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10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

The Matrix Element Method as a tool for precision and accuracy

11 Jul 2019, 09:30
ICC - Baeckeland 2 (Ghent)

ICC - Baeckeland 2


Parallel talk Top and Electroweak Physics Top and Electroweak Physics


Till Martini (HU Berlin)


The Matrix Element Method is a promising multi-variate analysis method which offers an optimal approach to compare theory and experiment. However, until recently its usage has been limited by the fact that only leading-order predictions could be employed. This rather crude approximation of the underlying probability distribution can introduce a significant bias into the analysis which requires a major calibration for the method to be accurate. Moreover, the estimation of the theoretical uncertainties by scale variation in the Born-level calculation may yield unreliable results. We present the extension of the Matrix Element Method to the next-to-leading order in QCD readily applicable to LHC data. The accuracy gain is illustrated by determining the top-quark mass from single top-quark events generated with POWHEG+Pythia. Additionally, the method's potential for BSM parameter determination is demonstrated by extracting a CP-violating Top-Yukawa coupling from events of single top-quarks in association with a Higgs boson.

Primary author

Till Martini (HU Berlin)


Dr Manfred Kraus (HU Berlin) Peter Uwer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Sascha Peitzsch (HU Berlin)

Presentation materials