21–25 Aug 2017
University of Washington, Seattle
US/Pacific timezone

ACAT Organization

The International Advisory Committee

The IAC consists of the following members:

Name Institute Country
Andrej Arbuzov BLTP JINR Russia
Pushpalatha Bhat Fermilab USA
David Britton Glasgow Univ. UK
Federico Carminati, SPC chair CERN Switzerland
Gang Chen IHEP China
Denis Oliveira Damazio BNL USA
Bruce Denby U. Pierre et Marie Curie France
Junpei Fujimoto KEK Japan
Clara Gaspar CERN Switzerland
Gudrun Heinrich MPI-Munich Germany
Andrei Kataev INR Russia
Alexander Kryukov SINP Russia
Jerome Lauret BNL USA
Milos Lokajicek FZU Prague Czech Republic
Daniel Maitre Durham UK
Axel Naumann CERN Switzerland
Denis Perret-Gallix, IAC Chair IN2P3/CNRS France
Fons Rademakers CERN Switzerland
Grigory Rubtsov INR Russia
Luis Salinas UTFSM Chile
Jose Seixas Rio de Janeiro Federal Univ. Brazil
Liliana Teodorescu Brunel Univ. UK
Gordon T. Watts, LOC Chair University of Washington USA
Monique Werlen LAPTH France

Track Coordinators

The track coordinators are responsible for guiding the content, running the parallel sessions at the meeting, and helping organizing reviews of the proceedings.

Track 1 Niko Neufeld (Chair), Graeme Stewart, Mira Girone, Shih-Chieh Hsu
Track 2 Sergei Gleyzer (Chair), Gregory Golovanov, Andy Haas, Toby Burnett
Track 3 Ayres Freitas, Stephen Jones, Fukuko Yuasa

Scientific Program Committee

The SPC is responsible for the overall scientific content of the conference, running the abstract review process, and scheduling the plenary speakers.

Chair Federico Carminati
Track Coordinators (see above)
Industry Contact acat2017@uw.edu
Outreach and Education Contact acat2017@uw.edu
Indico acat2017@uw.edu

Local Organizing Committee

Responsible for local organization and coordinator, the event spaces, food, and the general happiness of the conference attendees.

Chair: Gordon Watts

Co-Chair: Shih-Chieh Hsu
