1:00 PM
--- break ---
2:15 PM
Parallel Session A5-DAQ and Optical technology
(until 3:55 PM)
2:15 PM
A multi-channel optical plug-in module for gigabit data reception
Paschalis Vichoudis
2:40 PM
PCI Express Over Optical Links for Data Acquisition and Control
Andrea Triossi
(Sez. INFN di Padova Italy)
3:05 PM
Status of the TTC upgrade
Sophie BARON
3:30 PM
On the development of the final optical multiplexer board prototype for the TileCal experiment
Vicente Gonzalez Millan
(Dep. Ingeniería Electrónica - Univ. Valencia)
2:15 PM
Parallel Session B5-Power systems
(until 3:55 PM)
2:15 PM
The CMS Tracker Power Supply System: the Quality Assurance test work results over 2000 power units.
Marco Costa
(University of Torino)
2:40 PM
Evaluation and testing of advanced low-voltage power supplies
Bruno Allongue
3:05 PM
: Distributed low voltage power supply system for front end electronics of the TRT detector in ATLAS experiment
Zbigniew Hajduk
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN - Cracow, Poland and CERN Geneva)
3:30 PM
Electromagnetic Compatibility of a Low Voltage Power Supply for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Front-End Electronics
Georges Blanchot
3:55 PM
--- break and POSTER SESSION ---
4:20 PM
Parallel Session A6-Optoelectronics Working Group
(until 6:00 PM)
4:20 PM
SLHC Working Group
4:20 PM
Poster sessions
(until 6:00 PM)
4:20 PM
"CMAD", a Full Custom ASIC, for the Upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1
Ozgur Cobanoglu
(Univ. + INFN)
4:20 PM
A compact plug-in module for LHC-like trigger emulation
Georgios Sidiropoulos
(University of Ioannina)
4:20 PM
A high level modelling approach to design and manage 18 electronics configurations used for the ECAL’s endcaps hardware design
Thierry Romanteau
(LLR Polytechnique)
Emmanuel Vaumorin
4:20 PM
A Test Stand System for High-Energy Physics Applications
Guilherme Cardoso
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
4:20 PM
ATLAS Pixel Detector Timing Optimisation with the Back of Crate Card of the Optical Pixel Read out System
Tobias Flick
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
4:20 PM
Background for High Energy Space Instrumentation at ISS
Andres Russu
(Astronomy and Space Science Group - ICMUV - University of Valencia)
4:20 PM
CMS ECAL Low Voltage system
Alexander Singovski
(University of Minnesota & CERN)
4:20 PM
CMS ECAL optical cables testing
Alexander Singovski
(University of Minnesota & CERN)
4:20 PM
CMS Optical Links - Lessons learned from Mass Production
Jan Troska
4:20 PM
Commissioning and calibration of the CMS micro-strip tracker
Robert Bainbridge
(Imperial College London)
4:20 PM
Data Acquisition and Management in the Calibration Processes of the CMS Barrel Muon Alignment System
Géza Székely
(Institue of Nuclear Research, ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary)
4:20 PM
Design and performance of a PASA for the FAST-TRD Detector of the CBM experiment at FAIR
Hans Kristian Soltveit
(University Heidelberg Physikalisches institut)
4:20 PM
Development and Setup of a Prototype System of Distributed Analysis for ATLAS Tier-2
Farida Fassi
(IFIC- Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
4:20 PM
Development and test results of a readout chip for the GERDA experiment
Nigel Smale
(Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
4:20 PM
Electronic Devices for Controlling the Very High Voltage in the ALICE TPC Detector
Marco Boccioli
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
4:20 PM
Evaluation of Data Transmission at 80MHz and 160MHz Over Backplane, Copper and Optical Links
Mikhail Matveev
(Rice University)
4:20 PM
Functional and linearity tester system for the LHC beam loss monitoring data acquisition card
Jonathan Emery
4:20 PM
High-density backplanes – problems and solutions
Sam Silverstein
(Stockholm University)
4:20 PM
Ideas on DC-DC Converters for Delivery of Low Voltage and High Currents for the SLHC / ILC Detector Electronics in Magnetic field and Radiation environments.
Satish Dhawan
(Yale University)
4:20 PM
Implementation of the Control System for the LHCb Muon Detector
Rafael Antunes Nobrega
(Universita di Roma I "La Sapienza")
4:20 PM
Large scale production of the Multi-Chip Module of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
Pavel Weber
(Kirchhoff-Institut fur Physik (KIP))
4:20 PM
Local Trigger Processor Interface Module
Diogo Nunes Caracinha
(Faculdade de Ciencias)
4:20 PM
Low-noise design issues for analog front-end electronics in 130 nm and 90 nm CMOS technologies
Massimo Manghisoni
(Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
4:20 PM
n-XYTER - A CMOS read-out ASIC for a new generation of high rate multichannel counting mode neutron detectors
Ulrich Trunk
(Max-Planck-Institut f. Kernfphysik)
4:20 PM
Optical pattern generator board
Magali Magne
(Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand (LPC))
4:20 PM
Radiation Testing of electronic components and systems for the LHC experiments and machine : summary and future
Thijs Wijnands
4:20 PM
Radiation tests for Slow Control ALICE TOF systems
Pietro Antonioli
(INFN - sezione di Bologna)
4:20 PM
Radiation Tolerance Qualification Tests of the Final Source Interface Unit for the ALICE Experiment
Ervin Denes
(KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
4:20 PM
Revised CMS Global Calorimeter Trigger Functionality & Algorithms
Gregory Michiel Iles
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
4:20 PM
Setup for testing LHCb Inner Tracker ladders
Pablo Vazquez Regueiro
(Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
4:20 PM
Signal integrity analysis for the electronic design of printed circuit boards
Alexandra Dana Oltean Karlsson
(Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest/CERN)
4:20 PM
Signal Integrity Studies at Optical Multiplexer Board for TileCal System
Jose Torres Pais
(Dept. Ingenieria Electronica-Universidad de Valencia)
4:20 PM
System tests and debugging using Python
Jim Brooke
(H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory)
4:20 PM
The CDF Run II Silicon Detector
Ankush Mitra
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
4:20 PM
The Gigabit Optical Transmitters for the LHCb Calorimeters
Lax Ignazio
(INFN Bologna-LHCb)
4:20 PM
The high voltage distribution system for the RICH photon detectors at LHCb
Claudio Arnaboldi
(Sezione di Milano dell'INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Milano-Bicocca, P.za della Scienza 3, Milano I-20126, Italy)
4:20 PM
The Level-1 Global Trigger for the CMS Experiment at LHC
Manfred Jeitler
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY))
Anton Taurok
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY))
4:20 PM
The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Surface Building Instalation.
Christos Zamantzas
4:20 PM
Time Resolution of a Few Nanoseconds in Silicon Strip Detectors Using the APV25 Chip
Markus Friedl
(HEPHY Vienna)
4:20 PM
Total Dose and Single Event Effects in a 0.25 m Silicon-On-Sapphire CMOS Technology
Ping Gui
(Southern Methodist University)
4:20 PM
Unified C/VHDL Model Generation of FPGA-based LHCb VELO algorithms
Manfred Muecke
4:20 PM
Wafer test of the LHCb Outer Tracker TDC-Chip
Jan Knopf
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg)