3–7 Apr 2017
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

APFEL: A PDF Evolution Library

4 Apr 2017, 14:00
Large Lecture Theatre, Poynting Building

Large Lecture Theatre, Poynting Building

WG1) Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG1 Structure Functions and Parton Densities


Valerio Bertone (NIKHEF)


APFEL is a numerical code specialised for PDF fits that provides a fast and accurate solution of the DGLAP equations. In addition to PDF evolution, APFEL also provides a module for the computation of DIS cross sections in several mass schemes. In this contribution, I will present the most recent and relevant developments carried out in APFEL. They include: the computation of the time-like evolution, the implementation of the SIA cross sections needed for the determination of FFs, the small-x resummed evolution and structure functions, and the implementation of the NLO QED corrections both to the DGLAP evolution and the DIS structure functions. I will then mention some of the most recent results obtained using APFEL and finally I will conclude discussing future plans related to the determination of FFs and TMDs.


Valerio Bertone (NIKHEF)

Presentation materials