9–15 Jul 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Rope Hadronization in the DIPSY event generator

14 Jul 2017, 14:55
BBG 165

BBG 165

oral presentation Freeze-out, hadronisation and statistical models Parallel Freeze-out


Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE))


We present results from the Rope Hadronization model, implemented in the DIPSY Monte Carlo event generator, specifically regarding production of strangeness in small systems. The Rope Hadronization model is built on the Lund String Hadronization model. It allows for interactions between strings in dense environments. The interacting strings form "colour ropes", characterized by their SU(3) multiplet structure. From lattice calculations we know that ropes have an increased string tension compared to normal strings. This gives rise to increased strange/non-strange hadron yield ratios, as well as flow-like effects. The inclusion of Rope Hadronization greatly improves the description of data from RHIC and LHC.

List of tracks Freeze-out, hadronisation and statistical models


Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE)) Leif Lönnblad (Lund University (SE)) Gosta Gustafson (Lund University)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
