10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

High rate performance of Small-pad Resistive Micromegas. Comparison of different resistive protection concepts.

15 Jul 2019, 18:30
1h 30m
ICC - Arteveldeforum (Ghent)

ICC - Arteveldeforum


Poster Detector R&D and Data Handling Wine & Cheese Poster Session


Mariagrazia Alviggi (Naples University and INFN)


Motivated mainly by future upgrades at high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and detectors at future
colliders, most of the HEP R&D collaborations are focusing on the design of new particle detectors
for operation under very high particle flow.
In the field of Micro-Pattern-Gaseous-Detectors, the small-pad resistive Micromegas prototypes
were designed to overcome the actual limitations of standard resistive strip Micromegas chambers.
In these new prototypes, pads with 1x3 mm2 area replace the readout strips to reduce the
occupancy, and the spark protection resistive layer has been redesigned and optimized with
different techniques to permit a safe behaviour of the detector, without efficiency loss, at rates of
the order of tens MHz/cm2 over large surfaces.
The firstly-developed design exploits a pad-patterned embedded resistor layout by screen-printing,
while the most recent technique involves uniform sputtered DLC (Diamond Like Carbon structure)
layers, where the charge evacuates through the several vias connected to the ground.
Comparative studies have been conducted on the performances of the detectors with two resistive
layouts, and between two (DLC) prototypes with different pitch of vias and DLC resistivity. The
results of the tests performed with high intensity X-rays and with high energy charged particle
beams will be presented.


Mariagrazia Alviggi (Naples University and INFN) Maria Teresa Camerlingo (Universita e INFN Roma Tre (IT)) Vincenzo Canale (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT)) Massimo Della Pietra (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT)) Camilla Di Donato (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT)) Paolo Iengo (CERN) Mauro Iodice (INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre) Fabrizio Petrucci (Universita e INFN Roma Tre (IT)) Givi Sekhniaidze (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT))

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