Ten years ago, the CERN Portuguese Teachers Program was extended to include also teachers from the other Portuguese speaking countries. This has allowed large numbers of teachers from Portugal and Brazil to come together with teachers from several African nations, and from East Timor in Asia. In addition to enlarging the reach of the CERN programms to other non-member countries, in developing regions, this increases the opportunity for sharing experiences among teachers of very different countries.
In May 2019, an Association of Physicists sharing the Portuguese language will be launched in São Tomé e Príncipe, and it is probable that other common training initiatives will follow from there. Students of São Tomé e Príncipe, a relatively small island country next to the equator, are already participating in the IPPOG masterclasses for many years, for example. The engagement with particle physics of teachers and students of these countries can be quite different, and there are several things each can learn from the others.