Ming-Yan Lee
(National Central University (TW))
This poster presents the search for Higgs boson decays into Z/γ or J/ψ plus a photon, in the dilepton plus one photon final state. These are important rare decay channels to be pinned down for the standard model (SM) measurement and can be used to probe new physics. The results are based on data collected by the CMS detector at the LHC from proton-proton collision at 13TeV with a corresponding integrated luminosity of 35.9 /fb. When combined with earlier CMS searches at 8 TeV, 95% CL upper observed (expected) limits are set at 3.9(2.0) times the SM predicted cross-section in the Z/γ final state, and 220 (160) and for J/ψ channel.
Arnd Meyer
(Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))