9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

Fast Kalman Filtering: new approaches for the LHCb upgrade

10 Jul 2018, 14:30
Hall 3.1 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 3.1

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 1 - Online computing T1 - Online computing


Placido Fernandez Declara (University Carlos III (ES))


In order to profit from the largely increased instantaneous luminosity provided by the accelerator in Run III (2021-2023), the upgraded LHCb detector will make usage of a fully software based trigger, with a real-time event reconstruction and selection performed at the bunch crossing rate of the LHC (~30 MHz). This assumption implies much tighter timing constraints for the event reconstruction than currently used in Run II (2015-2018). The reconstruction of particles’ trajectories passing through the LHCb detector uses, already at an early stage, the Kalman Filter, a linear quadratic estimator for the tracks parameters. In the present configuration, the Kalman Filter is one of the most time-consuming parts of the reconstruction. For this reason, different approaches are currently being explored in order to reduce its execution time while keeping high reconstruction performances. The latest developments and their impact will be presented. These include vectorization, use of different computer architectures, simplifications of the algorithm, use of a parametrized approach and changes in the formalism.


Placido Fernandez Declara (University Carlos III (ES))


Agnieszka Dziurda (CERN) Lucia Grillo (University of Manchester (GB)) Giulio Dujany (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Francesco Polci (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

Presentation materials