We discuss a model based on the virtual nucleon approximation used to describe DIS from a polarized deuteron. As the deuteron is a spin 1 hadron, it gives rise to additional observables compared to the spin 1/2 nucleon that provide new opportunities for spin studies.
For inclusive processes we concentrate on the $A_{zz}$ observable which can be connected to the tensor $b_1$ structure...
Since the famous results from the EMC collaboration nearly thirty years ago showed that the valence quark contribution to the spin of the proton was consistent with zero, the question of how the proton spin arises from the intrinsic and orbital angular momenta of its constituents has vexed the scientific community. Despite significant experimental (and theoretical) progress, it is clear that...
In this talk, I will discuss the experimental observable at the electron-ion collider (EIC) that can be used to identify the gluon orbital angular momentum (OAM) density at arbitrary $x$. We will show that the single longitudinal target-spin asymmetry in exclusive dijet production will be sensitive to the gluon OAM density. The latter contributes to the spin asymmetry with a characteristic...
We investigate gluon transverse momentum dependent (TMD) correlators defined as Fourier transforms of nonlocal matrix elements. These correlators include process-dependent gauge links that bridge the nonlocality. The dipole-type correlator has one future- and one past-pointing gauge link and can, in the limit of small x, be related to a correlator of a single Wilson loop. We discuss the...
TMD observables are sensitive to both perturbative and nonperturbative
QCD effects, in particular in kinematic regions associated with low
transverse momentum. Such observables are described in the CSS formalism
using field theoretic objects like TMD PDFs and TMD FFs which in turn
depend on nonperturbative components. In contrast, MCEG uses parton
shower and hadronization models such as...