25–29 Sept 2006
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

Setup for testing LHCb Inner Tracker ladders

27 Sept 2006, 16:20
1h 40m
Valencia, Spain

Valencia, Spain

IFIC – Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular Edificio Institutos de Investgación Apartado de Correos 22085 E-46071 València SPAIN


Pablo Vazquez Regueiro (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)


The Inner Tracker of the LHCb experiment is a silicon microstrip detector consisting of 336 detector modules with either one or two sensors. The module production is now underway and we present here the setup employed for module testing during the production. The setup is based in the same electronics that will e used in the final experiment. We perform burning and ageing tests with the help of a custom made Temperature Cycling Box controlled with LabVIEW under Windows. The DAQ is done in another pc running Linux. Here we integrate the different C/C++ libraries used to communicate to the LHCb Time and Fast Control system, Esperiment Control System, and Data Acquisition.

Primary author

Pablo Vazquez Regueiro (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)


Daniel Esperante Pereira (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) Helge Voss (Physik-Institut Heidelberg) Louis Nicolas (Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (EPFL))

Presentation materials