9–15 Jul 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Strange and heavy hadrons production from coalescence plus fragmentation in AA collisions at RHIC and LHC

13 Jul 2017, 11:10
BBG 169

BBG 169

oral presentation Strangeness production at low baryon densities Parallel Strangeness


Salvatore Plumari (University of Catania (Italy)) Vincenzo Greco (University of Catania) Francesco Scardina (INFN Catania)


We study the $\Lambda_c/D$ ratio and $p/\phi$ at RHIC and LHC within a realistic implementation of coalescence model.
The evolution of the partonic stage is described by the relativistic Boltzmann equation tuned at a fixed shear-viscosity to entropy-density ratio $\eta/s$ and a realistic equation of state.
Such an approach recovers the universal features of the ideal hydrodynamics.
In a coalescence plus independent fragmentation approach we calculate the $p_T$ spectra and anisotropic flows $v_n$ of the main hadrons:
$\pi, K, p, \bar{p},\Lambda, D, \Lambda_c, \phi$ in a wide range of transverse momentum. Our approach correctly describes the
baryon-to-meson ratios $p/\pi,\bar{p}/\pi, \Lambda/K$ that reach a value of the order of unit at $p_T \sim 3 GeV$.
In particular we show that in a coalescence plus fragmentation approach one predicts a nearly $p_T$ independent $p/\phi$ ratio up to $p_T \sim 4 GeV$ followed by a significant decrease at higher $p_T$ . Such a behavior is
driven by a similar radial flow effect at $p_T < 2 GeV$ and the dominance of fragmentation for $\phi$ at larger $p_T$.
Moreover in the same framework we evaluate the $\Lambda_c/D$ ratio at RHIC and LHC finding a substantial enhancement with respect to $pp$ collisions.

[1] S. Plumari, G. L. Guardo, F. Scardina, V. Greco, Phys.Rev. C92 (2015) no.5, 054902.

[2] S. Plumari, G. L. Guardo, V. Greco, J.-Y. Ollitrault, Nucl.Phys. A941 (2015) 87-96.

[3] V. Minissale, F. Scardina, V. Greco, Phys.Rev. C92 (2015) no.5, 054904.

[4] S. K. Das, J. M. Torres-Rincon, L. Tolos, V. Minissale, F. Scardina, V. Greco, Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) no.11, 114039.

List of tracks Strangeness production at low baryon densities


Salvatore Plumari (University of Catania (Italy)) Vincenzo Greco (University of Catania) Francesco Scardina (INFN Catania)


Santosh Kumar Das (University of Catania, Italy) Vincenzo Minissale

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
