Jul 9 – 15, 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

First Measurement of the energy dependent N* production amplitude with a Partial Wave Analysis

Jul 14, 2017, 4:05 PM
BBG 161

BBG 161

oral presentation Hadron resonances Parallel Resonances


Prof. Laura Fabbietti (TUM)


The production of hadrons with strange quarks within nuclear matter is fundamental to unravel the mystery about the content of neutron stars. A large fraction of strange hadrons are produced by resonances with broad masses that can undergo interference effects before they decay into strange hadrons.
We present here the first determination of the production amplitude of N*->p+Kaon+Lambda for resonances with masses between 1650 and 1900 MeV/c^2 and an excess energy up to 700 MeV via a partial wave analysis. The resonance amplitudes were extracted by analysing the reaction p+p -> pKLambda measured in seven different data samples for fixed target experiments at kinetic energies between 1.9 and 4.3 GeV by the COSY-TOF, DISTO, FOPI and HADES collaborations. This work establishes a new paradigm in the understanding of strange hadrons production and opens up the precision era for the investigation of strangeness production in nucleon nucleon reactions.

List of tracks Hadron resonances

Primary author

Prof. Laura Fabbietti (TUM)


Dr Robert Münzer (CERN, Uni Frankfurt)

Presentation materials