12:30 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research
Shih-Chieh Hsu
(University of Washington Seattle (US))
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Toward real-time data query systems in HEP
Jim Pivarski
(Princeton University)
2:20 PM
Belle II Conditions Database Overview
Martin Ritter
2:40 PM
Modernising ATLAS Software Build Infrastructure
Elmar Ritsch
3:00 PM
The LHCb Software and Computing Upgrade towards LHC Run 3
Stefan Roiser
3:20 PM
Continuous software quality analysis for the ATLAS experiment
Andrew John Washbrook
(University of Edinburgh (GB))
3:40 PM
Exploiting Apache Spark platform for CMS computing analytics
Marco Meoni
(INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)
2:00 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Learning to Remove Pileup at the LHC with Jet Images
Eric Metodiev
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2:20 PM
Deep-learning in jet reconstruction at CMS
Markus Stoye
2:45 PM
Machine Learning Algorithms for b-jet tagging at the ATLAS experiment
Michela Paganini
(Yale University (US))
3:10 PM
The HEP.TrkX Project: deep neural networks for HL-LHC online and offline tracking
Aristeidis Tsaris
3:35 PM
Exploring end-to-end deep learning solutions for event classification at CMS
Michael Andrews
(Carnegie-Mellon University (US))
2:00 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
Daniel Maitre
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Four-point function in general kinematics through geometrical splitting and reduction
Andrei Davydychev
(Moscow State University and Schlumberger)
2:25 PM
Loopedia, a Database for Loop Integrals
Thomas Hahn
(MPI f. Physik)
2:50 PM
Calculation of One Loop Integrals with Package-X and CollierLink
- Dr
Hiren Patel
(UMass Amherst)
4:00 PM
Poster Session
(until 4:45 PM)
(The Commons)
4:20 PM
Tools for Trigger Rate Monitoring at CMS
Geoffrey Nathan Smith
(University of Notre Dame (US))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
A Conditions Data Management System for HEP Experiments
Paul James Laycock
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
A federated Xrootd cache
Edgar Fajardo Hernandez
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
a loosely coupled scalable cloud infrastructure
- Mr
Tao Cui
(IHEP(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS,China))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
A scalable new mechanism to store and serve the ATLAS detector description through a REST web API
Ilija Vukotic
(University of Chicago (US))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Alignment and Calibration Framework for the Belle II detector
- Mr
Jakub Kandra
(Charles University in Prague)
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
An ATLAS distributed computing architecture for HL-LHC
Simone Campana
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
ATLAS BigPanDA Monitoring
Siarhei Padolski
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Belle II Conditions Database Interface
Martin Ritter
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Data Knowledge Base for HENP Scientific Collaborations
Siarhei Padolski
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Experience with SPLUNK for archiving and visualization of operational data in ATLAS TDAQ system
Andrei Kazarov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institut (RU))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Federating distributed storage for clouds in ATLAS
Frank Berghaus
(University of Victoria (CA))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Global heterogeneous resource harvesting: the next-generation PanDA pilot for ATLAS
- Dr
Ruslan Mashinistov
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Implementing the Belle II Conditions Database using Industry-Standard Tools
Lynn Wood
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Improving Science Yield for NASA Swift with Automated Planning Technologies.
Aaron Tohuvavohu
(Penn State University)
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Mastering Opportunistic Computing Resources for HEP
Matthias Jochen Schnepf
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Multi-core supports in JUNO distributed computing
- Dr
xiaomei zhang
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Networking requirements for Tier 2 sites
Roger Jones
(Lancaster University (GB))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Opportunistic data locality for HEP analysis workflows
Christoph Heidecker
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Speeding up experiments software with VecCore, a portable SIMD library
Guilherme Amadio
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
The ALICE O2 common driver for the C-RORC and CRU readout cards
Pascal Boeschoten
(Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Upgrade of the YARR DAQ system for the ATLAS Phase-II Pixel detector readout chip
Nikola Lazar Whallon
(University of Washington (US))
(The Commons)
4:25 PM
Virtualization of the ATLAS software environment on a shared HPC system
Anton Josef Gamel
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
Deep Learning Method for Inferring Cause of Data Anomalies
Fedor Ratnikov
(Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
Dynamic sharing of tape drives accessing scientific data
Enrico Fattibene
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
Gradient reversal for MC/real data calibration
Andrey Ustyuzhanin
(Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
High-statistics and GPU-accelerated data analysis in IceCube
- Dr
Philipp Eller
(Penn State University)
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
Performance of the ATLAS Tau Trigger in Run 2
Mariel Pettee
(Yale University (US))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
Performance studies of GooFit on GPUs versus RooFit on CPUs while estimating the global statistical significance of a new physical signal
- Dr
Alexis Pompili
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
Real-time alignment and reconstruction: performance and recent developments at the LHCb experiment
Michael David Sokoloff
(University of Cincinnati (US))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
The ATLAS Event Index: The Architecture of the Core Engine
Julius Hrivnac
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
(The Commons)
4:30 PM
The ATLAS Trigger Simulation with Legacy Software
Adam Edward Barton
(Lancaster University (GB))
(The Commons)
4:45 PM
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research
Maria Girone
(until 6:45 PM)
4:45 PM
FELIX: the new detector readout system for the ATLAS experiment
Kevin Thomas Bauer
(University of California Irvine (US))
5:05 PM
Supercomputers, Clouds and Grids powered by BigPanDA for Brain studies
Alexandre Beche
(Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH))
5:25 PM
The management of heterogeneous resources in Belle II
Malachi Schram
(McGill University)
Malachi Schram
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Dr
Malachi Schram
5:45 PM
Virtualization of the PNNL High Energy Physics Computing Infrastructure
Kevin Fox
6:05 PM
Round-Table: Using heterogeneous resources for HEP computing
Gareth Roy
(University of Glasgow)
Jeff Hammond
Daniel Lo
(Microsoft research)
David Lange
(Princeton University (US)) Dr
Tom Gibbs
(NVIDIA Corporation)
Ian Fisk
(Simons Foundation)
4:45 PM
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Kyle Stuart Cranmer
(New York University (US))
(until 6:45 PM)
4:45 PM
CMS Analysis and Data Reduction with Apache Spark
Oliver Gutsche
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
5:05 PM
GooFit 2.0
Henry Fredrick Schreiner
(University of Cincinnati (US))
5:25 PM
Building a scalable python distribution for HEP data analysis
David Lange
(Princeton University (US))
5:45 PM
A Toolkit to Study Sensitivity of the Geant4 Predictions to the Variations of the Physics Model Parameters
Soon Yung Jun
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
6:05 PM
ROOT at the center of the future analysis ecosystem
Axel Naumann
6:25 PM
Novel functional and distributed approaches to data analysis available in ROOT
Guilherme Amadio
4:45 PM
Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods
Fukuko YUASA
(until 6:45 PM)
4:45 PM
Direct numerical computation and its application to the higher-order radiative corrections
Kiyoshi Kato
(Kogakuin University)
5:10 PM
High-speed evaluation of loop integrals using lattice rules
Elise de Doncker
(Western Michigan University)
5:35 PM
Numerical Methods and the 4-point 2-loop Higgs amplitudes
Stephen Jones
(MPI, Munich)
6:00 PM
Numerical techniques for 2- and 3-loop integrals
Ayres Freitas
(University of Pittsburgh)
7:00 PM
ACAT Informal Bar Crawl
(Alder Hall)