9–15 Jul 2017
Victor J. Koningsberger building
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

PHENIX Results on Open Heavy Flavor Production

14 Jul 2017, 17:05
COSMOS (Koningsberger)



oral presentation Heavy-flavour (open and hidden) Parallel Heavy flavour


Takashi Hachiya (RIKEN BNL Research Center)


Heavy quarks are useful probes to investigate the property of the hot and dense medium
created in high energy heavy ion collisions because they are produced via initial hard scattering
and thus are affected by the entire evolution of the medium.
The PHENIX experiment has measured open heavy flavor production via the measurement of
single lepton from the decay of inclusive heavy quarks in various collision systems.
After the addition of the barrel and forward silicon vertex tracker (VTX and FVTX),
we are able to measure the bottom and charm production separately using the off-vertex decays.
In addition, non-prompt $J/\psi$ from $B$ decay is a clean channel to measure the open bottom production.
In this talk, we will present the nuclear modification of single electrons from
bottom and charm decays separately in Au+Au collisions at mid-rapidity and
non-prompt $J/\psi$ in Cu+Au collisions at forward rapidity, and discuss their interpretations.

List of tracks Heavy-flavour (open and hidden)

Primary author

Takashi Hachiya (RIKEN BNL Research Center)


Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
