21–25 Aug 2017
University of Washington, Seattle
US/Pacific timezone

Satellite Meetings


There will be an S2I2-HEP workshop in conjunction with the ACAT 2017 conference in Seattle. This workshop will build on the Community White Paper effort (CWP, http://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/activities/cwp.html) and discuss the elements of the Strategic Plan in which the U.S. university community can provide leadership and expertise to address the software and computing challenges of the HL-LHC.

In order to avoid overlaps with ACAT 2017 sessions, the S2I2-HEP workshop will take place on Wednesday afternoon, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, hence from 23-26 Aug, 2017. Please see the indico agenda for more information:

   S2I2-HEP Workshop at ACAT 2017
   23-26 Aug 2017

Other Meetings

If you are interested in holding a meeting before or after ACAT, please get in touch with the local organizing committee (acat2017@uw.edu). There are lots of rooms available in August as UW is not in session. Depending on the group size, we may be able to avoid room charges as well.