of One Loop Integrals with Package-X and CollierLink - Dr Hiren Patel (UMass Amherst)   (106)
4:00 PM
Poster Session (until 4:45 PM) (The Commons)
4:20 PM Tools for Trigger Rate Monitoring at CMS - Geoffrey Nathan Smith (University of Notre Dame (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM A Conditions Data Management System for HEP Experiments - Paul James Laycock (CERN)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM A federated Xrootd cache - Edgar Fajardo Hernandez (Univ. of California San Diego (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM a loosely coupled scalable cloud infrastructure - Mr Tao Cui (IHEP(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS,China))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM A scalable new mechanism to store and serve the ATLAS detector description through a REST web API - Ilija Vukotic (University of Chicago (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Alignment and Calibration Framework for the Belle II detector - Mr Jakub Kandra (Charles University in Prague)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM An ATLAS distributed computing architecture for HL-LHC - Simone Campana (CERN)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM ATLAS BigPanDA Monitoring - Siarhei Padolski (BNL)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Belle II Conditions Database Interface - Martin Ritter   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Data Knowledge Base for HENP Scientific Collaborations - Siarhei Padolski (BNL)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Experience with SPLUNK for archiving and visualization of operational data in ATLAS TDAQ system - Andrei Kazarov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institut (RU))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Federating distributed storage for clouds in ATLAS - Frank Berghaus (University of Victoria (CA))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Global heterogeneous resource harvesting: the next-generation PanDA pilot for ATLAS - Dr Ruslan Mashinistov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Implementing the Belle II Conditions Database using Industry-Standard Tools - Lynn Wood (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Improving Science Yield for NASA Swift with Automated Planning Technologies. - Aaron Tohuvavohu (Penn State University)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Mastering Opportunistic Computing Resources for HEP - Matthias Jochen Schnepf (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Multi-core supports in JUNO distributed computing - Dr xiaomei zhang (IHEP,Beijing)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Networking requirements for Tier 2 sites - Roger Jones (Lancaster University (GB))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Opportunistic data locality for HEP analysis workflows - Christoph Heidecker (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Speeding up experiments software with VecCore, a portable SIMD library - Guilherme Amadio (CERN)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM The ALICE O2 common driver for the C-RORC and CRU readout cards - Pascal Boeschoten (Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Upgrade of the YARR DAQ system for the ATLAS Phase-II Pixel detector readout chip - Nikola Lazar Whallon (University of Washington (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Virtualization of the ATLAS software environment on a shared HPC system - Anton Josef Gamel (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Deep Learning Method for Inferring Cause of Data Anomalies - Fedor Ratnikov (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Dynamic sharing of tape drives accessing scientific data - Enrico Fattibene (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Gradient reversal for MC/real data calibration - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM High-statistics and GPU-accelerated data analysis in IceCube - Dr Philipp Eller (Penn State University)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Performance of the ATLAS Tau Trigger in Run 2 - Mariel Pettee (Yale University (US))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Performance studies of GooFit on GPUs versus RooFit on CPUs while estimating the global statistical significance of a new physical signal - Dr Alexis Pompili (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Real-time alignment and reconstruction: performance and recent developments at the LHCb experiment - Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM The ATLAS Event Index: The Architecture of the Core Engine - Julius Hrivnac (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM The ATLAS Trigger Simulation with Legacy Software - Adam Edward Barton (Lancaster University (GB))   (The Commons)
4:45 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 6:45 PM) (Auditorium)
4:45 PM FELIX: the new detector readout system for the ATLAS experiment - Kevin Thomas Bauer (University of California Irvine (US))   (Auditorium)
5:05 PM Supercomputers, Clouds and Grids powered by BigPanDA for Brain studies - Alexandre Beche (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH))   (Auditorium)
5:25 PM The management of heterogeneous resources in Belle II - Malachi Schram (McGill University) Malachi Schram (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Dr Malachi Schram (PNNL)   (Auditorium)
5:45 PM Virtualization of the PNNL High Energy Physics Computing Infrastructure - Kevin Fox (PNNL)   (Auditorium)
6:05 PM Round-Table: Using heterogeneous resources for HEP computing - Gareth Roy (University of Glasgow) Jeff Hammond (Intel) Daniel Lo (Microsoft research) David Lange (Princeton University (US)) Dr Tom Gibbs (NVIDIA Corporation) Ian Fisk (Simons Foundation)   (Auditorium)
4:45 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools - Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)) (until 6:45 PM) (107)
4:45 PM CMS Analysis and Data Reduction with Apache Spark - Oliver Gutsche (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (107)
5:05 PM GooFit 2.0 - Henry Fredrick Schreiner (University of Cincinnati (US))   (107)
5:25 PM Building a scalable python distribution for HEP data analysis - David Lange (Princeton University (US))   (107)
5:45 PM A Toolkit to Study Sensitivity of the Geant4 Predictions to the Variations of the Physics Model Parameters - Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (107)
6:05 PM ROOT at the center of the future analysis ecosystem - Axel Naumann (CERN)   (107)
6:25 PM Novel functional and distributed approaches to data analysis available in ROOT - Guilherme Amadio (CERN)   (107)
4:45 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods - Fukuko YUASA (KEK) (until 6:45 PM) (106)
4:45 PM Direct numerical computation and its application to the higher-order radiative corrections - Kiyoshi Kato (Kogakuin University)   (106)
5:10 PM High-speed evaluation of loop integrals using lattice rules - Elise de Doncker (Western Michigan University)   (106)
5:35 PM Numerical Methods and the 4-point 2-loop Higgs amplitudes - Stephen Jones (MPI, Munich)   (106)
6:00 PM Numerical techniques for 2- and 3-loop integrals - Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)   (106)
7:00 PM ACAT Informal Bar Crawl   (Alder Hall)
12:30 PM --- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM --- Free Afternoon ---
7:45 PM --- IAC Dinner ---
12:30 PM --- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 4:00 PM) (Auditorium)
2:00 PM GeantV apha-release preview - Andrei Gheata (CERN)   (Auditorium)
2:20 PM Event Display in JUNO Experiment - Mr Jiang Zhu (Sun Yat-Sen University )   (Auditorium)
2:40 PM Cross-architecture Kalman filter benchmarks on modern hardware platforms - Niko Neufeld (CERN)   (Auditorium)
3:00 PM Last developments of the INFN CNAF Long Term Data Preservation (LTDP) project: the CDF data recover and safekeeping - Pier Paolo Ricci (INFN CNAF)   (Auditorium)
3:20 PM Increasing Parallelism in the ROOT I/O subsystem - Guilherme Amadio (CERN)   (Auditorium)
3:40 PM A quantitative review of data formats for HEP analyses - Jakob Blomer (CERN)   (Auditorium)
2:00 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 4:00 PM) (107)
2:00 PM Speeding up prediction performance of the boosting decision trees-based learning models. - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (107)
2:20 PM Application of deep learning to the analysis for B -> K* Gamma in Belle II - Dr Malachi Schram (PNNL )   (107)
2:40 PM Convolution Neural networks in nucleon Decay Searches in Liquid Argon time projection Chambers - Kevin Wierman (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)   (107)
3:00 PM Convolutional Neural Network for Track Seed Filtering at the CMS HLT - Felice Pantaleo (CERN)   (107)
3:20 PM Machine Learning Photons Separation in the LHCb Calorimeter - Fedor Ratnikov (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (107)
3:40 PM Automated proton track identification in MicroBooNE using gradient boosted decision trees - Katherine Woodruff (New Mexico State University)   (107)
2:00 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods - Ayres Freitas (University of Zurich) (until 4:00 PM) (106)
2:00 PM Round table discussion: Analytical vs. numerical methods for NNLO+ computations for LHC - Takahiro Ueda (KEK) Kiyoshi Kato (Kogakuin University) Walter Giele Stephen Jones (MPI, Munich)   (106)
4:00 PM
Poster Session (until 4:45 PM) (The Commons)
4:25 PM Applications of A-Common-Tracking-Software (ACTS) in the Future Circular Collider Design Study - Valentin Volkl (University of Innsbruck (AT))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Designing and prototyping the control system for the Cherenkov Telescope Array - Dr Igor Oya ( Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Machine-Learning techniques for electro-magnetic showers identification in OPERA datasets - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Making Containers Lazy With Docker and CernVM-FS - Nikola Hardi (CERN)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Optimizing ROOT I/O for Analysis - Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Nebraska-Lincoln (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Parallel Random Number Generation for SIMD/SIMT - Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Parallelized JUNO simulation software based on SNiPER - Dr Tao Lin (IHEP)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Predictive analytics tools to adjust and monitor performance metrics for the ATLAS Production System - Siarhei Padolski (BNL)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Present and future of PanDA WMS integration with Titan supercomputer at OLCF - Dr Siarhei Padolski (BNL)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Shared I/O components for the ATLAS multi-processing framework - Vakho Tsulaia (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Test Management Framework for the Data Acquisition of the ATLAS Experiment - Andrei Kazarov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institut (RU))   (The Commons)
4:25 PM The ATLAS Data Management System Rucio: Supporting LHC Run-2 and beyond - Simone Campana (CERN)   (The Commons)
4:25 PM Using containers with ATLAS offline software - Marcelo Vogel (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM A study on the applicability of Recommender Systems for the Production and Distributed Analysis system PanDA of the ATLAS Experiment - Mikhail Titov (National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM CODE-RADE a user centric software delivery system for science - Sean Murray (University of Cape Town (ZA))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Computer simulation on homogeneity testing for weighted data sets used in HEP - Mr Petr Bouř (FNSPE CTU Prague)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Event reconstruction and simulation in PandaRoot for the PANDA experiment - Dominik Steinschaden (Stefan Meyer Institute)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Hydra: A framework for data analysis in massively parallel platforms - Antonio Augusto Alves Junior (University of Cincinnati (US))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Machine Learning based global particle identification algorithms at LHCb experiment - Fedor Ratnikov Fedor Ratnikov (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Muon g-2 reconstruction and analysis framework - Dr Kim Siang Khaw (University of Washington)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Parallelisation and Vectorisation of ROOT Fitting classes - Xavier Valls Pla (University Jaume I (ES))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Robust circle reconstruction by a modified Riemann fit - Rudolf Fruhwirth (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Solving the Signal-Versus-Background Classification Problem Using Neural Network - Ms Rui Li (Sun Yat-sen University)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Striped Data Server for Scalable Parallel Data Analysis - Igor Vasilyevich Mandrichenko Mr Igor Mandrichenko (FNAL)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM The Simulation Library of the Belle II Software - Doris Yangsoo Kim (Soongsil University)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Update of BESIII Event Display System - Ms Shuhui Huang (Sun Yat-sen University)   (The Commons)
4:30 PM Weakly Supervised Classifiers in High Energy Physics - Lucio Dery (Stanford)   (The Commons)
4:45 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research - Niko Neufeld (CERN) (until 6:50 PM) (Auditorium)
4:45 PM Invited parallel: A Machine Learning tool for fast simulation in GeantV - Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)   (Auditorium)
5:10 PM The new ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation - Jana Schaarschmidt (University of Washington (US))   (Auditorium)
5:30 PM Massive Parallel Lattice QCD Computing on FPGA Accelerator with Data-Flow Programming - Thomas Janson   (Auditorium)
5:50 PM Use of GPUs at the CMS High-Level Trigger during Phase-1 - Felice Pantaleo (CERN)   (Auditorium)
6:10 PM Parallel computing of SNiPER based on Intel TBB - Jiaheng Zou (IHEP)   (Auditorium)
6:30 PM Mastering Opportunistic Computing Resources for HEP - Matthias Jochen Schnepf (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Auditorium)
4:45 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools - Axel Naumann (CERN) (until 6:45 PM) (107)
4:45 PM The VISPA Internet-Platform in Deep Learning Applications - Martin Urban (RWTH Aachen University)   (107)
5:10 PM Identification of Hadronically Decaying W Bosons and Top Quarks using Multivariate Techniques at ATLAS - Tatsumi Nitta (Waseda University (JP))   (107)
5:30 PM Machine Learning for Antihydrogen Detection at ALPHA - Andrea Capra (TRIUMF (CA))   (107)
5:50 PM How easily can neural networks learn relativity? - Kartik Chitturi (University of Texas (US))   (107)
6:10 PM Analysis Preservation and Systematic Reinterpretation within the ATLAS Experiment - Lukas Alexander Heinrich (New York University (US))   (107)
4:45 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods - Elise de Doncker (Western Michigan University) (until 6:45 PM) (106)
4:45 PM Go-HEP: writing concurrent software with ease and Go - Sebastien Binet (IN2P3/LPC)   (106)
5:10 PM A development of an accelerator board dedicated for multi-precision arithmetic operations and its application to Feynman loop integrals II - Dr Hiroshi DAISAKA (Hitotsubashi University)   (106)
5:35 PM A Java library to perform S-expansions of Lie algebras - Dr Carlos Inostroza (Universidad de Concepcion)   (106)
6:00 PM Algorithm to find S-related Lie algebras - Dr Carlos Inostroza (Universidad de Concepcion)   (106)
6:50 PM --- Conference Photo ---
7:30 PM Banquet   (Cascade North)