10–17 Jul 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

Review of the results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

13 Jul 2019, 11:30
Campus Ledeganck - Aud. 3 (Ghent)

Campus Ledeganck - Aud. 3


Parallel talk Astroparticle Physics and Gravitational Waves Astroparticle Physics and Gravitational Waves


Ioana Codrina Maris (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR)) Ioana Codrina Maris Ioana Maris Ioana Maris Ioana Maris Ioana Maris


This year marks 20 years since the founding of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The Pierre Auger collaboration provided answers to some of the fundamental questions on the most energetic particles known to us, the ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). These particles, some of them exceeding 100 EeV, are messengers of the most violent phenomena in the Universe, nevertheless exactly which objects are producing them is still a mystery. We review some of the relevant results that have lead to the progress in the understanding of the nature, arrival direction and energy spectrum of the UHECRs. We will address also the remaining open questions about UHECRs, their relation to particle physics at accelerators, and multi-messenger astrophysics.


Presentation materials