Apr 3 – 7, 2017
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

Working Group Conveners

The programme is organised around seven working groups, as listed below together with their conveners and email addresses.

  • WG1) Structure Functions and Parton Densities

    Conveners: Lucian Harland-Lang (UCL London), Phil Ilten (MIT), Jan Kretzschmar (Liverpool)
    Email: dis17-wg1-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG2) Low x and Diffraction

    Conveners: Grzegorz Gach (AGH Krakow), Anna Stasto (Penn State), Daniel Tapia-Takaki (Kansas)
    Email: dis17-wg2-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG3) Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions

    Conveners: Chris Hays (Oxford), Roman Kogler (Hamburg), Eleni Vryonidou (NIKHEF / UCL Louvain)
    Email: dis17-wg3-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG4) Hadronic and Electroweak Observables

    Conveners: Alberto Belloni (Maryland), Tim Martin (Warwick), Marco Zaro (Paris VI)
    Email: dis17-wg4-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG5) Physics with Heavy Flavours

    Conveners: Rhorry Gauld (ETH Zurich), Andrea Giammanco (UCL Louvain), Alex Pearce (CERN)
    Email: dis17-wg5-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG6) Spin and 3D Structure

    Conveners: Tanja Horn (JLab), Zhongbo Kang (UCLA), Charlotte Van Hulse (Bilbao)
    Email: dis17-wg6-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG7) Future of DIS

    Conveners: Max Klein (Liverpool), Rik Yoshida (JLab)
    Email: dis17-wg7-conveners@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk

  • WG8) Test Track