The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has...
In the last decade, neutrino astronomy has taken off and collected two major breakthroughs, the first observation of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos in 2013 and the first joint observation of gamma-rays and neutrinos (from TXS0506+056) announced last summer. In this talk, we will review these important milestones as well as the other noteworthy achievements reached by the community. We...
This presentation will cover the most recent results on Higgs boson measurements using decays into leptons from the CMS experiment at the LHC.
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase II upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). In particular, a new timing layer with hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η|=3 will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of ~30ps. This MIP...
A discovery of neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay would establish neutrinos as Majorana fermions and imply a violation of lepton number conservation. The GERDA collaboration searches for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay by operating germanium detectors enriched in $^{76}$Ge in a cryostat filled with liquid argon. Instrumenting the cryostat with photosensors to enable read out of...
We present searches for new physics in events with one or more jets accompanied by large missing transverse momenta produced in proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment during the LHC Run2 operations (2016-18). Compressed chargino-neutralinos appearing in gluino cascades are studied using short tracks. The results are interpreted in the context of several simplified models...
Jets are produced by a high momentum transfer of initial partons at high energies. Comparing jet production in pp and nucleus-nucleus collisions will allow us to study the jet-quenching effect caused by the hot and dense QCD medium produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions when energetic partons traverse the medium. In particular, systematic studies of jet production in different multiplicity...
Modified interactions in the electroweak sector may lead to scattering amplitudes that grow with energy compared to their Standard Model (SM) counterparts. We present a detailed study of all 2→2 scattering amplitudes involving at least one top quark and a pair of EW bosons. We analyse the high energy behaviour of the amplitudes using the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) to...
The increase of the particle flux (pile-up) at the HL-LHC with luminosities of L ≃ 7.5 × 1034 cm−2 s-1 will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector reconstruction and trigger performance. The end-cap and forward region where the liquid Argon calorimeter has coarser granularity and the inner tracker has poorer momentum resolution will be particularly affected. A High Granularity Timing...
We analyze constraints on anomalous tWb couplings that parameterize the possible contribution of New Physics to the weak tWb vertex. We take into account indirect constraints obtained from B-physics ($B\to X_s \gamma$, $B\to X_s l^+l^-$, $B$-$\bar B$ oscillations) and direct constraints from the t-channel single top quark production. In two-dimensional scenarios when different pairs of the...
Testing the couplings of the Higgs boson to leptons is important to understand the origin of lepton masses. This talk presents measurements of Higgs boson production in Higgs boson decays to two tau leptons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV, as well as studies of the CP-nature of the HVV coupling in H→tautau decays.
Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak-scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. This talk summarizes recent ATLAS results on inclusive searches for supersymmetric squarks of the first two generations and gluinos. It covers both R-parity conserving models that predict dark matter candidates and R-parity violating models that...
This talk presents the latest jet measurements in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC. Jets are direct probes of the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions and studying how they are modified in the heavy-ion collisions compared to the pp collisions provides insight into their interactions with this QCD medium. The latest jet results from ATLAS shown in...
Decays of the Bs meson via b->ccbars transitions are excellent probes for physics beyond the Standard Model due to their sensitivity to the CP-violating phase phi_s. In addition, the Bs decay width and the decay width difference between the Bs mass eigenstates are measured precisely in these modes. We present the first Run 2 measurements of these quantities at LHCb.
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) that has been able to reach the one-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. The construction of the experiment was completed in August 2016 with the installation...
We propose that natural TeV-scale new physics (NP) with $O(1)$ couplings to the standard model (SM) quarks may lead to a universal enhancement of the Yukawa couplings of all the light quarks, perhaps to a size comparable to that of the SM b-quark Yukawa coupling, i.e., $y_q \sim O(y^{SM}_b$) for $q=u,d,c,s$. I will discuss this scenario in an effective field theory (EFT) extension of the SM,...
The origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) is a long-standing mystery. In 2013 the IceCube experiment announced the observation of an astrophysical high-energy neutrino flux, adding the question of the origin of high-energy neutrinos to the mysteries in astroparticle physics. Recent highlights from the quest for the sources of UHECRs and high-energy neutrinos include the discovery...
The LHCb detector is currently being upgraded in order to cope with higher instantaneous luminosities and to read out the data at 40MHz using a trigger-less read-out system. The Run 1 + 2 tracking system, composed of an inner and outer tracking detector, will not be able to cope with the increased particle multiplicities and is being replaced by a single homogenous detector based on...
We demonstrate that the recent forward-forward dijet correlation data measured by the ATLAS collaboration for proton-proton and proton-lead collisions are consistent with the broadening effects due to both the gluon saturation and the resummation of large logarithms of the hard scale (the so-called Sudakov logarithms). We find that both effects are necessary to describe the experimental results.
A convincing observation of neutrino-less double beta decay (0$\nu$DBD) relies on the possibility of operating high-energy resolution detectors in background-free conditions.
Scintillating cryogenic calorimeters are one of the most promising tools to fulfill the requirements for a next-generation experiment. Several steps have been taken to demonstrate the maturity of this technique, starting...
In the Standard Model of particle physics, CP violation arises due to a single complex phase in the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix. Testing the validity of the CKM mechanism as the only source of CP violation is one of the major experimental challenges in particle physics today. Precise measurement of the CKM parameters therefore constrains the Standard Model, and may...
One of the puzzles of the SM is the large hierarchy between the Yukawa couplings of different flavours. Yukawa couplings of the first and the second generation are constrained only very weakly so far. However, one can obtain large deviations in the Yukawa couplings in several New Physics (NP) models, such as e.g new vector-like quarks, or new Higgs bosons that couple naturally to individual...
Photon-induced processes in proton-proton interactions have become recently very topical. The large energy at the LHC, when combined with relatively large luminosity at run II, allows starting the exploration of such processes.
We discuss the production of $W^+ W^-$ pairs and $t \bar t$ quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions induced by two-photon fusion including, for a first time,...
We present searches for pair production of supersymmetric partner of tau-leptons, and of partners of electroweak gauge bosons in events with at least one tau-lepton and missing transverse momenta produced in proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment during the LHC Run2 operations. The results are interpreted in terms of simplified models of supersymmetry production and decay...
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the CERN LHC experiment optimized for the study of the strongly interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions, in particular the characterization of the quark-gluon plasma. ALICE is preparing a major upgrade of its detector to be installed during the second long LHC shutdown (LS2). The main objective is to increase the readout capabilities to...
Precision measurements of cosmic ray positrons are presented up to 1 TeV based on 1.9 million positrons collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. The positron flux exhibits complex energy dependence. Its distinctive properties are: (a) a significant excess starting from 25.2 GeV compared to the lower-energy, power-law trend; (b) a sharp drop-off above 284...
B meson decays with contributions from loop processes give access to physics within and beyond the Standard Model through measurements of their CP-violating parameters and branching fractions. We present the latest LHCb results of direct CP violation searches in B meson decays using a two-body approximation.
The presence of a hot and dense medium, produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, is known to modify the parton shower evolution. Several observations of the resulting intra-jet activity show significant modifications of what can be considered as a medium-modified jet from a “vacuum” (proton-proton) reference. These modifications, generically known as jet quenching effects, are the...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has measured the astrophysical neutrino flux from tens of TeV up to PeV energies, with no significant indication of a cutoff at the highest energies. At these energies, the neutrino event-rates quickly drop and spectral measurements are statistically limited.
However, at an energy of $\approx 6.3\,$PeV, anti-electron neutrinos are expected to resonantly...
Testing the couplings of the Higgs boson to quarks is important to understand the origin of quark masses. The talk presents simplified template cross section measurements for Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson using decays to two b quarks using pp collision data collected at 13 TeV, along with an interpretation in an effective field theory framework. A search for...
The goal of the NEXT (Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC) collaboration is the sensitive search of the neutrino-less double beta decay ($\beta\beta0\nu$) of $^{136}$Xe at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC). The observation of such a lepton-number-violation process would prove the Majorana nature of neutrinos, providing also handles for an eventual measurement of the neutrino...
(Includes single top) Measurements of top quark properties using data collected by the CMS experiment are presented. Among them, latest results on top mass, ttbar spin correlations, Yukawa coupling, charge asymmetries, and others will be discussed.
Many supersymmetry models feature gauginos and sleptons with masses less than a few hundred GeV. These can give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents recent ATLAS results from searches for pair produced charginos and neutralinos or sleptons in final states with leptons (including hadronic taus)...
NA62 is a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS designed to measure the branching ratio of the very rare kaon decay $K^{+}\rightarrow \pi^{+} \nu \bar{\nu}$ with 10% precision. Measurements of time, momentum and direction of incoming beam particles are provided by a beam spectrometer called GigaTracKer.
The GigaTracKer is made of three stations of hybrid silicon pixel detector installed in...
The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) will carry out a sensitive dark matter search by measuring low-energy (E < 0.25 GeV/nucleon) cosmic ray antinuclei. The primary target are low-energy antideuterons that might be produced in the annihilation or decay of dark matter. At these energies the antideuteron intensity from secondary/tertiary interactions is expected to be several orders of...
The tree-level determination of the CKM angle gamma is a standard candle measurement of CP violation in the Standard Model. The latest LHCb results from time-integrated measurements of CP violation using beauty to open charm decays are presented. These include updates to previous Run 1 measurements, and new results from processes that have never been studied before, using the LHCb Run 2 data sample.
The quenching of jets in heavy-ion collisions probes the transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. We present selected recent inclusive jet and photon+jet measurements from the CMS experiment.
As an upgrade of the asymmetric e+e− collider KEKB, SuperKEKB aims to increase the peak luminosity by a factor of 40 to 8×10^35 cm^−2s^−1. The upgraded Belle II detector allows the experiment to handle the much increased data rates, with the goal to explore new physics beyond the Standard Model at the intensity frontier. Belle II is expected to accumulate a dataset of 50 ab^−1 by 2027. The...
Top quark production can probe physics beyond the SM in different ways. This talks reviews the current limits on FCNC searches in the top sector, and EFT interpretations in many top quark production modes.
This presentation will cover the most recent results on Higgs boson measurements using decays into quarks from the CMS experiment at the LHC
Fine-tuning arguments suggest the mass of the supersymmetric partner of the Higgs boson, the higgsino, is not too far from the weak scale. The search for higgsinos represents an experimental challenge due to the near mass-degeneracy resulting in soft decay products, and the low production cross section. This talk presents recent ATLAS results of analyses explicitly targeting the higgsino with...
The sun is fueled by fusion reactions that convert hydrogen into helium. The vast majority of the resulting energy is produced through the proton-proton (pp) chain reaction. The byproducts of the various stages of the pp-chain are the so-called pp, pep, $^7\text{Be}$, $^8\text{B}$ and hep solar neutrinos. They are a unique tool to gain information about the internal structure of the...
Neutrino astronomy uses large volume detectors to search for astrophysical neutrinos. Detectors such as IceCube at the Geographic South Pole and the Gigaton Volume Detector (GVD) at Lake Baikal instrument up to a cubic kilometer of fresh water or ice for measuring Cherenkov radiation created in neutrino-matter interactions. Using the clear water of the deep sea as the Cherenkov medium has so...
Light Dark Matter candidates have increasingly come under the focus of scientific interest. In particular the QCD axion is also able to solve other fundamental problems such as CP-conservation in strong interactions. Galactic axions and axion-like particles can be converted to photons at boundaries between materials of different dielectric constants under a strong magnetic field. Combining...
Muon reconstruction and identification play a fundamental role in many analyses of central importance in the LHC run-2 Physics pro- gramme. The algorithms and the criteria used in ATLAS for the recon- struction and identification of muons with transverse momenta ranging from a few GeV to the TeV scale will be presented. Their performance is measured in data based on the decays of Z, Υ, and J/ψ...
We present searches for third generation of supersymmetric top and bottom quarks based on proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment during the LHC Run2 operations (2016-18). The searches are performed in zero, single lepton (including taus) and dilepton final states, and the results are interpreted in the context of several decay modes of stop quarks.
Precise measurements of the properties of the top quark test the Standard Model (SM) and can be used to constrain new physics models. The top-quark is predicted in the SM to decayalmost exclusively into a W boson and a b-quark. We present a wide range of searches for non-SM top quark decays using the 13 TeV ATLAS datasets, including t->q H and t->q Z. In addition, measurements of the spin...
One of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN), ALICE, is undergoing ambitious upgrades during the ongoing second long shutdown. The main goal of this project is to accessrare events and previously inaccessible physics observables. The increased Pb-Pb and p-p collision rates need a correspondingly higher TPC operation rate in the next Run 3 of the LHC.
The operational gated MWPC...
It is known already for some time that the leading power limit of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) expressions for dijet production can be identified with the (generalized) Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) factorization in the small x regime. In the latter formalism, there are several TMD gluon distributions containing distinct Wilson line operators, and corresponding on-shell hard...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment utilizes eight functionally identical detectors with large target volume to measure the antineutrino flux emitted from three pairs of powerful nuclear reactors at different baselines. The detectors are placed underground to provide enough shielding against cosmic rays induced backgrounds. The experiment can perform a high-statistics determination of...
Cubic kilometer scale neutrino telescope Baikal-GVD is currently under
construction in Lake Baikal. The detector is specially designed
for search for high energies neutrinos whose sources are not yet reliably
identified. Since April 2019 the telescope has been successfully
operated in complex of five functionally independent clusters i.e.
sub-arrays of optical modules (OMs) where now are...
The latest measurements of the top quark mass using the ATLAS experiment are presented. A measurement based on a multi-dimensional template fit that can constrain the uncertainties on the energy measurements of jets is presented and combined with measurements using dilepton and all-hadronic events. In addition, an analysis of the top quark mass using leptonic kinematic variables is discussed....
Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour supersymmetric partners of the third generation quarks with masses light enough to be produced at the LHC. The ATLAS experiment has a variety of analyses devoted to stop direct production exploiting advanced analysis techniques. This talk presents recent results of searches for stops and sbottoms, including models with long decay chains...
TORCH is a novel time-of-flight detector, designed to provide $\pi$/K particle identification up to 10 GeV/$c$ momentum over a 10 m flight path. Based on the DIRC principle, Cherenkov photons are produced in a quartz plate of 10 mm thickness, where they propagate to the periphery of the plate by total-internal reflection. There the photons are focused onto an array of micro-channel plate...
The latest time-dependent CP violation measurements using beauty to open charm decays from LHCb are presented. These decays provide sensitivity to important CKM parameters such as the angles beta and gamma from the unitarity triangle. Measurements include the latest results from new decay channels, analysed for the first time, including data from both LHCb Run 1 and Run 2.
The precise reconstruction of jet transverse momenta in heavy-ion collisions is a challenging task. A major obstacle is the large number of uncorrelated (mainly) low-$p_{\rm T}$ particles overlaying the jets. Strong region-to-region fluctuations of this background complicate the jet measurement and lead to significant uncertainties.
We developed a novel approach to correct jet momenta (or...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is a proposed next generation underground large water Cherenkov detector with a 187~kton target volume of water and 40% photo coverage. With about 10 times larger fiducial volume than Super-Kamiokande, the sensitivities for astrophysical neutrinos, like solar neutrinos or supernova neutrinos, will be greatly improved in Hyper-K. In this presentation, we will discuss...
The Time of Propagation (TOP) detector is a novel particle identification system developed for the barrel region of the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. The detector is based on reconstructing the emission angle of Cherenkov photons generated in its quartz radiator bars by measuring the propagation time of individual photons to the Micro-Channel Plate PMT...
On behalf of the Double Chooz (DC) collaboration, we’d like to propose a talk to report our latest results as of the latest publication (arXiv:1901.09445). We hereby report our latest measurement of Theta13. Special emphasis has been done for the validation of the systematics accuracy by the articulation of redundant measurements while DC exploits its unique simpler geometry to cancel almost...
Most SUSY searches at the LHC are optimised for the MSSM, where gauginos are Majorana particles. By introducing Dirac gauginos, we obtain an enriched phenomenology, from which considerable differences in the LHC signatures and limits are expected as compared to the MSSM. Concretely, in the minimal Dirac gaugino model (MDGSSM) we have six neutralino and three chargino states. Moreover,...
The Higgs boson decay to two W bosons has the largest branching fraction and can be used to perform some of the most precise measurements of the Higgs boson production cross sections. Cross section measurements for Higgs boson production via gluon fusion, vector-boson fusion, and production in association with a vector boson based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV will be presented.
The phenomenological structure of inclusive cross-sections of the production of two neutral $K$ mesons in hadron--hadron, hadron--nucleus and nucleus--nucleus collisions is theoretically studied taking into account the strangeness conservation in strong and electromagnetic interactions. Relations for the dependence of correlations of two short-lived and two long-lived neutral kaons
I present results through three loops for soft anomalous dimensions that control soft-gluon emission in processes involving the top quark. In particular I present results for channels in single-top production and top-pair production as well as for processes with new physics, including tZ, tZ', t gamma, and tH- production. These calculations are ingredients to resummations at N3LL accuracy and...
XENON1T, the first tonne-scale dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, took data at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy between 2016 and 2018. The experiment was sensitive to the scattering of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter within a 2 t target volume. By using both the scintillation and ionisation signals induced by an interaction it is possible to...
In the B meson sector, measurements of weak phases not associated with Vub are obtained through time-dependent, flavour-tagged analyses involving B-Bbar mixing. In addition to new phases that may enter the mixing loop, charmless B decays have an additional mechanism for unknown particles to induce deviations from the Standard Model expectation due to the sizeable contribution to these decays...
Latest CMS results on Higgs boson property measurements in final states with photons, W and Z bosons will be presented.
ALICE is the experiment specifically designed for the study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma in heavy-ion collisions at the CERN LHC. The forward Muon Spectrometer of ALICE is devoted to the study of muon production in the pseudo-rapidity interval between 2.5 and 4. During Run 1 and 2, the spectrometer produced an impressive amount of results concerning the Quarkonia (J/$\Psi$ and $\Upsilon$...
We present searches for new physics scenarios like R-parity violating supersymmetry or compressed mass spectra which predict low missing transverse momenta, many jets and top quarks. The searches are based on proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment during the LHC Run2 operations.
The production of light neutral mesons in different collision systems is interesting for a variety of reasons: In AA collisions the measurements can provide important information on the energy loss of partons traversing the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) which is formed in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. Measured in pp collisions, neutral meson spectra serve as a reference for pA and AA collisions....
JUNO is a Liquid Scintillator (LS) detector currently under construction in the south of China (Jiangmen city, Guangdong province). JUNO aims to detect the disappearance of reactor antineutrinos at an average baseline of 53 km, with the primary goal of determining the neutrino mass ordering and performing a sub-percent measurement of three of the neutrino oscillation parameters. This physics...
While grand unified theories offer potential solutions to problems with the Standard Model, such as the origins of charge quantization, their signature prediction, proton decay, has not been observed experimentally. Hyper-Kamiokande is a next-generation water Cherenkov experiment with a 187~kton target volume that will provide unprecedented sensitivity to a variety of nucleon decay modes,...
DEAP-3600 is a dark matter detector located 2 km underground at SNOLAB. The DEAP-3600 detector is sensitive to the scintillation signal from the scattering of dark matter particles on argon nuclei, using a single-phase (scintillation-only) design. The 3279 kg LAr target is contained in a spherical acrylic vessel and viewed by 255 photomultiplier tubes. The background from Ar-39 beta decays is...
The Phase-I and Phase-II upgrades of the LHC accelerator will increase the LHC instantaneous luminosity to 2×1034 cm−2s−1 and 7.5×1034 cm−2s−1, respectively. The luminosity increase drastically impacts the ATLAS trigger and readout data rates. The present ATLAS small wheel muon detector will be replaced with a New Small Wheel (NSW) detector in 2019. The NSW will feature two new detector...
Higgs boson decays to two photons can be selected with high efficiency, and the very good invariant mass resolution allow a robust subtraction of the backgrounds. This talk will present measurements of differential cross sections, as well as cross section measurements for the different Higgs boson production processes in the simplified template cross section framework using pp collision data...
Very large CP asymmetries in decays of B mesons to final states containing three charged particles have been observed and attracted much interest. We present new results from a Dalitz plot analysis of B -> 3pi using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb-1 of pp collisions recorded by the LHCb detector. Significant CP violation from different sources (S-wave,...
Latest results on inclusive top quark pair and single top quark production cross sections are presented using proton-proton collision data collected by CMS. The single top quark analyses investigate separately the production of top quarks via t-channel exchange, via associated production with a W boson (tW), and via the s-channel.
The last decade has witnessed a remarkable progress in the knowledge of the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS) neutrino mixing matrix upon the first observation and today’s precision (~3%) measurement of the θ13 mixing angle by the reactor experiments; i.e. Daya Bay (China), Double Chooz (France) and RENO (South Korea). However, only the JUNO experiment (China) will open, for the first...
Our presentation will be largely based on our recent paper [1].
The centrality and energy dependence of rapidity distributions of pions in Pb+Pb reactions can be understood by imposing local energy-momentum conservation in the longitudinal “fire-streaks” of excited matter. With no tuning nor adjustment to the experimental data, the rapidity distribution of pions produced by the fire-streak...
The atmospheric neutrino flux represents a continuous source that can be exploited to infer properties about Cosmic Rays and neutrino oscillation physics. The JUNO observatory, a 20 kt liquid scintillator currently under construction in China, will be able to detect the atmospheric flux, given the large fiducial volume and the excellent energy resolution. The light produced in neutrino...
Higgs boson decays to four leptons can be selected with a very high purity and are very well suited for measurements of Higgs boson properties, despite the small H→ZZ→4l branching ratio. This talk will present measurements of differential cross sections, as well as cross section measurements for the different Higgs boson production processes in the simplified template cross section framework...
In the next years the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded to significantly expand its physics program, increasing the luminosity up to 5 × 10^34cm^−2s^−1, well beyond the design value. An upgrade of the CMS detector is needed accordingly to cope with the expected growth in background rates, with the goal of keeping a high trigger efficiency. In this context, a first new station called...
Differential measurements of top quark pair and single top quark production cross sections are presented using data collected by CMS. The cross sections are measured as a function of various kinematic observables of the top quarks and the jets and leptons of the event final state. The results are confronted with precise theory calculations. Multidifferential tt cross sections are presented and...
Long-distance resonant dynamics along with a sizeable weak phase present in multi-body charmless b-hadron decays leads to a rich structure of CP violation as a function of the phase space. Amplitude analysis provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that generate strong phase variations, which are responsible for this effect. We present the amplitude analyses of B+ -> pi+ K+ K- and Bs...
DarkSide uses a dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber to search for WIMP dark matter. The talk will present the latest result on the search for low mass ($M_{WIMP} <20GeV/c^2$ ) and high mass ($M_{WIMP}>100GeV/c^2$) WIMPs from the current experiment, DarkSide-50, running since mid 2015 a 50-kg-active-mass TPC, filled with argon from an underground source. The next stage of the...
A review of theory and phenomenology of neutrino electromagnetic properties is presented. A massive neutrino even in the easiest generalization of the Standard Model inevitably has nonzero electromagnetic characteristics, at least nonzero magnetic moment. Although its value, determined by the neutrino mass, is very small, in other BSM theories much larger values of magnetic moments...
A semi-classical Hamiltonian approach can be used to describe the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) production mechanism in heavy-ion collisions in real physical time based upon the existence of a homogeneous initial state being a non-trivial QCD ground-state. An effect ala parametric resonance leading to a decay of the homogeneous gluon condensate into inhomogeneous gluon plasma can be thought as a...
In this talk I will present the project of creation of the first deep underground laboratory in the tunnel Agua Negra that will be connecting Argentina and Chile. This project profits from the construction of the highway linking two countries under the Los Andes mountain range. The depth of the tunnel provides an important cosmic ray shielding which opens vast possibilities to perform...
With Higgs couplings measurement prospects reaching the per-mille level at future lepton colliders, their interplay with the electroweak sector is expected to become relevant. We perform the first comprehensive Standard Model Effective Field Theory analysis covering jointly the Higgs and electroweak sectors. It allows us to investigate the impact of electroweak parameter uncertainties in Higgs...
The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will smoothly bring the luminosity to about $5-7.5\times10^{34}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ in 2028, to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of $3000-4500\;$fb$^{-1}$ by the end of 2039. This High Luminosity LHC scenario, HL-LHC, will require an upgrade program of the LHC detectors known as Phase-2 upgrade. The current CMS Outer Tracker, already...
Measurements of the inclusive and differential top-quark pair production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are presented. The inclusive measurements reach high precision and are compared to the best available theoretical calculations. Differential measurements of the kinematic properties of the top quark production are...
Benefiting from more than a decade of experience in WIMP search with liquid xenon time projection chambers, the DARWIN (DARk matter WImp search with liquid xenoN) collaboration intends to build an observatory involving 50 tonnes of xenon. The primary goal of the experiment is to explore the entire experimentally accessible parameter space for WIMP masses above ${5} \ \mathrm{GeV/c^2}$ down to...
Studies of the production of light- and heavy-flavour baryons are of prominent importance to characterise the partonic phase created in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions and to investigate hadronisation mechanisms at the LHC. Studies performed in p--Pb and pp collisions have revealed unexpected features, qualitatively similar to what is observed in larger collision systems and, in the...
The future circular collider (FCC) study released a conceptual design report (CDR) in January 2019. The CDR highlights the potential for precision measurements and searches for new phenomena in the Higgs sector are among the most important goals in particle physics. Electron-positron collisions up to an energy of 365 GeV (FCC-ee) provide the ultimate precision with studies of Higgs boson...
Measurements of single-top-quark production in proton-proton collisions are presented based on the 8 TeV and 13 TeV ATLAS datasets. The recent combination of the ATLAS and CMS Run 1 single-top-quark measurements is discussed. This combination leads to the most precise direct measurement of the CKM-matrix element Vtb. An interesting quantum effect is the interference of tW and top-quark-pair...
The FAMU (Fisica degli Atomi Muonici) experiment has the goal to measure precisely the proton Zemach radius, thus contributing to the solution of the so-called proton radius ``puzzle'', consisting in a 6 sigmas discrepancy between measurements with electrons and with muons of the charge proton radius. This discrepancy may point to new physics or violation of the lepton...
High energy pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC offer a unique opportunity to study the production of light (anti-)nuclei. The study of the production yield of (anti-)nuclei in heavy-ion collisions at LHC energies probes the late stages in the evolution of the hot, dense nuclear matter created in the collision and serves as baseline in the search for exotic multi-baryon states. ...
The associated production of vector boson with quarkonia is a key observable for understanding the quarkonium production mechanisms, including the separation of single and double parton scattering components.
This talk will present the latest measurements from ATLAS on quarkonium production, including associated production.
Most recent CMS results on Higgs boson production in association with top quarks will be presented.
Recent investigations have suggested that the six-quark combination $uuddss$ could be a deeply bound state ($S$) that has eluded detection so far, and a potential dark matter candidate. We report the first search for a stable, doubly strange six-quark state in $\Upsilon \to S \bar{\Lambda} \bar{\Lambda}$ decays with the $BABAR$ experiment. No signal is observed, and limits on the combined...
We present latest results from searches for leptoquarks with the CMS detector. A variety of final states is considered, probing leptoquark couplings to all three generations of quarks and leptons.
Precision measurements by AMS of the fluxes of cosmic ray positrons, electrons, antiprotons, protons and light nuclei as well as their ratios reveal several unexpected and intriguing features. The presented measurements extend the energy range of the previous observations with much increased precision. The new results show that the positron flux rises from ∼10 GeV above the rate expected from...
The PADME experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN is designed to search for the gauge boson, A’, of a U(1) symmetry holding in a hidden sector of particles neutral under the Standard Model interactions.
The design performance of the experimental apparatus allows exploring the A’ mass range m< 23.7 MeV for values of the effective coupling between A’ and the photon ε>10^-3...
We discuss the parton branching (PB) evolution equation for transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs), especially we concentrate on the angular ordering constrain and its effect on the TMD distributions.
We discuss application of the PB TMDs to precise prediction of Drell-Yan transverse momentum spectrum at LHC, especially we stress the role of angular ordering...
The Muon Collider is a possible option for the next generation of high energy collider machines. It would permit to achieve the energy frontier in leptons collisions, without occurring in significative synchrotron radiation losses as in electrons rings.
Among the technological challenges in the realization of such machine, the treatment of the beam-induced background is one of the most...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has...
The measurement of Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair is essential to understand the top-quark couplings to the Higgs boson. This talk presents the analyses using Higgs boson decays to bbbar pairs, to two Z bosons, to other multi-lepton final states, and to a pair of photons, using pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new phenomena which decay to final states containing both leptons and jets. Searches for new physics models with these signatures are performed using the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The results of the most recent searches on 13 TeV pp data will be presented.
The study of identified hadron production as a function of event multiplicity is a key tool for understanding the similarities and differences between large and small colliding systems.
The multiplicity-dependence of the total yields of identified hadrons as a function of event activity shows a remarkable scaling that covers all the collision systems considered.
The production rates of strange...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. With this data set, Belle II will be able to measure...
The constituents of dark matter are still unknown, and the viable possibilities span a very large mass range. Specific scenarios for the origin of dark matter sharpen the focus on a narrower range of masses: the natural scenario where dark matter originates from thermal contact with familiar matter in the early Universe requires the DM mass to lie within about an MeV to 100 TeV. Considerable...
The dynamical cancellation of the vacuum energy of the QCD sector in the infrared regime is a relevant problem for both particle physics and cosmology. We find an argument related to the existence of Z2-symmetry for the renormalization group flow derived from the bare Yang-Mills Lagrangian, and show that the cancellation of the vacuum energy may arise motivated both from the renormalization...
High-precision HERA data corresponding to a luminosity of around 1 fb$^{-1}$ have been used in the framework of $eeqq$ contact interactions (CI) to set limits on possible high-energy contributions beyond the Standard Model to electron-quark scattering. Measurements of the inclusive deep inelastic cross sections in neutral and charged current $ep$ scattering were considered. The analysis of the...
We present precision measurements of primary and secondary cosmic rays by Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer in the rigidity range up to several TV. These measurements are based on high statistics nuclei samples collected by AMS during the first 7 years of operation aboard the International Space Station. Surprisingly, at ~200 GV all the measured nuclei spectra experience progressive hardening over...
We present the chiral corrections to the pseudoscalar current transition form factors of the delta in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory up to third chiral order using the complex-mass renormalization scheme (CMS) to generate a systematic power counting. We analyze the form factors $\tilde{g}(q^2)$ and $\tilde{h}(q^2)$ which are relevant to address the $\pi \Delta \Delta$ coupling...
We revisit an old proposal where a pseudoscalar $A^0$ has mass between
$t\bar c$ and $t\bar t$ thresholds, but possess extra Yukawa couplings
by absence of $Z_2$ symmetry. With $\rho_{tt}$ small, it evades
$gg \to A^0 \to h^0(125)Z$ constraints, where approximate alignment
also helps. We find this scenario with relatively light $A^0$ is
not yet ruled out, and $cg \to tA^0 \to tt\bar...
We review our studies of spectator-induced electromagnetic (EM) effects on charged pion emission. For heavy-ion Pb+Pb and Au+Au reactions, we formulate a model which associates the size of EM effect with the space-time properties of the system of hot and dense matter formed in the collision. As a result we obtain an estimate for the pion decoupling time which agrees with pion decoupling times...
Within supergravity (the low energy effective theory of string theory) there exist non-singular, horizonless solutions, called fuzzballs, with asymptotic charges $M$, $J$, $Q$ coincident with the charges of a black hole. Two immediate questions arise: 1) Are these solutions viable candidates for microstates that make up the black hole entropy? 2) Can humans (asymptotic observers) distinguish...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. CMS prospects on Higgs self-coupling measurements and...
We examine new aspects of leptoquark (LQ) phenomenology using effective field theory (EFT). We construct a complete set of leading effective operators involving SU(2) singlets scalar LQ and the SM fields up to dimension six. We show that, while the renormalizable LQ-lepton-quark interaction Lagrangian can address the persistent hints for new physics in B-decays and the anomalous magnetic...
We discuss $\gamma^* \gamma^* \to \eta_c(1S)\, , \,\eta_c(2S)$ transition form factor for both virtual photons. The general formula is given. We use different models for the $c \bar c$ wave function obtained from the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation for different $c \bar c$ potentials: harmonic oscillator, Cornell, logarithmic, power-law, Coulomb and Buchm\"uller-Tye. We compare our...
Analysis of anisotropy of the arrival directions of galactic protons, electrons and positrons has been performed with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. These results allow to differentiate between point-like and diffuse sources of cosmic rays for the explanation of the observed excess of high energy positrons. The AMS results on the dipole anisotropy are...
The first measurements of event-by-event correlated fluctuations of neutral and charged kaons are reported in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV, which are proposed to be related to isospin fluctuations in the kaon sector. These dynamic fluctuations affect the mechanism of correlated productions of neutral and charged kaons in heavy ion collisions. In this work we have used the...
Submitted for the SoLid Collaboration
LHCb is playing a crucial role in the study of rare and forbidden decays of charm hadrons, which are sensitive to effects beyond the Standard Model. New searches for FCNC-mediated processes and asymmetry measurements in multibody final states with two leptons are presented.
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new phenomena which decay to well isolated, high-pt leptons. Searches for new physics models with these signatures are performed using the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The results reported here use 13 TeV pp collision data; prospects for HL-LHC will also be shown.
The most recent results from searches for non-resonant production of Higgs boson pairs at CMS will be presented.
We study manifestations of the Melosh spin rotation effects in diffractive electroproduction of heavy quarkonia off a nucleon target.
The quarkonia wave functions are determined within the Schroedinger equation based formalism using realistic potentials, which describe the interaction between heavy quark and antiquark.
The large importance of the Melosh spin transformation is analysed within...
Identified hadron spectra from relativistic heavy-ion collisions allow
one to reconstruct the final state of the fireball. In principle, one
could deduce its previous evolution from a back extrapolation of the
final state. It is also important to study the collisions at different
energies, since hot matter at different energy and baryon densities is
created that way. One is then...
We study color allowed $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda^{(*,**)}_c M^-$, $\Xi_b\to\Xi_c^{(**)} M^-$ and $\Omega_b\to\Omega^{(*,**)}_c M^-$ decays with $M=\pi, K, D, D_s, \rho, K^*, D^*, D^*_s, a_1$ and $s$-wave and $p$-wave charmed baryons, including $\Lambda^{(*,**)}_c=\Lambda_c, \Lambda_c(2595), \Lambda_c(2625), \Lambda_c(2765), \Lambda_c(2940)$,$\Xi_c^{(**)}=\Xi_c, \Xi_c(2815), \Xi_c(2790)$ and...
Flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes are rare within the Standard Model (SM) as they cannot occur at tree level and are suppressed at loop level by the Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani (GIM) mechanism. In $D$-meson decays, the GIM cancellation is almost exact, leading to expected branching fractions for $c\to u l^- l^+$ processes of order $\mathcal{O}(10^{-9})$. However, long-distance...
Various physics models beyond the standard model predict new particles that decay to leptons, photons or jets. This talk presents the status of CMS searches for new resonances decaying to a pair of leptons, photons or jets, as well as other states such lepton + missing transverse momentum. Searches for boosted dijet resonances recoiling against some high pT initial state radiation, as well...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino medium baseline experiment in construction in China, with the main goal to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and to measure several neutrino mass and mixing parameters with a precision at the sub-percent level. The JUNO detector consists of 20 ktons of liquid scintillator contained in a 35 m diameter acrylic sphere,...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) calls for a new high-radiation tolerant solid-state pixel sensor, capable of surviving irradiation fluencies up to a 2.3 x 10^16 1 MeV equivalent neutrons per cm^2 at 3 cm from the interaction point. To this extent, the INFN ATLAS-CMS joint research activity, in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler, is aiming at the...
The large sample of charmed hadrons collected by LHCb is used to measure D0−D0bar mixing and to search for indirect CP violation as well as to measure direct CP violation in D0 mesons and Lambda_c+ baryons. New measurements from several decay modes are presented, including the first observation of CP violation in the charm system. We also discuss prospects for future sensitivities.
The future circular collider (FCC) study released a conceptual design report (CDR) in January 2019. An electron machine is considered as a first step (FCC-ee) with up to four detectors. FCC-ee is capable of very high luminosities in a wide center-of-mass (ECM) spectrum from 90 to 365 GeV. FCC-ee provides a clean experimental environment, produces high luminosity for precision measurements of...
The latest results on production of Higgs boson pairs at 13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment are reported, including a combination of six different decay modes. Results include bbtautau, bbbb, bbgamgam, bbWW, WWWW and WWgamgam final states, and they are interpreted both in terms of sensitivity to the SM and as limits on kappa_lambda, a scaling of the triple-Higgs interaction strength. Future...
Several new physics models such as those involving extra dimensions, leptoquarks, heavy neutrinos, W bosons with right handed couplings, excited fermions, seesaw models, etc. are expected to manifest themselves in non-resonant signatures with multiple leptons, photons or jets. This talk presents CMS searches for new non-resonant phenomena in the final states that involving leptons, photons...
Elaboration of some fundamental relations in 3-dimensional quantum mechanics is
considered taking into account the restricted character of areas in radial distance. In such cases
the boundary behavior of the radial wave function and singularity of operators at the origin of
coordinates contribute to these relations. We derive the relation between the average value of the
operator’s time...
The DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) experiment, in orbit since December 17th 2015, is a space mission whose main purpose is the detection of cosmic electrons and photons up to energies of 10 TeV, in order to identify possible evidence of Dark Matter in their spectra. Furthermore it aims to measure the fluxes and the elemental composition of the galactic cosmic rays nuclei up to 100 TeV,...
Searches for dark matter in various final states with invisible particles recoiling against standard model particles are presented. Various topologies and kinematic variables are explored, as well as jet substructure as a means of tagging heavy bosons. The focus of the talk is on the recent CMS results obtained using data collected in the LHC run 2.
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) constitute unique probes for the hot and dense QCD medium produced in heavy-ion collisions: the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). They are mainly produced in hard scattering processes among partons, which occur immediately after the nuclei crossing with a time-scale shorter than the QGP formation time. Therefore, they witness the full evolution of the medium loosing...
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope CALET is a space instrument designed to carry out precision measurements of high energy cosmic-rays on the JEM-EF external platform of the ISS where it has been collecting science data continuously since mid October 2015.
Equipped with a thick (30 X0 , 1.3 λI ) calorimeter with an imaging pre-shower and with two independent subsystems to identify the...
Photon-photon scattering in vacuum is one of the oldest and most intriguing predictions of quantum electrodynamics, as it would confirm what is called "vacuum polarization" and change our perception of the electromagnetic vacuum. However, experimental verification of scattering between real photons in vacuum hasn't materialized yet. This is due, in part, to the relative weakness of this...
The KLOE-2 experiment at the Frascati Laboratories of INFN
collected at the DA$\Phi$NE collider an integrated luminosity of 5.5 fb$^{-1}$ that
together with the 2.5 fb$^{-1}$ collected by its predecessor KLOE corresponds
to $\sim 8 \times 10^{9}$ $K_SK_L$ entangled pairs produced.
This is the world largest available data sample of this typology and represents a unique tool
to improve the...
The presence of a non-baryonic dark matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If dark matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model (SM) it could be produced at the LHC. The ATLAS experiment has developed a broad search program for DM candidates. The results of recent searches on 13 TeV pp data, their interplay and...
We will report our intense R\&D activity focused on the development of a Multi-Strip readout, Multi-Gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MSMGRPC), aiming to fulfil performance requirements of high energy physics experiments with high counting rate and high multiplicity environment.
Triggerless mode operation needed in a high interaction rate experiment requires a negligible noise or spurious signals...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed upgrade of the LHC at CERN. It consists of an ERL providing electrons to collide with the HL-LHC, HE-LHC and the FCC-hh proton beams. These ep configurations will achieve centre-of-mass energies 1.3-3.5 TeV and luminosities $\sim 10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$ s$^{-1}$ which extends the HERA kinematic coverage by more than one order of magnitude...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new phenomena which decay to quarks. Light-quarks are of particular interest at the LHC since new phenomena produced in parton collisions are likely to produce final states with (at least) two partons. Omg the other hand, b- and top-quarks offer great potential to reduce the Standard Model background, although with significant challenges in...
This talk will present the most recent results on CMS searches for Higgs boson rare and exotic decays.
In ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies, the charm quarks are predominantly produced in initial hard partonic scatterings. Therefore, they experience the entire evolution of the hot and dense medium produced in these collisions, known as the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), and make a very valuable probe. The STAR experiment is capable of studying the production of charm quarks and...
The recent release of improved lattice data has revived again the interest on precise theoretical predictions for the direct CP-violation ratio $\varepsilon'/\varepsilon$. We present a complete update of the Standard Model prediction, including a new re-analysis of isospin-breaking corrections which are of vital importance in the theoretical determination of this observable. Contrary to recent...
The phenomenological application of the Higgs boson production via gluon fusion has been extensively studied in the full theory of the standard model and in the effective field theory approach where the Higgs boson couples directly to gluons. The latter is straightforwardly obtained by considering the heavy top mass limit. In this talk, following the ideas of universal dual amplitudes in the...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility has been proposed as one of several space astronomy payloads onboard the future China’s Space Station (CSS) aimed to detect charged cosmic-rays and gamma-rays from few GeV to PeV energies.
The main science objectives of HERD are searching dark matter particle, the study of cosmic ray chemical composition up to the knee and high energy...
The Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) are gaseous detectors widely used in the muon trigger systems of LHC experiments. Gas mixtures based on HydroFluoroCarbon (HFC) components are generally used. The pollutants produced in the gas under high electrical discharge may accelerate the detectors aging, in particular the Fluorine ions (F-) produced in connection with Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) may damage...
New CMS PYTHIA 8 event tunes are presented. The new tunes are obtained using minimum bias and underlying event observables exploiting Monte Carlo configurations with consistent parton distribution functions and strong coupling constant values in the matrix element and the parton shower, at leading order (LO), next-to-leading order (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). Validation and...
We present results from searches for new particles with enhanced couplings to third generation quarks, based on proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by CMS. The signatures include single and pair production of vector-like quarks and heavy resonances decaying to third generation quarks. A wide range of final states, from multi-leptonic to entirely hadronic...
In this talk, I'll present results from a global analysis of effective Higgs portal dark matter (DM) models in the frequentist and Bayesian statistical frameworks. In particular, we use the GAMBIT software to determine the preferred mass and coupling ranges for vector, Majorana and Dirac fermion DM models. We also assess the relative plausibility of all four (including scalar DM) models using...
The Standard Model predicts several rare Higgs boson decay channels, which have not yet been observed, but that could enhanced in theories beyond the Standard Model. Among these are decays to second-generation leptons and quarks, H→mumu and H→cc, as well as decays to a Z boson and a photon, H->Zgamma. In addition, theories beyond the Standard Model may predict lepton-flavor violating decays of...
Measurements of heavy flavour hadrons in PbPb collisions provide information about the heavy quark dynamics inside the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Heavy quarks are sensitive to the transport properties of the medium and may interact with the QCD matter differently from light quarks. At low pT, heavy quarks provide a direct window on the in-medium QCD force. At high pT, the comparison of results...
The decay K+→π+𝑣𝑣̅, with a very precisely predicted branching ratio of less than 10-10, is one of the best candidates to reveal indirect effects of new physics at the highest mass scales. The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS is designed to measure the branching ratio of the K+→π+𝑣𝑣̅ with a decay-in-flight technique. NA62 took data so far in 2016-2018. Statistics collected in 2016 allowed NA62...
The LHCb experiment has the unique possibility, among the LHC experiments, to be operated in fixed-target mode using its internal gas target. The energy scale achievable at the LHC and the excellent detector capabilities for vertexing, tracking and particle identification allow a wealth of novel measurements of great interest for cosmic ray physics. In particular, using a helium target, the...
Measurements of multiple parton scattering in proton-proton collisions provide insight into the structure and long-range low-momentum scale interactions of the proton. In this talk we present two recent measurements using proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment. The first measurement determines the double-parton scattering contribution to four-lepton events at √s=8 TeV....
Most recent CMS results on searches for heavy resonances decaying into gauge and Higgs bosons (VV, VH where V = W, Z) are presented. The results are based on the large dataset collected during Run 2 of the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The analyses are optimised for high sensitivity over a large range in resonance mass. Jet substructure techniques are used to identify hadronic...
ATLAS is one of the four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector, located at the core the ATLAS tracker.
During operation at instantaneous luminosities of up to 2 10^34/cm^2/s the
frontend chips of the ATLAS innermost pixel layer (IBL) experienced single
event upsets...
We propose a new algorithm based on the Loop-Tree Duality theorem to renormalise and calculate two-loop diagrams. The ultraviolet singularities are locally cancelled in a systematic way and at the integrand level, allowing for a full four-dimensional numerical implementation of the method. In particular, we apply the method to calculate the $H\to\gamma\gamma$ amplitude at two-loop level, and...
The precision study of the 125 GeV Higgs boson offers a new window in to the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. To confront the predictions of models with new interactions, it is important that the experimental program be designed to achieve 1% precision over the full spectrum of Higgs boson couplings, with minimal model-dependence in the analysis and with tight control of...
Unexpectedly strong suppression of heavy flavored mesons, produced with high transverse momenta in heavy ion collisions, is caused by final state interactions in the created dense medium. Gluon bremsstrahlung by a highly virtual heavy quark ceases shortly after the hard collision in accordance with perturbative QCD calculations and LEP measurements of the fragmentation function....
Many extensions to the Standard Model predicts new particles decaying into two bosons (W, Z, photon, or Higgs bosons) making these important signatures in the search for new physics. Searches for such diboson resonances have been performed in final states with different numbers of leptons, photons and jets and b-jets where new jet substructure techniques to disentangle the hadronic decay...
We present fits to determine parton distribution functions (PDFs) using top-antitop, inclusive W/Z-boson, as well as W+ and W− boson production measurements in association with jets from ATLAS, in combination with deep-inelastic scattering data from HERA. The ATLAS W and Z boson data exhibit sensitivity to the valence quark distributions and the light quark sea composition, whereas the...
Silicon pixel detectors are at the core of the current and planned upgrade of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As the closest detector component to the interaction point, these detectors will be subjected to a significant amount of radiation over their lifetime: prior to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the innermost layers will receive a fluence in excess of 10^15...
In the past years, we have been developing a novel technique, called Four-Dimensional Unsubtraction (FDU) which aims to obtain purely four-dimensional representations of the matrix elements contributing to physical observables. In this talk, we describe the application of the loop-tree duality (LTD) theorem to represent loop amplitudes in terms of tree-level like objects, focusing on the...
The main aim of the LHC forward (LHCf) experiment is to precisely measure very forward particle production in high energy p-p and p-ion collisions. These experimental results are necessary for the tuning of hadronic interaction models used to simulate the Extensive Air Showers (EAS) generated from the interaction of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) with the Earth atmosphere. The two main...
To unravel the nature of dark matter is one of the most important goals in particle physics today. The Higgs field may well be the portal that couples to a whole new dark sector in which the dark matter candidate particle is accommodated. Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson, which may originate from the Higgs boson decaying to dark matter directly or via some mediator, would give...
The NA62 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of charged kaon decays into final states with multiple charged particles in 2016-2018. The sensitivity to a range of lepton flavour and lepton number violating kaon decays provided by this data set improves over the previously reported measurements. Results from the searches for these processes with a partial NA62 data sample are presented.
CRESST-III is a cryogenic dark matter experiment operated at the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy. The primary research interest is the search for dark matter in the sub-GeV mass region. Dark matter particles are detected by measuring the nuclear recoil energy from the elastic scatter with the dark matter particle. The experimental challenge for reaching such a low mass region is to achieve the...
We discuss the most relevant features of a BSM model with extra gauge symmetry, the so called 331 model. The gauge group is $SU(3)_c\times SU(3)_L \times U(1)_X$ implying the presence of extra gauge bosons, both charged and neutral, as well as extra/exotic fermions and an enlarged scalar sector. We present the relevant phenomenology of doubly-charged gauge bosons, which are a distinctive...
Non-perturbative QCD effects from Parton Distribution Functions (PDF) at hadron colliders may be constrained by using high statistics Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data. Drell-Yan (DY) measurements in the Charged Current (CC) case provide one of the primary channels to do this, in the form of the lepton charge asymmetry. We investigate here the impact of measurements in Neutral Current (NC) DY...
The CMS endcap calorimeter upgrade for high luminosity LHC in 2025 uses, for the most part, silicon sensors to achieve radiation tolerance, with the further benefit of a very high readout granularity. Developing a reconstruction sequence that fully exploits the granularity, and other significant features of the detector like precision timing, is a challenging task. The aim is for operation in...
The LHC heavy-ion physics program aims at investigating the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed in such collisions. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are regarded as efficient probes to study and characterize the QGP, as they are created on a very short time scale in initial hard processes and subsequently experience the entire system evolution interacting with the medium...
The NA48/2 experiment at CERN reports the first observation of the K± → π±π0e e− decay from an exposure of 1.7×1011 charged kaon decays recorded in 2003−2004. A sample of 4919 candidates with 4.9% background contamination allows the determination of the branching ratio in the full kinematic region. The study of the kinematic space shows evidence for a structure dependent contribution in...
Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories display important applications for the calculation of observables in the physics that the LHC delivers and, also, formal properties where mathematical aspects are considered. In this talk we consider relations among scattering amplitudes that are obtained as a consequence of the duality between colour and kinematics. These relations are obtained from...
The sources of cosmic-rays beyond the knee of the cosmic-ray spectrum 10$^{15}$eV (= 1 PeV) are not firmly discovered yet. Supernovae remnants (SNR) have been proven to be able to accelerate cosmic-rays up to ∼ 10$^{14}$eV, but not beyond. Supernovae (SNe), the precursor phase of SNRs, are good candidates for PeV acceleration as some recent theoretical studies indicate that particles with PeV...
In this work, we calculate limits on masses and couplings of neutral, mono and doubly-charged vector bosons predicted by a class of models based on the $SU(3)_{C} \times SU(3)_{L} \times U(1)_{X}$ symmetry group. These models offer an elegant explanation for the threefold replication of quark-lepton families. Different final states, including two, three and four leptons and leptons plus...
Prototype imaging electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters developed and operated by the CALICE collaboration provide an unprecedented wealth of highly granular data of hadronic showers for a variety of active sensor elements and different absorber materials. In this presentation, we discuss detailed measurements of the spatial and the time structure of hadronic showers to characterise the...
Isolated photons with high transverse energy have been studied in deep inelastic $ep$ scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA, using an integrated luminosity of $326\, \mathrm{pb}^{-1}$ in the range of exchanged-photon virtuality $10 - 350 \,\, \mathrm{GeV}^2$. Outgoing isolated photons with transverse energy $4 < E_T^\gamma < 15$ GeV and pseudorapidity $-0.7 < \eta^\gamma < 0.9$ were...
PICO is an experiment using bubble chambers with superheated $\mathrm{C}_3\mathrm{F}_8$ to detect nuclear recoils caused by WIMP dark matter. Due to their inherent electron recoil rejection and ability to probe spin-dependent interactions using fluorocarbon targets, bubble chambers have an established niche in the field of dark matter direct detection. PICO-60 set world-leading limits on the...
An evolved real-time data processing strategy is proposed for high-energy physics experiments, and its implementation at the LHCb experiment is presented. The reduced event model allows not only the signal candidate firing the trigger to be persisted, as previously available, but also an arbitrary set of other reconstructed or raw objects from the event. This allows for higher trigger rates...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities. The detector also offers a flexible trigger that enables low mass states to be recorded with high efficiency, and a precision vertex detector that enables excellent separation of primary interactions from secondary decays. This allows LHCb to make important (and world-best) contributions in these regions of phase space...
We present a study for the generation of events from a physical process with generative deep learning. To simulate physical processes it is not only important to produce physical events, but also to produce the events with the right frequency of occurrence (density). We investigate the feasibility to learn the event generation and the frequency of occurrence with Generative Adversarial...
The European Particle Physics Strategy Update 2020 discusses what Europe, taking into account the worldwide particle physics landscape, sees as the highest priorities for particle physics research in the coming decades. A wide spectrum of proposals and opportunities are examined to explore the basic building blocks of matter, the structure of time and space, and with it the origins of our...
In the context of the Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT), we study the LHC sensitivity to four fermion operators involving heavy quarks by employing cross section measurements in the $\text{t}\overline{\text{t}}\text{b}\overline{\text{b}}$ final state. Starting from the measurement of total rates, we progressively exploit kinematical information and machine learning techniques to...
The study of heavy-flavour (charm and beauty) production is important to understand the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, since heavy quarks are produced in the initial stages of the collisions and subsequently interact with the medium throughout its evolution.
In the QGP, strange quarks are expected to be abundantly produced and...
We assume that the quark-flavor coefficients matrix of the semileptonic operators addressing the neutral-current B-meson anomalies has rank-one, i.e. it can be described by a single vector in quark-flavor space. By correlating the observed anomalies to other flavor and high-pT observables, we constrain its possible directions and we show that a large region of the parameter space of this...
The Cosmic Neutrino Background is a prediction of the standard cosmological model, but it has been never observed directly. Experiments with the aim of detecting relic CNB neutrinos are under development. For such experiments, the expected event rate depends on the local number density of relic neutrinos. Since massive neutrinos can be attracted by the gravitational potential of our galaxy and...
In view of the J-PARC program of upgrades of the beam intensity, the T2K collaboration is preparing towards an increase of the exposure aimed at establishing leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values. To reach this goal, an upgrade of the T2K near detector ND280 has been launched, with the aim of reducing the overall statistical...
We present an innovative new approach to calorimeter-based particle identification at the Belle II experiment through the application of CsI(Tl) Pulse Shape Discrimination. By instrumenting the 8736 CsI(Tl) crystals in the Belle II calorimeter with new electronics that enable online CsI(Tl) waveform digitization and readout, during the first run of SuperKEKB collision data-taking in summer...
Over the past 10 years, a new type of live-action team-based game became extremely popular all over the world, so-called escape (or adventure) games. Escape games are fun and engaging activities that require teamwork, communication and delegation skills, as well as critical thinking while fully absorbing players in a different reality. However, if adapted to specific learning content, the...
Theoretical calculations for jet substructure observables with accuracy beyond leading-logarithm have recently become available. Such observables are significant not only for probing a new regime of QCD at a hadron collider, but also for improving the understanding of jet substructure properties that are used in many searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. In this talk, we discuss a...
Manifest gauge-invariance requires that observable states in the standard-model are described by composite operators, which involve additional Higgs contributions beyond perturbation theory. This field-theoretical effects has been confirmed in lattice simulations. It has experimentally accessible consequences, of which two will be explored.
One is a non-trivial modification of the off-shell...
Many extensions of the Standard Model include the possibility of light new particles, such as axions or dark matter candidates. These scenarios can be probed using the large data sets collected by the $B$-factories, complementing measurements performed at the LHC. The $BABAR$ collaboration has conducted an extensive program to search for axions in $B$ decays and for self-interacting or...
In this presentation we discuss the contribution of the three-pomeron configurations to quarkonia production in proton-proton collisions. This mechanism provides a natural explanation of the elevated multiplicities of the produced charged hadrons in the events with production of charmonia. The suggested mechanism gets dominant contribution from the region which can be theoretically described...
Pseudo-Dirac neutrinos are pairs of maximally-mixed Majorana neutrinos with tiny mass difference between the active and the sterile states in each pair. Their oscillation phenomenology is different from that of active neutrinos. Assuming blazars to be the source of astrophysical neutrinos, we construct all-sky maps of neutrino flavor compositions resulting from oscillations of pseudo-Dirac...
b-hadron decays proceeding via charged-current interactions are excellent tools to study the CKM matrix, b-hadron properties, hadronic form-factors and Lepton Universality. The large branching fractions, coupled with excellent particle identification capability and accurate reconstruction of decay vertices, enable the LHCb experiment to perform high-precision measurements of many key...
Using IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and Quantum Computer Hardware, we have successfully employed the Quantum Support Vector Machine Method (QSVM) for a ttH (H to two photons), Higgs coupling to top quarks analysis at the LHC.
We will present our experiences and results of a study on LHC high energy physics data analysis with IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and IBM Quantum Computer Hardware...
Several theories predict dark matter to be a part of a larger dark sector of particles and forces. These dark sector particles such as dark photons, dark scalars or dark quarks may interact very weakly with standard model particles resulting in several distinct signatures in the high energy pp collision events at the LHC. This talk presents recent results from CMS on dark sector searches using...
International Masterclasses (IMC) have grown in a number of ways. World Wide Data Day (W2D2) and special masterclasses for International Day of Women and Girls in Science (IDWGS) are innovations that began two years ago and have taken root. W2D2 establishes new ways for high school students and teachers to engage in masterclass activities from their own classrooms. For IDWGS, a new pathway has...
Gluon splitting to b-quark pairs is a unique probe of the properties of gluon fragmentation, as the identified b-tagged jets provide a proxy for the quark daughters of the initial gluon. We present a measurement of key differential distributions related to g→b bbar using data collected with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeV. Track jets are used to probe angular scales below the standard R=0.4...
The large centre-of-mass energy available at the proton-proton collider LHC allows for the copious production of top-quark-antiquark pairs in association with electroweak gauge bosons (W / Z / gamma) at high transverse momenta. The tt ̄Z and tt ̄W production cross sections are simultaneously measured using a combined fit in several analysis regions. The measurement of the tt ̄Z cross section...
The magnitudes of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements, in combination with the angles of the Unitarity Triangle, are crucial for testing the standard model. We report a new determination of $|V_{cb}|$ based on $B \to D^* l^+ \nu$ decays in untagged events. Different parameterizations of the semileptonic form factor are used in the extraction of this CKM matrix element. Finally,...
We present LHCb results on quarkonia production in proton-lead collisions, using the data collected at 5.02 and 8.16 TeV nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energies, covering forward (pPb configuration) and backward (Pbp configuration) rapidities. Measurements include charmonia, where the prompt and from-b-decay components are disentangled, and bottomonia states. The large increase in size of the...
Compact stellar objects such as neutron stars (NS) are ideal places for capturing dark matter (DM) particles. We study the effect of self-interacting DM captured by the nearby NS that can reheat it to an appreciated surface temperature through absorbing the energy released due to DM annihilation. When DM-nucleon cross section $\sigma_{\chi n}$ is small enough, DM self-interaction will take...
The High-Luminosity LHC will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. Such precision measurements and searches require information-rich datasets with a statistical power that matches the high-luminosity provided by the Phase-2 upgrade of the...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict unique signatures which are difficult to reconstruct and for which estimating the background rates is also a challenge. Signatures of new particles with fractional or multiple value of the charge of the electron or high mass stable charged particles are examples of experimentally demanding signatures. The talk will focus on the most recent...
New results on jet fragmentation measurements at LHCb are presented. LHCb has probed the fragmentation of light and heavy flavour jets, with results showing significant discrepancies with theoretical predictions found using standard Monte Carlo event simulation. These are the first measurements of jet hadronisation and fragmentation at forward rapidities at the LHC. Results from LHCb of J/Psi...
The HL-LHC will see ATLAS and CMS see proton bunch collisions reaching track multiplicity up to 10.000 charged tracks per event. Algorithms need to be developed to harness the increased combinatorial complexity. To engage the Computer Science community to contribute new ideas, we have organized a Tracking Machine Learning challenge (TrackML), running first on Kaggle platform, then on Codalab...
(Does not include EFT interpretation of ttV and any FCNC) A comprehensive set of measurements of top quark pair production in association with EWK bosons (W, Z or ɣ) is presented.
Quark-gluon plasma and it's properties can be studied with quarkonium states used as a probe. Both $J/\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ states dissociate if a sufficiently high temperature is reached in the plasma. Since these quarkonium states have different binding energies, they are expected to dissociate at different temperatures, which is expected to lead to the so-called sequential suppression...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has...
As the experimental precision at the LHC keeps improving, next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO) corrections for scattering processes have become crucial for providing theoretical predictions of comparable accuracy. The scattering amplitudes are a fundamental ingredient of these theoretical predictions, and the perturbative analytic calculations are extremely valuable. While NNLO calculations...
Communicating the status and achievements of the ATLAS Experiment has been a core objective of the ATLAS Collaboration since its founding. To match an ever-changing media landscape, ATLAS has tailored its communication strategy to produce content that effectively targets key audiences. The comprehensive approach of ATLAS communications is explored, with a focus on strategic themes, effective...
We study SN1987A constraints on the interactions between Standard Model fermions and dark vector boson. We consider a more general scenario that the dark boson mixes with Standard Model (SM) gauge bosons through both kinetic and mass mixing terms in the Lagrangian. Hence dark boson couples to SM fermions via vector and axial-vector couplings. Such couplings induce reactions $N+N\to N+N+Z_d$...
Measurements of the production cross-section of top-quark-antiquark pairs with additional jets provide important tests of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The ATLAS experiment has measured several final state observables that are sensitive to additional radiation in top-quark-antiquark final states at 13 TeV. These measurements are compared to predictions of modern Monte Carlo generators based on...
In the High Luminosity LHC, planned to start with Run4 in 2026, the ATLAS experiment will be equipped with the Hardware Track Trigger (HTT) system, a dedicated hardware system able to reconstruct tracks in the silicon detectors with short latency. This HTT will be composed of about 700 ATCA boards, based on new technologies available on the market, like high speed links and powerful FPGAs, as...
The status of the milliQan experiment is discussed. milliQan is a proposed search for milli-charged particles produced at the LHC with expected sensitivity to charges of between 0.1e and 0.001e for masses in 0.1 - 100 GeV range. The proposed detector is an array of 4 stacks of 60 cm long plastic scintillator arrays read out by PMTs. It will be installed in an existing tunnel 33 m from the CMS...
Heavy quarks are produced at the first instant of a nucleus-nucleus collision and therefore are an important tool to study the subsequent high energy-density medium formed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. A series of experimental efforts for understanding the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a medium consisting of a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, are based on...
We investigate the prospects for discovering a top quark decaying into
one light Higgs boson ($h^0$) along with a charm quark
in top quark pair production
at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and future hadron colliers.
A general two Higgs doublet model is adopted to study the signature
of flavor changing neutral Higgs (FCNH) interactions with $t \to c h^0$,
followed by $h^0 \to WW^*$...
I will present a framework to compute two-loop five-point amplitudes that combines
integrand reduction, integration-by-part identities and finite-field reconstruction techniques. Analytic results for two-loop five parton amplitudes obtained using the framework will also be discussed.
The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider will deliver proton-proton collisions at 14 TeV with instantaneous luminosities up to 7.5*10^34 cm^-2 s^-1. The physics program of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment strongly depends on the ability to identify muons at an early trigger stage, over a momentum range spanning from few GeV to the TeV scale. Several upgrades of...
Named after the 2015 Nobel Laureate in physics, the Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute is a new initiative to create a network of Canadian astroparticle physics research talent through its home base at Queen's University, 7 partner institutions, and 5 research facilities. Following the success of Art McDonald and the SNO collaboration, Canada recognized the...
The high-intensity setup, trigger system flexibility, and detector performance – high-frequency tracking of beam particles, redundant PID, ultra-high-efficiency photon vetoes – make NA62 particularly suitable for searching for new-physics effects from different scenarios. We report the results of a search for π0 decays to one photon and an invisible massive dark photon. From a total of about...
We study a class of models in which the Standard Model (SM) is augmented by vector-like leptons: one doublet and a singlet, which are odd under an unbroken discrete Z_2 symmetry. As a result, the neutral component of these additional vector-like leptons are stable and behave as dark matter. We study the phenomenological constraints on the model parameters and elucidate the parameter space...
The huge size of the liquid argon based Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) has motivated efforts to validate its technology at its full scale, in the form of the ProtoDUNE setups at CERN. The 770-ton Single-Phase ProtoDUNE setup was constructed in about two years, and successfully took beam data in late 2018, just before the shutdown of the CERN accelerator complex. A grand total of...
The LHC is expected to increase its center-of-mass energy to 14 TeV and an instantaneous luminosity to 2.4x10^34 cm^-2s^-1 for Run 3 scheduled from 2021 to 2023. An upgrade of the ATLAS trigger system is required to cope with the high event rate. The level-1 Endcap Muon trigger system identifies muons with high transverse momentum by combining data from a fast muon trigger detector, TGC. In...
In this work, we study the discovery prospect of a heavy neutrino in the intermediate to very high mass range at $\rm e^{+}e^{-}$ collider. We consider two different c.m.energies $\rm \sqrt{s}=1.4$ TeV and $3\,\rm TeV$, respectively, that are relevant for CLIC. Contrary to the LHC, the production cross-section of a heavy neutrino at $\rm e^{+}e^{-}$ collider is fairly large. We consider two...
J/$\psi$ production provides a particular sensitivity to the medium which can be produced in heavy-ion collisions at ultrarelativistic energies as delivered by the LHC. The vacuum production is modelled by a reference measured in proton-proton collisions and potential initial-state effects can be constrained using p--Pb collisions in the same collision-energy regime.
In this contribution...
(Does not include EFT interpretation and any FCNC) A comprehensive set of measurements of top quark pair and single top quark production in association with light and b-jets is presented. The status of the search for four top quark production, to which the LHC experiments are starting to be sensitive, and that has important BSM re-interpretations, is also reported.
The CMS Open Data project offers new opportunities to measure Standard Model (SM) Production Cross Sections which have not been probed so far. In this work, we evaluate the challenges and the opportunities of the CMS Open Data
project in the view of cross-section measurements. In
particular we reevaluate SM cross-sections of the production of W-bosons, Z-bosons, top-quark pairs and WZ...
The status of outreach activities of the LHCb experiment at LHC is presented, covering both continuing outreach efforts as well as new projects specific to LHCb. These include the work towards preservation of the subdetectors that that are being replaced during the upgrade of the LHCb detector in the Long Shutdown 2, and updates to the surface exhibition above the LHCb interaction point. The...
The design for the Level-0 endcap muon trigger of the ATLAS experiment at High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and the status of the development are presented. HL-LHC is planned to start the operation in 2026 with an instantaneous luminosity of 7.5 x 10^34 cm^-2s^-1. In order to cope with the proton-proton collision rate higher than that of LHC, the trigger and readout system needs to be replaced. The...
The Inert Doublet Model (IDM) is one of the simplest extensions of the Standard Model (SM), providing a dark matter candidate. It is a two Higgs doublet model with a discrete Z2 symmetry, that prevents the scalars of the second doublet (inert scalars) from coupling to the SM fermions and makes the lightest of them stable. We study a large statistics of IDM scenarios, which are consistent with...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a dual-site experiment for long baseline neutrino oscillation studies, and for neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. DUNE will comprise four 10 kton fiducial liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LAr TPC) modules placed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (South Dakota, USA). One of these modules will profit form the...
Results from LHCb on top production in the forward region are presented. LHCb provides unique coverage at forward rapidities at the LHC, and measurements at LHCb probe a unique kinematic range, providing novel constraints on parton distribution functions. The potential for future measurements at LHCb, following major upgrades that will enable the collection of integrated luminosities of at...
Recent theory results for the full set of hadronic matrix elements arising in $B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu$ decays have triggered our interest. We investigate if and how various pieces of theory information on these hadronic matrix elements fit together. As a consequence, we obtain precise theory predictions for the full angular distribution of these decays in the SM and beyond. Finally, we challenge...
Science and art define the culture of a society, through intention to understand the world around us. Both, art and science develop the ability of abstract thinking, the most powerful tool of knowledge, and the strongest force in the universe. Creativity is common to both science and art, science teaches us to think in a new way, and art teaches us to observe and perceive the world...
The CMS experiments has devised two new strategies at the High Level trigger, to search for new physics in difficult corners of the phase space, or in large samples with B hadrons. The first strategy, called Data Scouting and already introduced in Run 1, allows to take data that would otherwise be rejected by the normal trigger filters. It is based on event-size reduction rather than event...
We suggest that generalized parton distributions can be probed in charged current meson production process, like $ep\to e\pi^{−}p$ and $ep\to e\rho^{−}p$. In contrast to pion photoproduction, this process is sensitive to the unpolarized GPDs $H, E$, and for this reason has a very small contamination by higher twist and Bethe-Heitler type contributions. We prove that the simultaneous study of...
LHCb has the unique capability to study collisions of the LHC beams on fixed targets. Internal gas targets of helium, neon and argon have been used so far to collect samples corresponding to integrated luminosities up to 0.1 pb-1. An upgraded target, allowing a wider choice of target gas species and an increase in the gas density by up to two orders of magnitude, is planned to be installed for...
LHCb has made a series of searches sensitive to Higgs-like bosons and their decays. These analyses include searches for long-lived particles produced in the decays of such resonances, with these particles decaying to various final states probed in different analyses, and a search for Higgs-like bosons that produce lepton-flavour-violating decays, producing a tau mu final state. The unique...
The COMET Phase-I experiment searches for a muon-to-electron conversion at a target sensitivity of $3\times10^{-15}$, which has never been observed. The event signature is the emission of a mono-energetic electron of 105 MeV from a muonic atom of aluminum. This electron is detected by a Cylindrical Drift Chamber (CDC) and a set of trigger counters (TC) in a 1 T solenoidal magnetic field.
The search for new physics (NP) involving semileptonic $b$-hadron decays requires large, dedicated Monte Carlo data sets, in order to properly model acceptance and selection efficiencies. We present the Hammer reweighting tool, developed for and in conjunction with the LHCb and Belle II experiments, that makes use of an efficient event and histogram reweighting strategy, permitting...
ORIGIN is a network founded in January 2018 by several high energy & astrophysics collaborations and research centres. It builds on the art@CMS methodology to create and support events, exhibits and workshops where public engagement and education are enhanced by both art and science.
The exhibit setup in Puebla, Mexico, in parallel with the LHCP conference, will be used to illustrate how the...
The discovery of the Higgs boson with the mass of about 125 GeV completed the particle content predicted by the Standard Model. Even though this model is well established and consistent with many measurements, it is not capable to solely explain some observations. Many extensions addressing this fact introduce additional Higgs-like bosons which can be either neutral, singly-charged or even...
We have performed an object tagging approach to identify boosted top quark decaying to electron or muon final state without an explicit use of the lepton. When top quark is produced with large transverse momentum, its daughter lepton has a hadronic activity in it's neighborhood, and hence standard lepton identification and isolation criteria are affected. We have come up with novel observables...
Transverse Momentum Dependent parton distribution functions allow to take into account apart from the proton momentum fraction also transverse momenta of initial partons in the description of hadronic cross-section. They are therefore a promising tool to obtain a more precise description of kinematics of hadronic observables. In this talk we present our most recent results in the ...
Deformed relativistic kinematics, expected to emerge in a flat-spacetime limit of quantum gravity, predicts the Planck-scale violation of discrete symmeries, in particular the CPT symmetry.
Momentum-dependent deformations of the action of CPT are derived from the kappa-deformed Poincare algebra.
In this approach, deformation of CPT symmetry leads to a subtle violation of
Lorentz symmetry.
We report on our study showing that heavy-flavour production at the LHC can strongly improve our knowledge of the gluon content of the heavy nuclei. We have indeed observed that the nuclear effects encoded in both most recent global fits of nuclear parton densities at next-to-leading order (nCTEQ15 and EPPS16) gives a good account of the LHC proton-lead data. Thanks to a Bayesian-reweighting...
We study the feasibility of observing deviations from the CPT symmetry owing to quantum decoherence and in the framework of the neutrino oscillations. Taking into account the open system approach, and considering non-diagonal decoherence matrices, we study all the cases in which CPT violation (CPTV) terms that could be arising in the neutrino oscillation probabilities. Considering the vacuum...
“Cultural Collisions” is an interdisciplinary science/art engagement and networking programme. It is designed to trigger curiosity, creativity, and foster critical thinking in school students to help them overcome the scientific and technological challenges of the 21st century.
It was developed and evaluated within the EU funded project CREATIONS and supported by the international particle...
Athena is the software framework used in the ATLAS experiment throughout the data processing path, from the software trigger system through offline event reconstruction to physics analysis. The shift from high-power single-core CPUs to multi-core systems in the computing market means that the throughput capabilities of the framework have become limited by the available memory per process. For...
The PPS (Precision Proton Spectrometer) detector system consists of silicon tracking stations as well as timing detectors to measure both the position and direction of protons and their time-of-flight with high precision. They are located at around 200 m from the interaction point in the very forward region on both sides of the CMS experiment. PPS is built to study Central Exclusive Production...
The HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment is a two stage experiment for the European Spallation
Source (ESS) to search for baryon number violation. The experiment would make high sensitivity searches for baryon number violating processes: n → nbar and n → n′(neutron to sterile neutron), corresponding to the selection rules in baryon number ΔB = 2, 1 , respectively. The experiment addresses topical open...
At TeV-scale hadron colliders, such at the CERN LHC and proposed future facilities at $\sqrt{s}=28-100$ TeV, single and pair production of top quarks invariably constitute a major background in multi-lepton searches for new, TeV-scale particles, such as $W'$ gauge bosons, smuons $(\tilde{\mu})$, and heavy neutrinos $(N)$. Due to imperfect tagging efficiencies, however, vetoing events according...
The knowledge of initial flux, energy and flavor of current neutrino beams is currently the main limitation for a precise measurement of neutrino cross sections. The ENUBET ERC project (2016-2021) is studying a facility based on a narrow band neutrino beam capable of constraining the neutrino fluxes normalization through the monitoring of the associated charged leptons in an instrumented decay...
The precision determination of the CKM matrix element $|V_{cb}|$ from
semileptonic $B \to D^*$ and $B \to D$ decays provides an important input to test
the unitarity of the CKM matrix and search for new physics. In recent
analyses, higher values of $|V_{cb}|$ were extracted using (the so-called BGL)
form factor parametrization, which allows more freedom to describe the
Electroweak bosons produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions serve as excellent probes of the collision geometry and centrality. Their production rates should be unaffected by initial-state effects. Due to the correlation between the kinematics of quarks from incoming nuclei and the rapidity of produced electroweak bosons, they also provide insight into nuclear modifications of parton...
Precision results on cosmic-ray electrons are presented in the energy range from 0.5 GeV to 1.4 TeV based on 28.1 million electrons collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. In the entire energy range the electron and positron spectra have distinctly different magnitudes and energy dependences. The electron flux exhibits a significant excess starting from...
The LHCb collaboration has redesigned its trigger to enable the full offline detector reconstruction to be performed in real time. Together with the real-time alignment and calibration of the detector, and a software infrastructure for persisting the high-level physics objects produced during real-time processing, this redesign enabled the widespread deployment of real-time analysis during Run...
The LHC Top Working Group was established to perform combinations of
top-quark related measurements from the LHC experiments, and provides a
forum to discuss interpretation of LHC measurements in the light of
the most recent theory developments. In this talk the challenges and
the progress in such combinations are presented together with the
latest results, including the recently published...
Inclusive single diffractive dissociation (pp->pX) is studied using data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The intact proton is reconstructed and measured in the ALFA forward spectrometer, while charged particles from the dissociative system (X) are reconstructed and measured using the ATLAS inner tracking detector and calorimeters. Differential cross sections are presented as a...
The precision measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon presently exhibits a 3.5σ discrepancy with the Standard Model (SM) prediction. In the next few years this measurement will reach an even higher precision at Fermilab and J-PARC. While the QED and electroweak contributions to the muon g-2 can be determined very precisely, the leading hadronic (HLO) correction is affected by...
As a laboratory for unconventional scientific communication, the experimentation of different ways to communicating science have led the INFN Communications Office to carry out, in the last decade, innovative formats for public events, in which performing arts intertwine with the narrative of science. Since the structure of the story is intrinsically connected with the process of knowledge...
After measuring in 2012 a relatively large value of the neutrino mixing angle θ13, the door is now open to observe for the first time a possible CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of θ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at this 2nd oscillation maximum is about...
The heavy quark effective theory makes model independent
predictions for semileptonic $\Lambda_b$ baryon decays in terms of a small
set of parameters. No subleading Isgur-Wise function occurs at order
$\Lambda_{QCD}/m_{c,b}$, and only two sub-subleading functions enter at order
$\left(\Lambda_{QCD}/m_{c}\right)^2$. These features allow us to fit the form factors and decay
rates calculated...
The production of low-mass dielectrons is the most promising tools for the understanding of the chiral symmetry restoration and of the thermodynamical properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Since dielectrons are unaffected by strong final-state interactions and emitted during all stages of the collision, they carry information about the...
Creativity is something common to many disciplines and is certainly involved in artistic and scientific thought and work. Scientists and artists are asked to see and think beyond the perceivable reality. They can imagine aspects of things and phenomena, which can only be seen from an unusual perspective: they possess vision and creativity. We found it interesting to explore similarities and...
Liquid argon (LAr) sampling calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. In the first LHC run a total luminosity of 27 fb-1 has been collected at center-of-mass energies of 7-8 TeV. After detector consolidation during a long shutdown, Run-2...
The E989 Muon g-2 Experiment has completed its first physics run and collected a dataset roughly two times larger than the previous Brookhaven experiment. With a target precision of 140 ppb, divided equally between statistics and systematics, E989 will achieve the most precise measurement to date of the muon's anomalous magnetic moment and will thus be able to confirm or resolve the larger...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities. This enables complementary measurements of soft QCD phenomena to those at the other LHC detectors. Measurements of the inelastic cross-section and of particle production will be presented. Measurements of Central Exclusive Production (CEP) at LHCb will also be presented. These measurements probe QCD, allowing...
The future circular collider (FCC) study released a conceptual design report (CDR) in January 2019. FCC-ee can provide $e^+e^−$ collisions with center-of-mass energies of up to 365 GeV and luminosities at the highest energy of 1.4 $10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ in up to four IPs. Threshold scans enable precision measurements of the top mass and width constraining $\alpha_s$ and $Y_T$, while a run...
In this talk, I will discuss consequences of the potential detection of anti-helium-3 and -4 events by AMS-02. After showing that spallation from primary hydrogen and helium nuclei onto the ISM cannot account for the measured fluxes, I will argue that dark matter annihilation or decay face similar difficulties in explaining these events. I will then entertain the possibility that these events...
Particle physicists are sometimes described as Platonists, referring to their belief that the ultimate explanation of the Universe must possess beauty. Since scientists in other fields are more sceptical about the role of beauty in science, HEP physicists are in a unique position: we know there is beauty in the fundamental laws that we discovered and this is a great message that we could share...
The HL-LHC will see ATLAS and CMS see proton bunch collisions reaching track multiplicity up to 10.000 charged tracks per event. Algorithms need to be developed to harness the increased combinatorial complexity. To engage the Computer Science community to contribute new ideas, we have organized a Tracking Machine Learning challenge (TrackML). Participants are provided events with 100k 3D...
This work represents the culmination of the solution for the historical problem
of the contamination of matter effects in the discrete CP, T, CPT asymmetries for neutrino propagation. The goal is accomplished in terms of a basis of three independent components: genuine CPT-even, matter-induced T-even, interference
CP-even. Independent of the theoretical framework for the dynamics of the...
MoEDAL is an LHC experiment designed to search for anomalously ionizing messengers of new physics such as magnetic monopoles or massive (pseudo-)stable charged particles, which are predicted to exist in many models beyond the Standard Model. It started data taking at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in 2015. Its physics program yields insights into such foundational questions as:...
We analyze in detail the LHC prospects at the center-of-mass enery of 14 TeV for charged electroweakino searches, decaying to leptons, in compressed supersymmetry scenarios, via exclusive photon-initiated pair production. This provides a potentially increased sensitivity in comparison to inclusive channels, where the background is often overwhelming. We pay particular attention to the...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. CLIC will be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV, and 3 TeV. This contribution discusses the prospects for precision measurements of top-quark production and...
Global fits of primary and secondary cosmic-ray (CR) fluxes measured by AMS-02
have great potential to study CR propagation models and search for exotic
sources of antimatter such as annihilating dark matter (DM). Previous studies
of AMS-02 antiprotons revealed a possible hint for a DM signal which, however,
could be affected by systematic uncertainties. To test the robustness of such a
We consider a Composite Higgs Model with two isospin doublet Higgs fields arising as pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons from a SO(6)->SO(4)xSO(2) breaking. The main focus is to explicitly compute the properties of these Higgses in terms of the fundamental parameters of the composite sector such as masses, Yukawa and gauge couplings of the new spin-1 and spin-1/2 resonances. Concretely, we calculate...
Rare b->sll decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that are forbidden at the lowest perturbative order in the Standard Model (SM). As a consequence, new particles in SM extensions can significantly affect the branching fractions of these decays and their angular distributions. Particularly interesting are extensions of the SM that violate lepton flavour universality. Since rare...
In this talk, we briefly describe the recent progress on the inclusion of mixed QCD-QED corrections for collider observables. In particular, we developed a formalism to extend qt-resummation to deal with simultaneous emission of gluons and photons. We applied it to Z-production at colliders, and discuss extensions to more complicated final states.
We present recent results on study of exclusive processes of $e^+e^-$ annihilation into hadrons with the SND detector. Data were collected at the VEPP-2000 $e^+e^-$ collider in the center-of-mass energy range from 0.3 to 2 GeV. In particular, we have measured the cross sections for $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-$ and $n\bar{n}$, studied the radiative decays of excited light vector mesons to...
Precision measurements of the production cross sections of W and Z bosons in proton-proton collisions provide stringent tests of perturbative QCD and yield important information about the parton distribution functions (PDFs) for quarks within the proton. We report measurements of fiducial integrated and differential cross sections for inclusive W+, W− and Z boson production, analysed in the...
The ICTP Physics Without Frontiers (PWF) programme works with volunteer physicists to inspire, train and motivate physics and mathematics university students worldwide with some focus on science and technology lagging countries. The aim is to promote physics research and help build the next generation of scientists. Each project is unique, developed with the country's specific needs in mind....
This presentation will summarize the status and latest results of the searches for neutral Higgs bosons at CMS.
Recent anomalies of lepton flavor universality violation (LFUV) in B decays could be a hint of new physics. We report new measurements of LFUV observable R(K) and R(K*), the branching fraction of $B \to K^{(*)} \mu^+ \mu^-$ to $B \to K^{(*)} e^+ e^-$, at Belle. The analyses are based on the full data set recorded by the Belle detector at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance containing 772 million...
The ATLAS Collaboration consists of more than 5000 members, from about 100 different countries. This study presents data showing aspects of the regional, age and gender demographics of the collaboration, including the time evolution over the lifetime of the experiment. In particular the relative fraction of women is discussed, including their share of contributions, recognition and positions...
The production of prompt isolated photons at hadron colliders provides stringent tests of perturbative QCD and can be used to evaluate probability density functions of partons in the proton. In this talk, we present the measurements of the isolated-photon plus two jets and the inclusive isolated-photons cross sections, both measured using proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS...
This presentation will summarize the status and latest results of the searches for charged Higgs bosons at CMS.
Many extensions of the standard model including supersymmetry predict new particles with long lifetimes, such that the position of their decay is measurably displaced from their production vertex, and particles giving rise to other non-conventional signatures. We present recent results of CMS searches for long-lived particles and other non-conventional signatures obtained using data recorded...
Identifying the nature of the late-time accelerated expansion of our Universe remains a difficult puzzle to cosmology. Scalar-tensor modifications of gravity have long been considered as an alternative explanation to the cosmological constant. I will first discuss how the direct detection of gravitational waves and the measurement of electromagnetic counterparts, confirming a luminal speed of...
Recent results in the searches for rare processes involving B-mesons are presented. Particular attention will be given to FCNC processes, such as the decay of Bs and Bd into two muons, and the angular analysis of the decay of Bd -> K* mu mu, where a number of angular coefficients are measured as a function of the invariant mass squared of the di-muon system. Comparison is made to theoretical...
We present a measurement of the shape of the Z boson rapidity for $Z/\gamma^{*} \to\mu^+\mu^- $ produced in $ p\bar p$ collision at $\sqrt s=$1.96 TeV. We use 8.6 fb$^{-1}$ of $ p\bar p$ data collected by the D0 detector at the Tevatron collider. The results are compared to NNLO QCD predictions using different sets of Parton Density Functions. We also present a measurement of the shape of...
We present measurements of absolute branching fractions of the two-body decays of $B$ mesons ${\cal{B}}(B \to K + X)$, where $X$ is a charmonium state, by using a data set corresponding to about 470 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the $BABAR$ detector at the PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider. For events in which one $B$ is fully reconstructed, the charmonium spectrum can be observed in an unbiased way by...
Several theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new heavy particles decaying into pairs of gauge bosons. The latest ATLAS results on searches for such resonances in final states with leptons and photons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV will be presented.
With the current experiments at the particle accelerators, no search strategy will be able to observe the decay of neutral long-lived particles with masses above ~GeV and lifetimes at the limit set by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), c$\tau$ $\sim$ 10$^7$-10$^8$ m. The MATHUSLA detector concept (MAssive Timing Hodoscope for Ultra-Stable neutraL pArticles) will be presented. It can be...
Perform data analysis and visualisation on your own computer? Yes, you can! Commodity computers are now very powerful in comparison to only a few years ago. On top of that, the performance of today's software and data development techniques facilitates complex computation with fewer resources. Cloud computing is not always the solution, and reliability or even privacy is regularly a concern....
The study of the associated production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent testbench to check numerous QCD predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced in association with jets have been studied in pp collisions at 7, 8 and 13 TeV center-of-mass energies. Differential distributions as function of a broad range of kinematical observables are...
A general two Higgs doublet model is employed to study flavor changing
neutral Higgs (FCNH) interactions in pp collisions.
We investigate the discovery potential of
(a) a flavor changing neutral Higgs boson decays into leptons,
$pp \to \phi^0 \to \tau^\mp\mu^\pm +X$ from gluon fusion, and
(b) production of a flavor changing neutral Higgs boson associated with a top quark $pp \to t...
We report new results on rare decays involving heavy flavors and tau leptons, using pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC during the Run 2. The most recent measurements of angular variables in B -> K(*)mm decays are also presented.
The evaluation of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution to the muon magnetic anomaly is reappraised using the latest e+e- → hadrons cross-section data. A fit incorporating constraints from analyticity and unitarity of the dominant two-pion form factor allows to significantly reduce the uncertainty in the evaluation at low energy where the measurements are scarce and less precise. The...
Supersymmetric models present a wide variety of signatures that might be accessible at the LHC. In some cases supersymmetric particles may acquire finite lifetimes, and once produced in collisions, their direct trajectories or decay products can be observed as highly distinctive signatures with relatively small backgrounds. In recent years, the capability of the ATLAS experiment to search for...
Euclid is the M2 mission of ESA's Cosmic Vision program dedicated to the study of the dark universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy, with launch scheduled for 2022. Euclid will observe 15,000 square degrees of extragalactic sky in the visible band with resolution of 0.1arcsec (VIS), in IR photometry for the Y, J, H bands and in slitless spectroscopy between 1 and 2 microns (NISP). Euclid will be...
I will present a number of calculations relevant for hadronic
contributions to the muon $g-2$. These include issues relevant for the
Light-by-light part, i.e. proper constraints on the short-distnace part [1]
and understanding a number of aspects of pion-exchange, here with
regards to the cancellation between connected and disconnected parts
in lattice QCD, and the two-pion contribution [2]....
Measurements of weak boson production in association with jets are presented. First, differential cross sections for Z-boson and W-boson production in association with jets are presented, with the measurements performed using proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV. The data are compared to next-to-leading order QCD calculations and predictions from a variety of different parton distribution...
To enable high school students to participate in the fascinating research in HEP physics, 30 universities in Germany have joined forces to form [Netzwerk Teilchenwelt][1]. About 150 researchers are active in the outreach program and bring cutting edge physics research into the classroom, for example with Masterclasses. They inform high school students about current findings, open questions and...
We present results from searches for new physics with uncommon jet substructure. The results cover a variety of final states that have been uncovered so far. The models considered range from stealth SUSY where a hard photon is merged with gluons into a single jet, to light resonances produced with a high Lorentz boost, decaying to quark-antiquark and reconstructed in a single jet.
In this talk recent results from LHCb on radiative and very rare decays at LHCb are presented.
Radiative b-hadron decays are sensitive probes of New Physics through the study of branching fractions, CP asymmetries and measurements of the polarisation of the photon emitted in the decay. During Run-1 of the LHC, the LHCb experiment has collected large samples of radiative b-hadron decays. The...
The SHiP Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator with the aim of searching for light, long-lived exotic particles of Hidden Sector models. The SHiP experiment incorporates a muon shield based on magnetic sweeping and two complementary apparatuses. The detector immediately downstream of the muon shield is...
Extensions to the SM featuring a low-scale seesaw can be used to to explain the observation of neutrino oscillations, baryogenesis and dark matter. I present the potential to search for right-handed neutrinos using current experiments. I compare the reach of the main detectors at the LHC when a displaced vertex signature in proton collisions is used. Additionally, I show the potential to...
Coincidence measurements between cosmic ray detectors placed some distance apart are the standard way to detect extensive air showers created in the Earth atmosphere. While the detection of the highest energy cosmic rays requires distances in the order of km, compact arrays would probe the low energy region of the energy spectrum of primary particles. In this Project we exploited the potential...
Electroweak bosons are created in the hard scattering processes at the initial stage of heavy-ion collisions and they are insensitive to the presence of the strongly-interacting medium. This makes them clean probes of the initial-state effects in heavy-ion collisions, such as the nuclear modification of the Parton Distribution Functions (nPDFs). Furthermore, their measurement in heavy-ion...
The DeepCore low energy extension of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory allows us to study atmospheric neutrino oscillations. With the ability to distinguish between track- and shower-like events, we can statistically look for the disappearance of muon neutrinos and simultaneously the appearance of tau neutrinos. At the same time we can use this data to test the neutrino mass ordering or search...
We determine the strong coupling, $\alpha_s$, using finite-energy sum
rules and a new compilation of the hadronic $R$-ratio from available
data for $e^+e^- \to {\rm hadrons}$ below the charm threshold. Quoting our
final results at the tau mass to facilitate comparison to the results
of analyses of hadronic tau decay data, we find
$\alpha_s(m_\tau^2) = 0.298 \pm 0.017$ in fixed-order...
Recent hints for lepton-universality violation in b->sll transitions could imply the existence of lepton-flavour violating B decays. The LHCb experiment is well suited for the search for these decays due to its large acceptance and trigger efficiency, as well as its excellent invariant mass resolution and particle identification capabilities. Recent results on searches for lepton-flavour...
In the context of a national general public event on antimatter (called Nuit de l'antimatière, that has been organized under the aegis of CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), SFP (French Physical Society) and CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), we initiated a pedagogical project to visit high schools...
The most precise measurements of Higgs boson cross sections, using the framework of simplified template cross sections, are obtained from a combination of measurements performed in the different Higgs boson decay channels. This talk presents the combined measurements, as well as their interpretations in terms of Higgs coupling modifiers and their ratios, also taking into account results of...
In this talk we review the recent developments of the evaluation of the two-loop virtual correction to the electron-muon scattering, $\mu e \to\mu e$, at Next-to-Next-to-Leading order in QED. These radiative corrections are relevant for the analysis of the MUonE experiment, recently proposed at CERN. MUonE aims at the high precision determination of the QED running coupling constant in the...
We discuss the status of determinations of the strong coupling with special attention to using event shape observables based on data collected at the Large Electron Positron collider and theoretical predictions at highest accuracy available at present. We argue that such extractions can be competitive with lattice determinations if the observables are selected carefully such that both higher...
Flavor violating decay of muon is a good probe of new physics beyond SM. Many well motivated new physics models predict $\mu \to e\gamma$ decay to occur at large branching ratio (e.g. $O(10^{-14}$) in SUSY-seesaw). MEG II experiment will search for $\mu \to e \gamma$ decay with target sensitivity down to $6\times 10^{-14}$, which is an order of magnitude better than the sensitivity of MEG....
We consider in this work a Slotheon scalar field for Dark Energy. A Slotheon
field is inspired by extra dimensional models of Dvali, Gabadadze and
Porrati (DGP) related to brane world. In the decoupling limit
of this model, the DGP theory in Minkowski space-time is described by a
scalar field that obeys a shift symmetry. When extended to curved space time
this scalar field is termed as...
The KM3NeT Collaboration is constructing a multi-site research infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea, hosting the next generation underwater neutrino observatory. The infrastructure will host two neutrino detectors: ORCA, offshore Toulon (France) at a depth of 2500 m, and ARCA, offshore Capo Passero (Italy) at a depth of 3500 m. ORCA will be a Mton scale detector, optimized to detect...
The strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ is determined from inclusive jet and dijet cross sections in neutral-current deep-inelastic ep scattering (DIS) measured at HERA by the H1 collaboration using next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD predictions. The dependence of the NNLO predictions and of the resulting value of $\alpha_s(m_Z)$ at the Z-boson mass $m_Z$ are studied as a function of the...
Teaching instrumentation to students & early-stage scientists is not an easy task, when one considers the inherent difficulties to both gathering specialists and accessing latest-generation equipment on a unique site. However this was the challenge we decided to take up in 2014, when we initiated ESIPAP in Archamps next to CERN, one of the very few places in the world where such an initiative...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been successfully delivering proton-proton collision data at the unprecedented center of mass energy of 13 TeV. An upgrade is planned to increase the instantaneous luminosity delivered by LHC in what is called HL-LHC, aiming to deliver a total of about 3000/fb of data to the ATLAS detector at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV. To cope with the expected...
Most recent CMS measurements on Higgs boson differential distributions will be presented, together with the latest results on Higgs boson couplings from the combination of multiple channels.
The electroweak sector of the Standard Model can be tested via precision measurements of fundamental observables. Measurements of the Drell-Yan production of Z bosons at the LHC provide a benchmark of our understanding of perturbative QCD and electroweak processes. The ATLAS collaboration has recently used such measurements to evaluate the effective leptonic weak mixing angle using data...
The Mu3e experiment searches for the charged lepton flavour violating 𝜇+ → 𝘦+ 𝘦+ 𝘦- decay and it aims at reaching an ultimate sensitivity of 10^{-16} on the branching fraction of the 𝜇+ → 𝘦+ 𝘦+ 𝘦- decay, four orders of magnitude better than the current limit B(𝜇+ → 𝘦+ 𝘦+ 𝘦-)<10^{-12} set by the SINDRUM experiment. The experiment will be hosted at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen,...
To the zeroth order in gravitational interactions, the averaged QCD (quark-gluon) vacuum condensate density is dynamically self-screened and is eliminated at macroscopic space-time separations. We argue that the observable cosmological constant can then be generated as a quantum gravity correction to QCD vacuum energy density after the QCD phase transition epoch. In order to incorporate the...
High energy hadron colliders are powerful tools for high energy physics research. The later experience at the Large Hadron Collider showed the fundamental need of strong Landau damping to keep the beams on stable orbits and achieve the luminosity goals needed for studying rare physics events. In the LHC the Landau damping is ensured by Landau octupole magnets that provide the necessary...