9–15 Jul 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Muon bundles as a sign of strangelets from the Universe

14 Jul 2017, 14:55
BBG 169

BBG 169

oral presentation Strangeness in astrophysics Parallel Strangeness in Astrophysics


Maciej Rybczynski (Jan Kochanowski University (PL))


Recently the CERN ALICE experiment, in its dedicated cosmic ray run, observed muon bundles of very high multiplicities, thereby confirming similar findings from the LEP era at CERN (in the CosmoLEP project). Originally it was argued that they apparently stem from the primary cosmic rays with a heavy masses.

We propose an alternative possibility arguing that muonic bundles of highest multiplicity are produced by strangelets, hypothetical stable lumps of strange quark matter infiltrating our Universe. We also address the possibility of additionally deducing their directionality which could be of astrophysical interest. Significant evidence for anisotropy of arrival directions
of the observed high multiplicity muonic bundles is found. Estimated directionality suggests their possible extragalactic provenance.

List of tracks Strangeness in astrophysics

Primary author

Maciej Rybczynski (Jan Kochanowski University (PL))


Pawel Kankiewicz (Jan Kochanowski University) Grzegorz Andrzej Wilk (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL)) Zbigniew Wlodarczyk (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
