9–15 Jul 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Graduate School

The school on “The role of strangeness in heavy ion collisions” will be held on 8/9 July 2017 before the SQM 2017 conference. The target group of the two-days school are graduate students and young postdocs and it will be restricted to 40 participants.

The organizers will provide the following support:

  1. The participants will have free accommodation for the full period of the school and the SQM conference (7-15 July 2017). The accommodation will be in shared double rooms.

  2. The participants of the school will have a reduced conference fee (190€), students who are accepted will be contacted separately with a link to pay this fee.

Students interested in the participation of the school are invited to send a letter of motivation and a recommendation letter before 15 March 2017 to Alessandro Grelli by email (a.grelli@uu.nl). Decisions concerning applications received prior to the deadline will be sent out by 15 April 2017.

Note: The school will book the accommodation in the Hotel Theater FIGI (Zeist) that is about 20 minutes by bus from the conference site. We require at the moment of the application that you explicitly state whether you would like to keep your "cheap accommodation" for the rest of the conference or if you would like to have it only for the two days of the school. If you want to change the  accommodation after the school it will be at your own expenses.


School Program

School program

You can download the timetable here.