10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Emittance exchange in MICE

15 Jul 2019, 18:30
1h 30m
ICC - Arteveldeforum (Ghent)

ICC - Arteveldeforum


Poster Accelerators for HEP Wine & Cheese Poster Session


Maurizio Bonesini


The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment, MICE, has demonstrated transverse emittance reduction through ionization
cooling. Transverse ionization cooling can be used either to prepare a beam for acceleration in a neutrino factory or
for the initial stages of beam cooling in a muon collider. Later stages of ionization cooling in the muon collider require
the longitudinal emittance to be manipulated using emittance exchange and reverse emittance exchange, where
emittance is exchanged from and to longitudinal phase space respectively. A wedge absorber within the MICE cooling
channel has been used to experimentally demonstrate reverse emittance exchange in ionization cooling. Parameters
for this test have been explored in simulation and applied to experimental configurations using a wedge absorber
when collecting data in the MICE beam. This analysis of reverse emittance exchange is presented in detail.


Vittorio Palladino (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT)) Maurizio Bonesini craig brown Chris Rogers (STFC)

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