Data acquisition and control play an important role in science applications especially in modern Experiments of high energy physics (HEP). A comprehensive and efficient monitoring system is a vital part of any HEP experiment. In this paper we describe the software web-based framework which is currently used by CMD-3 Collaboration during data taking with the CMD-3 Detector at the VEPP-2000 Collider and partially by the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab to monitor the status of data acquisition and control the quality of physics data taken in the experiments.
The system is designed to meet typical requirements and cover various use-cases of DAQ applications (MIDAS oriented), starting from central configuration view, slow control data monitoring, user-oriented visualization and full control of DAQ modules in the end.
Being an intermediate middleware between front-end electronics and DAQ applications the system is focused to provide a high-level coherent view for shifters and experts for robust operations and, in particular, is used to integrate various experiment dependent monitoring modules and tools into a unified Web oriented portal with appropriate access control policy implemented.
The paper describes the design and overall architecture of the system, recent developments and the most important aspects of the framework implementation and features like real-time interactive monitoring plots, trend histograms, run log details, remote script execution, built-in widget concept (template tags), fine-granular authorization and others.