9–15 Jul 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

K*(892)0 Production in pp Collisions with ALICE Detector at the LHC

11 Jul 2017, 16:00
Koningsberger Building

Koningsberger Building

Board: 7
poster presentation Hadron resonances Poster session


Mr Arvind Khuntia Khuntia (IIT Indore)Dr Raghunath Sahoo (IIT Indore)


The lifetimes of short-lived hadronic resonances are comparable to the one of the hadronic phase of the medium produced in high-energy collisions. Thus, these resonances are sensitive to the re-scattering and regeneration processes in the time interval between the chemical and kinetic freeze-out, which might affect the resonance yields. The measurements in pp collisions are used as a reference for nuclear collisions and provide in addition information for the tuning of event generators inspired by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In this contribution, we present recent results on $K^*(892)^{0}$ obtained by the ALICE experiment in pp collisions at several collision energies and event multiplicities. Results on transverse momentum spectra, yields and their ratio to long-lived particles will be presented and the energy and multiplicity dependence will be discussed. The measurements will be compared with model predictions and measurements at lower energies.

List of tracks Hadron resonances


Mr Arvind Khuntia Khuntia (IIT Indore) Dr Raghunath Sahoo (IIT Indore)

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