Marco Costa
(University of Torino)
27/09/2006, 14:15
The CMS tracker Power Supply System is made out of 2000 power supply modules where LV
and HV channels are grouped together.
A dedicated quality assurance plan, using a complex, remoted controlled Test
Fixture, has been developped in collaboration between INFN-Torino and CAEN spa to
test each single channel during and after production.
Details on the test procedure and results that have...
Bruno Allongue
27/09/2006, 14:40
Following a process of proof-of-concept on the requirements for radiation and
magnetic filed tolerant low-voltage power supplies to be used to power silicon
detectors in LHC experiments, a common procurement action was undertaken by the
experiments and PH-ESS group.
The evaluation and testing of advanced COTS radiation and magnetic field tolerant
low-voltage power supplies is...
Zbigniew Hajduk
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN - Cracow, Poland and CERN Geneva)
27/09/2006, 15:05
We present a low voltage power supply system which has to deliver to the front end
electronics of the ATLAS TRT detector ca. 24 kW of electrical power over the distance
of 40-50 m (which adds another 24 kW). The system has to operate in magnetic field
and under radiation environment of the LHC experimental cavern. The system has ~ 3000
individual channels which are all monitored and...
Georges Blanchot
27/09/2006, 15:30
The front end electronics of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter is powered by DC/DC
conveters that sit close it. The performance of the detector electronics is
constrained by the conducted noise emissions of its power supply. A compatibility
limit is defined for the system. The noise susceptibility of the front end
electronics is evaluated, and different solutions to reduce the front end...