10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Outreach activities at LHCb

12 Jul 2019, 10:30
ICC - Baeckeland 2 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 2


Parallel talk Outreach, Education, and Diversity Outreach, Education, and Diversity


Marco Santimaria (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))


The status of outreach activities of the LHCb experiment at LHC is presented, covering both continuing outreach efforts as well as new projects specific to LHCb. These include the work towards preservation of the subdetectors that that are being replaced during the upgrade of the LHCb detector in the Long Shutdown 2, and updates to the surface exhibition above the LHCb interaction point. The latter is being redesigned to display the LHCb Upgrade in greater detail. Finally, a planned overhaul of the successful LHCb masterclass software will be discussed.


Presentation materials