Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) has proved to be an important tool for unveiling the inner structure of the core of the atom, the nucleons and their basic constituents. Azimuthal spin asymmetries in polarized SIDIS are directly related to transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs) and fragmentation functions. The TMDs allow one to probe the 3D dynamical structure of partons inside the nucleon. Understanding the nature of the SIDIS process is essential for TMD studies, in particular at modest energies where deviations from the leading-order factorized picture may be a significant. Precise maps of the meson cross sections and their ratios at low transverse momentum and Jefferson Lab beam energies provide a stringent test of the use of the standard SIDIS framework in terms of factorized parton distributions convoluted with fragmentation functions. The magnetic spectrometers in Hall C at Jefferson Lab are well suited for such precision measurements of fully L/T separated cross sections and their ratios. The addition of neutral particle detection enables additional opportunities. Plans for upcoming experiments that will investigate the SIDIS process at the 12 GeV Jefferson Lab will be presented.