Apr 3 – 7, 2017
Pullman Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Asia/Bangkok timezone




Besides many invited talks on special aspects of xenon, we invite contributions for oral presentations of 15 minutes. These contributions will be published in a refereed journal among the conference proceedings. If you have a presentation in mind, please let us know the title, author(s), and possibly an abstract. Learning early on the number of contributions will help us to better organize the schedule and to decide if we need poster sessions.

The template of abstract can be found here: either TeX or MS-Word
Go to Abstract submission session: >> Submit Abstract << 
OR send your Abstract via an Email: xesat2017@gmail.com

If you have a question about the submission or experience a technical issue when submitting your abstract, please do not hesitate to contact us at: xesat2017@gmail.com