10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Color-allowed Bottom Baryon to $s$-wave and $p$-wave Charmed Baryon non-leptonic Decays

11 Jul 2019, 15:45
ICC - Baeckeland 3 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 3


Parallel talk QCD and Hadronic Physics QCD and Hadronic Physics


Chun-Khiang Chua Chung Tah Chua (Nanyang Technological University)


We study color allowed $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda^{(*,**)}_c M^-$, $\Xi_b\to\Xi_c^{(**)} M^-$ and $\Omega_b\to\Omega^{(*,**)}_c M^-$ decays with $M=\pi, K, D, D_s, \rho, K^*, D^*, D^*_s, a_1$ and $s$-wave and $p$-wave charmed baryons, including $\Lambda^{(*,**)}_c=\Lambda_c, \Lambda_c(2595), \Lambda_c(2625), \Lambda_c(2765), \Lambda_c(2940)$,$\Xi_c^{(**)}=\Xi_c, \Xi_c(2815), \Xi_c(2790)$ and $\Omega^{(*,**)}_c=\Omega_c, \Omega_c(2770), \Omega_c(3050), \Omega_c(3090), \Omega_c(3120)$, in this work. There are six types of transitions, namely (i) ${\cal B}_b({\bf \bar 3_f},1/2^+)$ to ${\cal B}_c({\bf \bar 3_f},1/2^+)$, (ii) ${\cal B}_b({\bf 6_f},1/2^+)$ to ${\cal B}_c({\bf 6_f},1/2^+)$, (iii) ${\cal B}_b({\bf 6_f},1/2^+)$ to ${\cal B}_c({\bf 6_f},3/2^+)$, (iv) ${\cal B}_b({\bf 6_f},1/2^+)$ to ${\cal B}_c({\bf 6_f},3/2^-)$, (v) ${\cal B}_b({\bf \bar 3_f},1/2^+)$ to ${\cal B}_c({\bf \bar 3_f},1/2^-)$, and (vi) ${\cal B}_b(\bar {\bf 3_f},1/2^+)$ to ${\cal B}_c({\bf 6_f},3/2^-)$ transitions. The light diquarks are spectating in these transitions.
The bottom baryon to charmed baryon form factors are calculated using the light-front quark model. All of the form factors in the $1/2\to 1/2$ and $1/2 \to 3/2$ transitions are extracted. They are found to reasonably satisfy the relations obtained in the heavy quark limit, as we are using heavy but finite $m_b$ and $m_c$. Decay rates and up-down asymmetries are predicted using naive factorization and can be checked experimentally. The study on these decay modes may shed light on the quantum numbers of some of the charmed baryons.


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