Apr 3 – 7, 2017
Pullman Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Participant List

46 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Akira Hitachi Waseda University
Alexander Bolozdynya National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Alexander Shustov National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Anantachai Lakrathok Suranaree University of Technology (TH)
Anupong Banjongkan Suranaree University of Technology
Arnon Songmoolnak Suranaree University of Technology
Atsushi Takeda Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo
Ayut Limphirat Suranaree University of Technology
Chinorat Kobdaj Suranaree University of Technology
Daniel Hilk Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dominique Thers SUBATECH
Elena Aprile Columbia University
Ferenc Glück Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Francesc Monrabal Capilla University of Texas at Arlington
Francesco Arneodo NYUAD
Franco Giuliani Shanghai Jiaotong University
Hiroki Kusano Shanghai Jiao Tong University
jidapa lomon Suranaree University of Technology
Junji Naganoma Rice University
KaiJian Li Suranaree University of Technology
Karl Giboni SJTU
Kei Ieki University of Tokyo
Kirill Pushkin University of Michigan
Kiseki Nakamura Kyoto university
Kohei Murakami Waseda Univ.
Kota Ueshima Tohoku university RCNS
Mani Tripathis Department of Physics, University of California, Davis campus
Masaki Yamashita Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, The University of Tokyo
Michael Murra Institut für Kernphysik, Münster
Nobuyuki Hasebe Waseda Univ.
Parinya Namwongsa Suranaree University of Technology (TH)
Pawel Majewski STFC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Phitsanu Poolcharuansin Mahasarakham University
Pieter Breur Nikhef
Ponthip Chaiyabin Suranaree University of Technology
Prayoon Songsiriritthigul Suranaree University of Technology
Thanachot Nasawad Suranaree University of Technology
Thanid Nudas Suranaree University of Technology
Thanit Saisopa School of Physics, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology
Valeriy Dmitrenko National Research Nuclear University, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute - NRNU, MEPhI
Victor Grachev National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Wanchaloem Poonsawat Suranaree University of Technology (TH)
Xilei Sun IHEP
Xun Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yajing XING Subatech