Physics experiments use time to measure physical quantities or to apply selection conditions. The required precision is driven by each specific case. Tens of picoseconds for minimum ionizing particle is what the future physics at the HL-LHC is requiring in time precision for pile-up and background subtraction. In some circumstances, high precision timing has to coexist with high rates and high...
At the future International Linear Collider (ILC) project a GEM- or Micromegas-based Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is a candidate for the central tracker of the International Large Detector (ILD), which is one of the two detector concepts proposed for the ILC.
The TPC has a potential problem that many ions generated in avalanche processes for gas amplification flow back into the drift...
MPGD technology has recently been adopted for soft X-ray fluorescence detection techniques. The MPGD are relatively cheap detectors with capability of detection not only a deposited energy (inside its active volume) but also a position of an absorbed photon or a charged particle. Nevertheless, the MPGD’s development is mainly driven by HEP experiments needs, recently many new application in...
The new design concept of the Micro Pixel Chamber ($\mathrm{\mu}$-PIC) has been developed and tested for charged particles tracking. The $\mathrm{\mu}$-PIC is a 2D gaseous imaging detector made by the PCB technique. One of the most important property is that the $\mathrm{\mu}$-PIC does not require any floating structures and stretching processes.
For protecting the $\mathrm{\mu}$-PIC from...
The deformed shape of the perforated holes in the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) are proven to have great effect on the electron gain. Numerical calculations are required to optimized the GEM sheet configuration for maximum gain. In this paper, three methods are used to numerically predict the nonlinear mechanical properties of the GEM foil using finite element method. The hexagonal pattern of...
The Resistive-Plate WELL (RPWELL) detector is a single-element gas-avalanche multiplier, combining a single-faced THGEM electrode coupled to the segmented readout anode through a sheet of large bulk resistivity. Laboratory and accelerator studies, performed in Ne- and Ar-based gas mixtures, have demonstrated its large dynamic range (from one to several thousand electrons), high achievable...
A high luminosity polarized Electron Ion Collider (EIC) is envisioned as a next-generation US facility, as recommended by US Nuclear Science Advisory Committee in its 2015 Long Range Plan.
An intensive and comprehensive detector R&D is currently being carried out to address the experimental challenges of future physics programs of EIC. One such challenges is the electron identification,...
Gamma-ray Compton telescopes lack sensitivity above 1 MeV and polarimetry is hampered by multiple scattering in calorimetric telescopes below 100 MeV. To fill the gap and use pair creation between 1 and a few tens of MeV, a high-pressure Argon TPC was proposed as a gamma-ray detector. A (30 cm)^3 demonstrator read out by a hybrid Micromegas+GEM has been built and exposed to polarized photon...
An optical Quality Assurance (QA) system has been developed at the Detector Laboratory of the Helsinki Institute of Physics. The diameters of the holes in a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) -foil, both in the copper and in the polyimide, can be measured with the system. The system is utilized for the QA of the GEM foils of the TPC Read-Out Chambers (ROC) being assembled for the upgrade of the...
The Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) foils have been successfully produced for the first time in Indian in collaboration with Indian Industry. The foil production process has been established successfully using the double-mask etching technique. We will present the first results on a comprehensive quality control (QC) and characterisation of these GEM foils involving optical (geometrical) and...
The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology is used in CMS muon detectors to amplify the electronic charge left after the crossing of a particle. The GEM structure consists of a thin polyimide foil, coated with copper on both sides and perforated with a high density of microscopic holes. Several GEM foils can be associated together with a dedicated stretching structure to form the GEM...
New high count rate and large area detectors are needed for future spallation neutron sources. Indeed, the 3He-shortage limits the use of 3He tubes in present and future applications where large areas (several m2) and high efficiency (>50%) detectors are envisaged. In this framework, GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) is one of the explored detector technologies. GEMs features good spatial...
A high resolution X-ray imaging gaseous detector has been successfully developed with Glass GEM. The imaging system consists of a chamber filled with scintillating gas (Ar/CF4, Kr/CF4, Xe/CF4), inside of which Glass GEM (G-GEM) is mounted for high gain gas multiplication. Since the gas gain of the G-GEM is much higher compared to conventional GEMs, ultra high yield scintillation photons are...
This work presents the design and development of cloud computing services for Quality Assurance in GEM-foils (electrodes of a GEM-like detector) through the analysis of high resolution images. The platform analyzes images uploaded from anywhere through the web and executes an automatic measurement of the micro holes geometry presented in the GEM-foils, in order to detect and quantify different...
Emanuel Pollacco a , Rui De Oliveira b, Bertrand Mehl b, Olivier Pizzirusso b , Mariam Kebbiri a and Esther Ferrer Ribas a
a) IRFU/SPhN & SEDI, CEA SAclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
b) CERN MPGD lab. Section EP-DT-EF, CERN Meyrin,
Over the last five years we have been developing instruments based on Micro Pattern Gas Detectors, MPGD specifically designed for Astro and Nuclear Physics...
During the last decade, a major improvement in the field of the Micro-Pattern
Gaseous Detectors has been reached by adding a layer of resistive strips above the readout strips to reduce drastically the effect of discharges. The resistive strips are separated from the readout strips by a thin layer of insulator. When the detector is operated at high rate some gain reduction is observed over the...
A combination Time Projection Chamber-Cherenkov prototype detector has been developed for consideration at a future Electron Ion Collider and was tested at the Fermilab test beam facility in April 2016. The purpose of the test was to provide a proof of principle, demonstrating that the detector is able to measure particle tracks and provide particle identification within a common volume. The...
The R&D on the micro-Resistive-WELL (μ-RWELL) detector technology aims in developing a new scalable, compact, spark-protected, single amplification stage Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) for large area HEP applications as tracking and calorimeter device as well as for industrial and medical applications as X-ray and neutron imaging gas pixel detector. The novel...
We present the development of resistive micromegas with O(mm2) pad readout aiming at precision tracking in high rate environment without efficiency loss up to few MHz/cm2.
The anode copper pads (readout pads) are overlaid by an insulating layer carrying a pattern of resistive pads of the same size of the anode ones. The resistive pads are connected to the readout pads by intermediate...
Stand alone operation of gaseous detectors is a very desirable feature that is not easy to implement for some configurations/applications. However, some strategies can be implemented in order to achieve high level of portability when considering the use of getters to keep the gas clean in a sealed envelope. In this work we implemented a simple purification system in a pure Kr based detector...
GEMpix is a gas detector obtained by the arrangement of a triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) chamber with an C-MOS front-end electronic based on four Timepix chips, with 512 x 512 squared pixels, 55 micron wide. It was designed at CERN in the framework of the European M.Curie ARDENT project for detector developments in radio protection. A new software based on the pre-existent Pixelman has...
Invited talk
Two GEM telescopes, each consisting of three 10x10 cm$^2$ triple-GEM
chambers were built, tested and operated by the Hampton University group.
The GEMs are read out with APV25 frontend chips and FPGA based digitizing
electronics developed by INFN Rome.
The telescopes were used for the luminosity monitoring system at the OLYMPUS
experiment at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, with positron and...
The Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) is currently being instrumented at JLab to investigate nucleon structure at high 4-momentum transfer $Q^2$ offered by the 12 $GeV$ electron beam upgrade. Being an optimally cost-effective solution for precision tracking over large areas in a high-rate environment, the large Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector has become the key component in SBS tracking...
The search for the neutrinoless double beta decay (NLDBD) is one of the most important quests nowadays in neutrino physics. Among the different techniques used, high pressure Xenon (HPXe) gas time projection chambers (TPC) stand out because they allow to image the topology of the NLDBD event (one straggling track ending in two blobs), and use it to discriminate signal from background events....
A vigorous tracking and particle identification detector R&D (eRD6 / eRD3) program administered at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is currently being carried out to address some of the detector challenges of the future high luminosity polarized Electron Ion Collider (EIC) envisioned to be next-generation US facility for the Nuclear Physics programs. We present the status of the R&D on...
The CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab will soon begin using a Micromegas Vertex Tracker (MVT) in its central tracking system. The MVT is composed of 6 cylindrical layers and 6 flat disks of resistive bulk detector Micromegas. The detectors have been designed to withstand the high particle flux environment and the high magnetic field using a low material budget of less than 0.5% of a radiation...
The key parameters for a long-term operation of GEM-based detectors in the harsh environment of high-rate experiments are radiation hardness, ageing resistance and stability against electrical discharges. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the discharge mechanism is mandatory to assure a stable operation of the detector.
We report on discharge probability studies in single- and...
Two resistive bulk-micromegas chambers were installed in May 2015 at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility exposed to an intense gamma irradiation with the aim to study the detector behavior under high irradiation and the long-term aging.
The chambers have an active area of 10 x 10 cm2, strip pitch of 400 μm, amplification gap of 128 μm and drift gap of 5 mm.
The desired accumulated charge of...
We present a study of the performance of a resistive Micromegas detector with elongated pillars. The purpose of this study was to certify that these pillars do not deteriorate the resolution and detection efficiency while adding safety in the detector fabrication. It was motivated by the fact that in large-size Micromegas boards produced in industry missing or weakly attached pillars have been...
The behaviour of two resistive-strip bulk micromegas detectors has been studied up to a temperature of approximately 50°C. A strong increase of the dark current is observed at temperatures in excess of 40 degrees. Measurements, keeping the the gas or detector temperature constant and varying the other, show that the increase of the dark current is primarily related to the temperature of the...
The VMM is a System on Chip (SoC) custom Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). It is intended to be used in the front end readout electronics of both Micromegas and sTGC detectors of the ATLAS Muon New Small Wheels upgrade. Due to its highly configurable parameters it can be used in a variety of tracking detectors. It is fabricated in the 130nm Global Foundries 8RF-DM process. The...
The Level-1 Data Driver Card (L1DDC) was designed for the needs of the future upgrades of the innermost stations of the ATLAS end-cap muon spectrometer, the New Small Wheel project, based on Micromegas and sTGC technologies. The L1DDC is a high speed aggregator board capable of communicating with multiple front-end electronic boards. It collects the Level-1 data along with monitoring data and...
We report on pulse counting imaging with glass GEM (G-GEM) combined with a newly developed electronic readout based on the dynamic time-over-threshold (dynamic ToT) pulse processing method.
The ToT is a pulse processing method to convert an analog pulse to a digital pulse whose width is proportional to the original analog pulse height, measuring the time while the analog pulse is over the...
We have improved the self-stretching GEM assembling technique that was initially developed at CERN for the CMS GEM upgrade project. With this improved technique, we can build GEM detectors at a scale of > 1m that still preserve very good gain uniformity. The stretching of GEM foils is of high quality and gas tightness is well ensured in GEM detectors built with the technique. This report...
Tracking detectors based on GEM foils are widely used in ongoing experiments and are the choice for numerous upgrades in the near future. An example is ALICE at the LHC of CERN, where the use of GEM foils will allow the TPC to be employed in a high-rate environment.
In order to optimize and predict the performance of GEM detectors in terms of gain, energy resolution and ion backflow, a good...
Presently, neutrinos are one of the most mysterious and interesting particles in physics, they seem to be the ones that can explain different processes of high energy physics, antimatter, conservation of energy and momentum in radioactive decay, and contribute with important data for cosmology and astrophysics. To better understand their different properties such as mass, parity, oscillations,...
One challenge of gaseous tracking detectors, such as the Time Projection Chamber (TPC), is the calibration of the electric field inside the radiation sensitive volume. This is crucial since deviations from a perfectly homogeneous drift field have direct impact on the spatial resolution. Reasons for these deviations are static imperfections of the detector structure, on the one hand, and...
Gas Electron Multipliers have undergone a very consistent development since their invention in 1997. Their production procedures have been tuned in such a way that nowadays it is possible to produce foils with areas of the order of the square meter that can operate at a reasonable gain with a very good stability. For the 3rd run of LHC, they will be included in the CMS and ALICE experiments...
We report the performance stability of the gas electron multiplier (GEM) against frequent high voltage on and off switching.
We have been developing a GEM, which is included in the X-ray polarimeter by utilizing a micropattern time projection chamber. Our GEMs are adopted by some coming satellite missions (e.g., Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explore, IXPE) which have a low Earth orbit with a high...
A state-of-the-art detector, called sPHENIX is being planned at RHIC for measuring jets, jet correlations and upsilons to study the microscopic nature of the QGP. Precision vertexing and tracking, as well as calorimetry, will be provided over full azimuth and pseudorapidities of |eta| < 1.1. The data will be continuously recorded making use of the 15 kHz RHIC collision rate in the region of...
During 2013 to 2015 the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) has effectuated its final phase of solar axion searches providing a world leading limit on the axion photon coupling strength for ma< 0.02 eV. This sensitivity has been reached thanks to the development of novel detection systems, notably new Micromegas detectors with lower background levels, as well as a new X-Ray Telescope built...
The PRad experiment was recently performed
at Jefferson Lab in Hall B. It was designed
to measure the proton charge radius up to
a sub-percent precision through elastic electron
proton scattering process.
It reached very small 4-momentum
transfer squared region
($Q^2$ from $2 \times 10^{-4}$ to 0.1 $(GeV/c)^2$) for the first time.
To achieve the
experimental goal, a pair of large area
Large areaGas Electron Multiplier (GEM) tracking detectors for the Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) in Hall A at Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (JLab) have been built at the GEM Detector Lab of the University of Virginia(UVa). The Proton Polarimeter Back Tracker of the SBS consists of 40 GEM modules, each with an active area of 60×50 $cm^2$. Given the open configuration of SBS, the...
Gas detector are very light instrument used in high energy physics to measure the particle properties: position and momentum.
Through high electric field is possible to use the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology to detect the particles and to exploit the its properties to construct a large area detector, such as the new IT for BESIII. The state of the art in the GEM production allow to...
Design and test of a custom front-end electronics for the readout of the new inner tracker of the BESIII experiment, carried out at BEPCII in Beijing, is presented.
An innovative cylindrical GEM detector with analog and time readout is under development to upgrade the Inner Tracker of the BESIII experiment at the BEPC-II e+e- collider of the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing.
The instantaneous luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be increased up to a factor of five with respect to the present design value by undergoing an extensive upgrade program over the coming decade. In order to benefit from the expected high luminosity performance that will be provided by the Phase-1 upgraded LHC, the first station of the ATLAS muon end-cap Small Wheel...
Large size multilayer resistive Micromegas detectors will be employed for the Muon Spectrometer upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The current innermost stations of the muon endcap system, the 10 m diameter Small Wheel, will be upgraded in the 2019-2020 long shutdown of LHC, to retain the good precision tracking and trigger capabilities in the high background environment expected with...
The RICH-1 Detector of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN SPS has been upgraded for the physics run 2016: four new photon detectors, based on MPGD technologies and covering a total active area larger than 1.2 square meters replace the previously used photon detectors, namely MWPCs with CsI photocathodes, in order to cope with the challenging efficiency and stability requirements of the new COMPASS...
The detector architecture consists in a hybrid MPGD combination: two layers of Thick-GEMs (THGEM), the first of which also acts as a reflective photocathode thanks to a CsI film is deposited on its top face, are coupled to a bulk MICROMEGAS with pad segmented anode kept at positive high voltage (HV), while the micromesh is grounded; the signals are read-out via capacitive coupling from a...
We present design and first prototyping results for a low-mass Triple-GEM detector for forward tracking at a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). In the EIC environment, minimal multiple scattering of tracks must be ensured so that electron tracks can be cleanly matched to calorimeter clusters and so that hadron tracks can efficiently seed RICH ring reconstruction for particle identification....
The ALICE Collaboration is planning a major upgrade of its central barrel detectors to be able to cope with the increased LHC luminosity beyond 2019. In order to record at an increased interaction rate of up to 50 kHz in Pb–Pb collisions, the TPC will be operated in an ungated mode with continuous readout. This demands for a replacement of the currently employed gated Multi-Wire Proportional...
Many experiments are currently using or proposing to use large area GEM foils in their detectors, which is creating a need for commercially available GEM foils. Currently CERN is the only main distributor of large GEM foils, however with the growing interest in GEM technology keeping up with the increasing demand for GEMs will be difficult.
We present here an update on the assembly and...
High position resolution, insensitivity to electronic noise and intuitive interpretation of results without the need for extensive data processing are among the key advantages of optical readout of MPGD-based detectors. Together with the high gain factors achievable by technologies such as GEMs, this allows for sensitive 2D detectors taking advantage of inexpensive and commercially available...
Neutron detectors based on solid converters in combination with Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) are a promising option for neutron scattering instruments at the European Spallation Source ERIC that require excellent spatial resolution combined with time resolution, high-rate capabilities and a good neutron detection efficiency.
The NMX macromolecular diffractometer will consist of...
The recent development concerning MPGDs, in particular with the work done by the R&D51 collaboration, makes the industry able to build large and robust detectors. These characteristics suit well the needs of a lot of applications which use the cosmic rays muons to make the tomography of large objects. However, these applications need the muon telescope to be run in the field and with a low...
A know-how transfer was initiated in 2014 with the ELVIA company for the production of 50x50 cm², 2D resistive Micromegas. The project emerged after the successful test of such detectors equipped with the “genetic multiplexing” layout which reduces the number of electronics channels by a factor of 17 (and up to 30). The strong cost reduction allowed by these detectors made then possible the...
The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector technology allows building large area position sensitive detectors though 2-D readout of such detectors at high rate is a challenging task. In the paper we report on the design and performance of the prototype GEMROC2 ASIC designed for high count rate applications of GEM detectors. The primary application of the ASIC is readout of 10$\times$10cm$^2$...
Proposed upgrade of PHENIX to sPHENIX at RHIC is focused on measuring jets, jet correlations and three states of upsilons to determine the temperature dependence of transport coefficients of the quark-gluon plasma and complementing measurements being made at LHC. The sPHENIX detector will have GEM based Time Projection Chamber (TPC) as an outer tracking detector with a length of 211 cm and...
A picoammiter system has been developed by prototyping and engineering. It consists in a current-voltage converter, based on an operational amplifier with very low input current, a high precision ADC, a radio controlled data acquisition unit and the computer-based control, visualization and storage. The picoammiter is characterized by a precision of the order of a tenth of picoamperes and it...
In order to maintain the physics performance and the detection efficiency of the CMS muon system in the future HL-LHC environment, the CMS muon group has proposed to instrument the vacant regions of the forward muon end-caps with the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology, which can operate in high-rate environment with detection performance fully compatible with the CMS requirements.
New large size Micromegas gaseous detectors (40x40 cm² active area) were developed since 2009 in view of the COMPASS new physics programs started in 2015, which uses the CERN high intensity muon and hadron beams of a few hundred GeV scattered on thick fixed targets. The new detectors feature a huge reduction of the discharge rate compared to original COMPASS Micromegas by a factor of above 100...
From the heart of stars to laboratories, plasmas constitute one of the major objects of the physics in many research institutes. Very big research infrastructures aim at big advances in the understanding of the physics of plasmas. Some Fields of application of science, as inertial confinement fusion experiment or Magnetic confinement fusion for energy, produce very energetics particles that...
The CBELSA/TAPS experiment located at the Elektronen Stretcher Anlage (ELSA) in Bonn (Germany) aims to investigate the excitation spectrum of baryons and the properties of baryon resonances.
The high-resolution electromagnetic calorimeter is optimized for the study of reactions with photons in the final state.
In order to enhance the sensitivity of the detector system to charged particles, a...
The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is upgrading its central tracking detector, the Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The installation is foreseen during the second long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider. The upgrade includes the complete exchange of the present MWPC readout chambers (ROC) with new ones based on Gas Electron Multiplier detectors. This is necessary due to...
The proposed sPHENIX detector design is focused mainly on a physics program of precise upsilon spectroscopy and jet measurements, which require a high tracking efficiency and excellent momentum resolution. A time projection chamber (TPC) is proposed as the outer tracking detector for sPHENIX, which has a rapidity coverage of |η|<1.1 and full azimuthal coverage. The sPHENIX TPC design has to be...
Heavy ion collisions provide a direct experimental framework to study the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma.
The sPHENIX detector will be the next state-of-the-art system to measure hard processes observables with high accuracy in a broad p$_\mathrm{T}$ range.
The sPHENIX tracking system will feature a compact Time Projection Chamber working in continuous read-out mode as the main tracking...
SPHENIX plans to build a world class jet detector at RHIC. Previously inaccessible measurements include jets reconstructed with hadronic calorimeters and fully resolved upsilon states. The current plan includes a highly granular silicon pixel detector (MAPS), a silicon strip detector (INTT) and a time projection chamber (TPC). The tracking system will work in continuous read out, at high data...
We have developed a gas electron multiplier (GEM), which is mainly applied to the X-ray polarimeter with a micro pattern TPC. The GEM has a hole diameter of 70 $\mathrm{\mu}$m, a hole pitch of 140 $\mathrm{\mu}$m, an insulator thickness of 100 $\mathrm{\mu}$m, and a size of an effective area of 30 × 78 mm$^2$. We adopted a liquid crystal polymer (LCP) sheet as the GEM insulator. To simplify a...
The DarkLight experiment has been proposed to search for a heavy photon, A'
in the mass range of 10-100 MeV/c$^2$ produced in electron-proton
collisions. Phase-I of DarkLight has started to take place in 2016 at the
Low Energy Recirculator Facility (LERF) at Jefferson Lab. LERF delivered a
100 MeV electron beam onto a windowless hydrogen gas target. The phase-I
detector tracks leptons inside...
This work presents a new industrial application of MPGDs for thin films characterization and quality control. This is made by the design and adaptation of an optimal electronics and other technical features of a 3GEM that take advantage of the great qualities of these detectors for the specific application. This work have been developed at the Laboratorio de Detectores of the Universidad...
Part of the experimental program in Hall B of the Jefferson Lab,
Virginia, USA is dedicated to studying neutron structure functions
using deep inelastic scattering on nuclei. For this purpose, the
BONuS12 experiment will detect low momentum recoil protons in
coincidence with scattered electrons. The protons will be detected
by a second-generation Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC)
Abstract— A brief overview will be presented of the performance of Time Projection Chamber (TPC) gas amplification elements that have been utilized and proposed for next generation central tracking detectors, including an option with continuous readout at high luminosity. The presentation will concentrate on issues critical for high rate detector operation, such as the positive ion backflow...
GridPix detectors combine the advantages of a high granularity readout based
on a pixel ASIC with a Micromegas gas amplification stage. By producing the
Micromegas with photolithographic postprocessing techniques directly on the
ASIC a very good alignment of grid holes with readout pixels can be
reached. Thus, the charge avalanche started by a single primary electron can be
collected and...
Invited presentation
APV zero suppression
HL-LHC and similar other high luminosity experiments demand detectors capable of providing timing resolution of 100s, or even 10s, of picoseconds in order to resolve the interactions and get rid of the background induced by pileup. While it is expected that fast detectors will have important applications in other fundamental and applied fields, the present study is motivated by the...
The operating principle and performances of a novel micro-pattern gaseous detector concept, the Multi-layer Thick Gaseous Electron Multiplier (MTHGEM), will be discussed. Inspired by the multi-cascade Thick Gaseous Electron Multiplier, The M-THGEM detector is made of a single, robust assembly comprising of several THGEM elements stacked together. The M-THGEM is produced by multi-layer...
To solved the ions back flow in TPC detector in linear collider, the gating grid is essential to prevent ions from reaching the drift volume. The gating grid switches to open state to allow the ionization electrons traveling into the gas amplification region. After the maximum drift time of about 100 μs(depending on the drift length, electric field and gas mixture), gating grid is closed to...
The Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) participates in a storage ring experiment under development to measure the proton electric dipole moment (pEDM). This experiment is aiming to measure the proton electric dipole moment (pEDM) with the target sensitivity of 10^-29 e·cm per year. GEM detector is chosen as a candidate of the tracker...