Aug 21 – 25, 2017
University of Washington, Seattle
US/Pacific timezone

Satellite Meetings


There will be an S2I2-HEP workshop in conjunction with the ACAT 2017 conference in Seattle. This workshop will build on the Community White Paper effort (CWP, and discuss the elements of the Strategic Plan in which the U.S. university community can provide leadership and expertise to address the software and computing challenges of the HL-LHC.

In order to avoid overlaps with ACAT 2017 sessions, the S2I2-HEP workshop will take place on Wednesday afternoon, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, hence from 23-26 Aug, 2017. Please see the indico agenda for more information:

   S2I2-HEP Workshop at ACAT 2017
   23-26 Aug 2017

Other Meetings

If you are interested in holding a meeting before or after ACAT, please get in touch with the local organizing committee ( There are lots of rooms available in August as UW is not in session. Depending on the group size, we may be able to avoid room charges as well.