Last year results of the TOTEM collaboration [1] suggest that the odderon exchange can be responsible for a disagreement of theoretical calculations and the TOTEM data [3] for elastic proton-proton scattering. Similar conclusion can be drawn when comparing recent result for $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 TeV with the Tevatron data [2]. It is premature to draw definite conclusion. Here we present some recent studies for two related processes where the odderon exchange may show up. We apply recently proposed tensor-pomeron and vector-odderon model for soft high-energy processes [4].
The first one is central exclusive production of pairs of $\phi$ mesons. Here odderon exchange is not excluded by the WA102 experimental data [7] for high $\phi \phi$ invariant masses. The process is advantageous [5] as here odderon does not couple to protons (the corresponding coupling constant is probably small). Predictions for the LHC will be presented. The observation of $M_{\phi \phi}$ and the rapidity difference $Y_{\phi \phi}$ seems well suited to identify odderon exchange.
Finally we discuss a possibility to search for odderon exchange for the $p p \to p p \phi$ reaction [6]. At high energies probably the photon-pomeron fusion is the dominant process. The odderon-pomeron fusion is an interesting alternative. Adding odderon exchange with parameters adjusted for the $\phi \phi$ production improves considerably description of the $p p$ angular correlations measured in the past by the WA102 collaboration [8]. At the low energy we consider also some other subleading processes that turned out to be rather small. Predictions for the LHC will be presented.
[1] TOTEM Collaboration, arXiv:1812.04732 [hep-ex]
[2] TOTEM Collaboration, arXiv:1812.08610 [hep-ex]
[3] E. Martynov, B. Nicolescu, Phys. Lett. B786 (2018) 207
[4] C. Ewerz, M. Maniatis, O. Nachtmann, Annals Phys. 342 (2014) 31
[5] P. Lebiedowicz, O. Nachtmann, A. Szczurek, arXiv:1901.11490 [hep-ph]
[6] P. Lebiedowicz, O. Nachtmann, A. Szczurek, in preparation
[7] WA102 Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B432 (1998) 436
[8] A. Kirk, Phys. Lett. B489 (2000) 29