Measurements of identified particle production as a function of the event multiplicity in proton-proton (pp) and proton-nucleus collisions have recently gained interest for the investigation of particle production mechanisms in small systems and how they relate to those in the larger system created in nucleus-nucleus collisions.
In particular, recent results reported by the ALICE Collaboration show a progressive increase of the hyperon-to-pion ratios as a function of charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity from pp up to Pb-Pb collisions.
In this work, we present new results on strange and multi-strange hadron production as a function of multiplicity, based on the analysis of a large sample of high-multiplicity triggered events in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV collected by ALICE in 2016.
These measurements extend the previous reach in multiplicity obtained from the analysis of the minimum bias sample, allowing for a wider overlap with the multiplicity range spanned with p-Pb collisions as well as approaching multiplicities present in peripheral Pb-Pb collisions.
Transverse momentum spectra and integrated yields are presented and compared with previous measurements for different collision systems and energies.
List of tracks | Small systems (pA) |